The first bells that the spouses will soon go to the registry office to divorce
How to understand that a person has happy? People are used to comparing their relationships and the relationships of other couples, to equal imaginary ideals and embellish reality. But happiness is not about how you and your family look from the outside. The most important thing is a feeling of warmth and care, confidence in your loved ones and absolute honesty before them.
There are several basic points of a strong family. Focus on them, think about whether all the points apply to your family. If something is missing, think about how to fix it. Disadvantages are very easy to find, and you need to be able to maintain a strong relationship for the years of marriage. Here's what's at the core. Strong trusting relationships in the family.
Life becomes unbearable when you constantly suspect a partner of something. If something happened in the past that still bothers you, you need to make a decision: break up or forgive. And if you decide to forgive, never treat a companion as if he has to pay for his actions for life. Trust between spouses eliminates suspicion, jealousy and aggression towards a loved one. Trust between parents and children obliges both parties to respect each other’s choices and personal space.
You can be the strongest family in the world, but everyone should have their own space. Children have their own room, allotted time for hobbies and hobbies, their own personal diary, in which parents do not look out of curiosity. Same thing with spouses. As much as you love each other, your hobbies can vary, and that’s okay. Everyone has their own way of resting and ordering their thoughts. Give each other this opportunity and your family will be happy for years to come.
Who, if not your family, will support you in a difficult time? Caring comes in the little things. This is a cup of warm cocoa at the sight of a sad face. This is good advice without judgment and unconditional faith that people close to you will definitely come to their goal. It's important to let them know you're with them.
Romance and tenderness are present in the first couple of years of a relationship. Having an intimate life that satisfies both partners indicates a strong marriage relationship. Why look for someone on the side, if at home you are waiting for a charming beauty or passionate spouse?
Common household responsibilities are eating young families very quickly. Before living together, relationships seem like a fairy tale. And then you move in, and it turns out that the spouse throws socks around the house and considers cleaning not a man's business. The main thing here is to understand that there are no female and male duties in the house. You live together in the house, you should make it comfortable and feel comfortable together. This must be dealt with from the very beginning of life together, otherwise over time the marriage will crack at the seams.
What Destroys the Family: Insight, resentment and deception destroy trust. When the foundation of a relationship is destroyed, you cannot avoid emotional swings, accusations and resentments. Deception makes a loved one think that he is not worthy of trust and respect. Secretiveness incites jealousy and distrust, and without it, any relationship collapses.
Aggression Failure at work or a bad mood should not reflect on relatives. Translating arrows and attacking relatives will not lead to anything good. There are financial difficulties and difficult situations in life, but it is relatives and spouses who are created for support and love. These are the people you can come to and cry on your vest at any time, so they too deserve warmth and a kind word.
And here is what psychologist Anna Kiryanova says about this: The manner of attacking your own always ends badly. And a family where their own are not spared, where their own are attacked, will eventually weaken and die out, as it usually happens. A family in which they slander their own, deprive them of their property, humiliate, betray loved ones and insult relatives is no longer a family. It is a toxic and doomed place.”
Relationships are built on the separation of joys and adversity. The more we give, the more we get in return. You cannot create a happy family by being selfish. You can’t manipulate someone you care about for your own benefit. And loving people don’t do that easily. In a happy family, everything is in common: problems and joyful moments. Happy spouses strive to improve the well-being, life of each other.
The ability to trust, reasonable approach to solving common problems unites the family. It is important to remember that there are no other people’s problems, there are situations that are much easier to solve together. What do you think?
There are several basic points of a strong family. Focus on them, think about whether all the points apply to your family. If something is missing, think about how to fix it. Disadvantages are very easy to find, and you need to be able to maintain a strong relationship for the years of marriage. Here's what's at the core. Strong trusting relationships in the family.

Life becomes unbearable when you constantly suspect a partner of something. If something happened in the past that still bothers you, you need to make a decision: break up or forgive. And if you decide to forgive, never treat a companion as if he has to pay for his actions for life. Trust between spouses eliminates suspicion, jealousy and aggression towards a loved one. Trust between parents and children obliges both parties to respect each other’s choices and personal space.

You can be the strongest family in the world, but everyone should have their own space. Children have their own room, allotted time for hobbies and hobbies, their own personal diary, in which parents do not look out of curiosity. Same thing with spouses. As much as you love each other, your hobbies can vary, and that’s okay. Everyone has their own way of resting and ordering their thoughts. Give each other this opportunity and your family will be happy for years to come.

Who, if not your family, will support you in a difficult time? Caring comes in the little things. This is a cup of warm cocoa at the sight of a sad face. This is good advice without judgment and unconditional faith that people close to you will definitely come to their goal. It's important to let them know you're with them.

Romance and tenderness are present in the first couple of years of a relationship. Having an intimate life that satisfies both partners indicates a strong marriage relationship. Why look for someone on the side, if at home you are waiting for a charming beauty or passionate spouse?

Common household responsibilities are eating young families very quickly. Before living together, relationships seem like a fairy tale. And then you move in, and it turns out that the spouse throws socks around the house and considers cleaning not a man's business. The main thing here is to understand that there are no female and male duties in the house. You live together in the house, you should make it comfortable and feel comfortable together. This must be dealt with from the very beginning of life together, otherwise over time the marriage will crack at the seams.

What Destroys the Family: Insight, resentment and deception destroy trust. When the foundation of a relationship is destroyed, you cannot avoid emotional swings, accusations and resentments. Deception makes a loved one think that he is not worthy of trust and respect. Secretiveness incites jealousy and distrust, and without it, any relationship collapses.

Aggression Failure at work or a bad mood should not reflect on relatives. Translating arrows and attacking relatives will not lead to anything good. There are financial difficulties and difficult situations in life, but it is relatives and spouses who are created for support and love. These are the people you can come to and cry on your vest at any time, so they too deserve warmth and a kind word.

And here is what psychologist Anna Kiryanova says about this: The manner of attacking your own always ends badly. And a family where their own are not spared, where their own are attacked, will eventually weaken and die out, as it usually happens. A family in which they slander their own, deprive them of their property, humiliate, betray loved ones and insult relatives is no longer a family. It is a toxic and doomed place.”

Relationships are built on the separation of joys and adversity. The more we give, the more we get in return. You cannot create a happy family by being selfish. You can’t manipulate someone you care about for your own benefit. And loving people don’t do that easily. In a happy family, everything is in common: problems and joyful moments. Happy spouses strive to improve the well-being, life of each other.

The ability to trust, reasonable approach to solving common problems unites the family. It is important to remember that there are no other people’s problems, there are situations that are much easier to solve together. What do you think?
Chef confectioner grows strawberries for desserts himself, in the country, in the spring pours a nutritious mixture into strawberries
Accidentally saw the will on the coffee table by my mother’s bed, she cried, but read it.