Чем заплатила за успех Анжелика — маркиза ангелов
On January 1, her 82nd birthday was celebrated by the indomitable Angelica – the magnificent Michel Mercier. How did the star of a serial historical melodrama conquer the USSR and how does our parents’ favorite actress live today? The answers are in our article.
Indomitable Angelique Joslin Yvonne René Mercier (this is the real name of the actress) was born on the first day of 1939. Contrary to the stereotype, the girl never wanted to become an actress. Her dream was ballet. But fate wanted to do otherwise.
In the role of Angelica, the filmmakers saw one of the main beauties of the twentieth century - Brigitte Bardot. But she refused, citing fatigue from recent filming. The tests were carried out by beautiful blondes Marina Vlady, Jane Fonda, Catherine Deneuve ... However, the directors were not convinced by the game.
As a result, the role went to brunette Mercier. And the decisive factor here was the explosive temperament of the actress. Outraged by her rude treatment at the audition, the actress was furious. "No, I won't play Angelica!" she shouted as she left the set with a bullet.
GettyImages caught on camera a flash of anger and convinced everyone that before them the real Angelica - temperamental, seductive, brash and indomitable. That’s just to shoot a dark-haired actress had to wear wigs, which she just hated and then and then tore off himself right on the set.
Despite the censorship and rating of “16+”, a beautiful story about love, adventure and amazing turns of fate immediately after the release of the USSR became a cult. About 50 million people watched the film in theaters.
Newborn girls were named after Angelique. Demand for the novels of Anne and Serge Golon skyrocketed. And in the barbershops you could hear: “Make me a hairstyle like Angelica.”
The unprecedented popularity of the movie saga about Angelique brought Michelle Mercier not only world fame, but also the bitterness of disappointment. Like many actresses before, she became a hostage to one successful role.
GettyImages: The directors stopped seeing me as anyone but her. So Angelica for me and fate, and triumph, and a kind of curse, — said the star in an interview.
GettyImages The image of Angelica was associated with Mercier and the men with whom she tried to start a family. All her romances inevitably ended in a scandalous breakup. Not lived up to the hopes of the star and the last chosen one is a real Italian prince.
“I went with him to Italy, where we were to get married, but he suddenly changed and broke up with me. I haven’t seen anything good from men. And at some point I decided that it was better to be alone, admitted the actress.
GettyImages Time has ruthlessly treated Michelle Mercier. She failed to create a strong family, she has no children. In addition, in 2016, the actress was diagnosed with melanoma. But the indomitable Angelica remains true to herself: "Some people cry when they learn of such a diagnosis, but I remain stoic, as always."
Like her character, Merse never gives up or despairs. And we will forever remember the magnificent Michelle as a standard of beauty, femininity and charm, a true legend of world cinema.
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Indomitable Angelique Joslin Yvonne René Mercier (this is the real name of the actress) was born on the first day of 1939. Contrary to the stereotype, the girl never wanted to become an actress. Her dream was ballet. But fate wanted to do otherwise.

In the role of Angelica, the filmmakers saw one of the main beauties of the twentieth century - Brigitte Bardot. But she refused, citing fatigue from recent filming. The tests were carried out by beautiful blondes Marina Vlady, Jane Fonda, Catherine Deneuve ... However, the directors were not convinced by the game.

As a result, the role went to brunette Mercier. And the decisive factor here was the explosive temperament of the actress. Outraged by her rude treatment at the audition, the actress was furious. "No, I won't play Angelica!" she shouted as she left the set with a bullet.

GettyImages caught on camera a flash of anger and convinced everyone that before them the real Angelica - temperamental, seductive, brash and indomitable. That’s just to shoot a dark-haired actress had to wear wigs, which she just hated and then and then tore off himself right on the set.
Despite the censorship and rating of “16+”, a beautiful story about love, adventure and amazing turns of fate immediately after the release of the USSR became a cult. About 50 million people watched the film in theaters.

Newborn girls were named after Angelique. Demand for the novels of Anne and Serge Golon skyrocketed. And in the barbershops you could hear: “Make me a hairstyle like Angelica.”
The unprecedented popularity of the movie saga about Angelique brought Michelle Mercier not only world fame, but also the bitterness of disappointment. Like many actresses before, she became a hostage to one successful role.
GettyImages: The directors stopped seeing me as anyone but her. So Angelica for me and fate, and triumph, and a kind of curse, — said the star in an interview.

GettyImages The image of Angelica was associated with Mercier and the men with whom she tried to start a family. All her romances inevitably ended in a scandalous breakup. Not lived up to the hopes of the star and the last chosen one is a real Italian prince.
“I went with him to Italy, where we were to get married, but he suddenly changed and broke up with me. I haven’t seen anything good from men. And at some point I decided that it was better to be alone, admitted the actress.

GettyImages Time has ruthlessly treated Michelle Mercier. She failed to create a strong family, she has no children. In addition, in 2016, the actress was diagnosed with melanoma. But the indomitable Angelica remains true to herself: "Some people cry when they learn of such a diagnosis, but I remain stoic, as always."
Like her character, Merse never gives up or despairs. And we will forever remember the magnificent Michelle as a standard of beauty, femininity and charm, a true legend of world cinema.
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