Husband grows mushrooms in garage, doesn't let anyone in, but I managed to get in

What conditions mushrooming Can they be recreated in any garage? It is no secret that business on such a food product can bring good money. Champignons are not the most fastidious culture, so even a beginner can cope with their cultivation. The main thing is to do everything according to the rules. So, let's get through the process.

First, it is worthwhile to understand that working with mushrooms will require a lot of effort, time and funds from you. This is an axiom for growing any plants, vegetables and fruits. To get harvestYou have to work hard. Also, you should think carefully about where you are going to grow mushrooms.

Peels is the most important thing. The Perfect Quartet For a generous harvest of mushrooms - this is moisture, ventilation, lighting and substrate. Let’s go through each item separately. Humidity is especially important for growing these mushrooms, because without it nothing will work. It is best to maintain the optimal degree of humidity in the range of 70-90%. The humidity of the soil should also be at the level. The substrate for mushrooms should not dry out, but it is also not recommended to pour it.

Champignons should not be exposed to direct sunlight or too bright artificial lighting. Arrange moderate lighting for them, just so you're comfortable taking care of the mushrooms in that light. Make sure the mushrooms are didn't bother the drafts. They are harmful to the growth of mushrooms. However, the possibility of airing the room should be in any case.

Depending on where the mushrooms will be grown, they can be built for fittingcrates or even use special perforated bags. Then in this container you need to fill a special compost, in which mushrooms will grow. Beginner gardeners can buy a ready-made substrate for growing mushrooms, although in general it can be prepared at home.

The best option is considered to be a substrate based on straw and horse manure. To prepare it, you will need 10 kg of wheat straw, 30 kg of manure, 200 g of urea, 800 g of gypsum and 500 g of chalk. Choose a suitable place in the garden or on the site where you wish mushroom In the future, it was covered with a thick film. Solom need to choose only fresh and before turning it into a substrate, you need to soak it in water for 1 day.

Unless you're planning on growing. champignonYou can place the substrate in a large box. Sprinkle the straw, dung and other ingredients in layers, and then stir the mixture and add some water. Cover everything with film and some kind of lid. Now you need to wait for the maturation of the substrate, periodically stirring it. It can take about 20 days to ripen. After that, you can plant the mycelium.

Ideal conditions for growing mushrooms at home Mycelium is a mushroom, from which in the future they are collected. champignon. It consists of thin white threads and a small cannon, similar to mold. It is best to buy mycelium in specialty stores or online. So you can choose different varieties of mushrooms, as well as get a healthy mushroom, without pathogenic bacteria.

The mushroom works on the principle of ordinary baker's yeast. It gets used to a new environment and then activates its growth. Carefully ensure that optimal conditions for mycelium growth are maintained in the room. The temperature is within 24-27 ° C and the humidity is about 90%. When you notice. growth mushrooms, which we call mushrooms, can slightly reduce the temperature and humidity in the room.

Before embarking on a new business, we recommend a more detailed study of the conditions of growing mushrooms. Explore thematic sites or talk to those who have successfully started doing this. For the experiment, you can buy a ready-made substrate with mycelium and practice growing. small The mushrooms are home. If you see and feel that the process is going well, then you can increase the scale of production.


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