Does education affect employment?
Not everything in our time. well educated They can find work. Why is this happening? The modern world dictates its own rules and we all need to adapt to them. Listen to the advice of successful people.
In her blog, Anna Kiryanova raises this topic. She told the story of George Soros. He is now a well-known rich man and financier. His fortune is estimated at $44 billion. In his youth, he was poor and worked as a waiter. Even the restaurant owner's cat ate better than George. Sometimes the young man even had to eat after visitors.
People with good education
The most interesting thing is that George had prestige. He wanted to enter the financial sphere and firmly believed that this was his destiny. He studied a lot and studied psychology to achieve his goal.
In search of a new job, Soros sent letters with his candidacy. He acted in an original way: he wrote not to the personnel department, but directly to the most “chief bosses”. It was a presumptuous move, but one day a tycoon responded to George and set up a meeting. He liked the ambition of the young upstart.
After the meeting, Soros did not get a job. But I did. priceless advice. An experienced financier helped young George take off his rose-colored glasses and see the truth. It was this: regardless of education and knowledge, a young man needs strong connections to get a job. Every businessman or manager has a social circle. Good places go to relatives or friends. Everything's been distributed for a long time.
You can send a hundred resumes, go through the same interview and not find a job. It can hit self-esteem very hard. It would seem that there is knowledge, the desire to work too. You may not have enough experience, but how do you get it without a job? We need to find connections. It can be relatives, friends, acquaintances, people with whom he studied. And friends of friends or acquaintances. Social connections decide everything, so it is worth expanding your social circle.
Soros took the advice. Through a friend, he found a very profitable place. He got into the financial sphere, gradually developed and became rich. You only have to get lucky once. That's the secret to success. No wonder he wrote letters to the tycoons. No one offered him a job, but he gained invaluable experience.
Nobody wants to let a stranger into a closed system. Everyone wants it. find your place in the sun. “Why give in to others?” is the problem of capitalism. Of course, you can achieve something and go the easy way. But if you want a high position and a decent income, you can not do without connections.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=3-hM603Z9fY
Success and wealth
“Successful and rich people are a closed club. You can only get there on recommendation. Of course, there are exceptions. But it's more like a lottery. So if you want to get into the elite sphere, look for acquaintances.”
The story of George Soros inspires many young people. Our whole life is an experience. Even if you are not lucky, you need to draw positive conclusions from each situation. In this way we will be able to find the right path. You should also listen to the advice of successful people and learn from their mistakes. Never despair and go forward. Then you will surely be lucky!

In her blog, Anna Kiryanova raises this topic. She told the story of George Soros. He is now a well-known rich man and financier. His fortune is estimated at $44 billion. In his youth, he was poor and worked as a waiter. Even the restaurant owner's cat ate better than George. Sometimes the young man even had to eat after visitors.
People with good education

The most interesting thing is that George had prestige. He wanted to enter the financial sphere and firmly believed that this was his destiny. He studied a lot and studied psychology to achieve his goal.
In search of a new job, Soros sent letters with his candidacy. He acted in an original way: he wrote not to the personnel department, but directly to the most “chief bosses”. It was a presumptuous move, but one day a tycoon responded to George and set up a meeting. He liked the ambition of the young upstart.

After the meeting, Soros did not get a job. But I did. priceless advice. An experienced financier helped young George take off his rose-colored glasses and see the truth. It was this: regardless of education and knowledge, a young man needs strong connections to get a job. Every businessman or manager has a social circle. Good places go to relatives or friends. Everything's been distributed for a long time.
You can send a hundred resumes, go through the same interview and not find a job. It can hit self-esteem very hard. It would seem that there is knowledge, the desire to work too. You may not have enough experience, but how do you get it without a job? We need to find connections. It can be relatives, friends, acquaintances, people with whom he studied. And friends of friends or acquaintances. Social connections decide everything, so it is worth expanding your social circle.

Soros took the advice. Through a friend, he found a very profitable place. He got into the financial sphere, gradually developed and became rich. You only have to get lucky once. That's the secret to success. No wonder he wrote letters to the tycoons. No one offered him a job, but he gained invaluable experience.

Nobody wants to let a stranger into a closed system. Everyone wants it. find your place in the sun. “Why give in to others?” is the problem of capitalism. Of course, you can achieve something and go the easy way. But if you want a high position and a decent income, you can not do without connections.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=3-hM603Z9fY
Success and wealth

“Successful and rich people are a closed club. You can only get there on recommendation. Of course, there are exceptions. But it's more like a lottery. So if you want to get into the elite sphere, look for acquaintances.”

The story of George Soros inspires many young people. Our whole life is an experience. Even if you are not lucky, you need to draw positive conclusions from each situation. In this way we will be able to find the right path. You should also listen to the advice of successful people and learn from their mistakes. Never despair and go forward. Then you will surely be lucky!