The subtleties of baking mushrooms from a chef who worked in Amsterdam for 10 years

“How do I make mushrooms in the oven to surprise my husband’s relatives?” I asked a restaurant friend. And she says, "Take some hard cheese, 3 eggs and 1 bulb and make these." stuffed. Trust me, this snack flies off the table first!

After writing down the cooking method and thanking my friend, I started cooking. I love simple recipes with wow effect! And, in addition, the products are simple and affordable, which also cannot but rejoice. By the way, you can add a chicken as a filling, but since it is fasting, I decided to do without meat.

How to cook mushrooms in the oven Today edition "Site" Share the preparation instructions stuffed. It's a pure feast!

The ingredients
  • 1kg champignon
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 100g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 100g hard cheese
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • salt, pepper to taste

  1. Wash the mushrooms, clean and separate the legs from the caps. Cut the mushroom legs into small cubes. Onions also peel and chop finely.

  2. On a frying pan with vegetable oil, roast the onions until golden, and then add the crushed legs of the mushrooms to the onions. Roast for 7 minutes, stirring periodically.

  3. Boil the eggs and then cut them in cubes. Add the eggs to the onion mushrooms. Sodium cheese on a fine grater and half add to onions with mushrooms. Sprinkle and pepper to taste, mix. 19429

  4. The caps of mushrooms are laid out on deco, previously lubricated with vegetable oil. In the middle of each mushroom, lay out a small piece of butter, then a filling of mushrooms with cheese, onions and eggs. Put some grated cheese on top of the filling. Bake a snack in a preheated to 180 degrees oven for half an hour.

  5. That's all, fragrant. snack ready. Bon appetit!

I also want to know how to cook Julien in buns. This dish is prepared on the basis of mushrooms and sour cream!

From myself, I will say that after you separate the leg from the mushroom hat, you need to make a couple of punctures with a toothpick in the hat, and then pour some salt and pepper into them. Leave that for 15 minutes. Believe me, so mushroom hats come out even more tasty and they will not taste damp.

As a filling, you can add another tomato and pepper, cut in cubes. And, of course, boiled chicken will also perfectly complement this snack.

Now you know how to cook deliciously. mushrooms. Keep this recipe, believe me, you will need it again!


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