What do popular emojis really mean?
We all actively use emoji in correspondence with each other. It is easier to express emotions and feelings: one smiley can more accurately describe the mood of the interlocutor, his reaction. Illustrators and designers are constantly working on new emoji concepts. They improve them to make it easier for us to communicate, for which they are very grateful. But what is the truth? smileyness? Who, when and why invented them, we will tell in this article.
Emoji emoji is a graphic language that appeared in Japan between 1998 and 1999. At first, they were simple pictograms that depicted the most basic emotions. Then emoji became actively used in corporate culture, which is why they are so closely intertwined with office themes. Who else, but a smiley, cute smiley, will dilute the gray everyday life behind the laptop screen?
At first, emojis could be found in the very first messengers such as ICQ (popular "Isk") or Skype. They were then added to email, social media and mobile phones. Smiley became more and more, and as a result accumulated a whole collection of various images. In addition to emotions, icons began to depict nature, food, weather, various objects.
We are accustomed to perceive emoji in our own way, and few people think about the real meaning of emojis. However, the creators wanted to put a certain meaning into each of them. Editorial "Site" It will tell you about the meanings of seven smileys that we used to misunderstand.
A melon - Melon
This is not an ordinary fruit, but a Japanese royal melon grown on the island of Hokkaido. Previously, the cost of one fruit was five million Japanese yen, which is equal to about 46 thousand US dollars! This smiley expresses luxury, and the royal melon is a traditional gift for a special celebration.
A bored face - Missing face
We use this smiley when we want to show that we are bored or uninteresting. In fact, the emoji expresses disgust, bad mood and irritation, not ordinary boredom.
A danger sign - Alarm sign
This icon may seem to indicate an alarm. However, according to the artist, this is a paper lantern that is used for lighting. This is often found in Japanese restaurants or cafes. In the icon, you can see the cylinder on which this cute flashlight is held.
Someone About Cry - The Weeping Face
“Well, you can clearly see that the emoji is ready to cry,” you will object. But according to the author's idea, the smiley should express need or help. In his sad eyes, according to Japanese artists, hides humility and worship of those who are willing to help. Smiley can also be a gesture of deep love. This is the strange Japanese culture.
Feel Shame - Feeling Shame
This cute emoji is usually sent in a message to express shame. In fact, these are the world-famous three monkeys: “see nothing, hear nothing, do not know.” The true meaning of a smiley is a reminder that sometimes you should be careful with what you see, hear and say.
Sarcasm, Irony - Sarcasm and Irony
This smiley expresses indifference. Something like when someone shrugs their shoulders. It’s great when you want to say, “I don’t care.”
Someone left speechless No words
An emoji without a lip stripe expresses frustration, frustration or sadness. For some reason, we used to think that this smiley just has nothing to say. Maybe it is, but his true emotion is silence in response to an unpleasant event.
Japanese culture never ceases to amaze with its strangeness. Even ordinary emoji they see quite differently. In fact, we've twisted the whole point. The most important thing is the emotions we want to convey. If you can easily understand each other, then the meaning and meaning can be slightly changed.

Emoji emoji is a graphic language that appeared in Japan between 1998 and 1999. At first, they were simple pictograms that depicted the most basic emotions. Then emoji became actively used in corporate culture, which is why they are so closely intertwined with office themes. Who else, but a smiley, cute smiley, will dilute the gray everyday life behind the laptop screen?

At first, emojis could be found in the very first messengers such as ICQ (popular "Isk") or Skype. They were then added to email, social media and mobile phones. Smiley became more and more, and as a result accumulated a whole collection of various images. In addition to emotions, icons began to depict nature, food, weather, various objects.

We are accustomed to perceive emoji in our own way, and few people think about the real meaning of emojis. However, the creators wanted to put a certain meaning into each of them. Editorial "Site" It will tell you about the meanings of seven smileys that we used to misunderstand.
A melon - Melon

This is not an ordinary fruit, but a Japanese royal melon grown on the island of Hokkaido. Previously, the cost of one fruit was five million Japanese yen, which is equal to about 46 thousand US dollars! This smiley expresses luxury, and the royal melon is a traditional gift for a special celebration.
A bored face - Missing face

We use this smiley when we want to show that we are bored or uninteresting. In fact, the emoji expresses disgust, bad mood and irritation, not ordinary boredom.
A danger sign - Alarm sign

This icon may seem to indicate an alarm. However, according to the artist, this is a paper lantern that is used for lighting. This is often found in Japanese restaurants or cafes. In the icon, you can see the cylinder on which this cute flashlight is held.
Someone About Cry - The Weeping Face

“Well, you can clearly see that the emoji is ready to cry,” you will object. But according to the author's idea, the smiley should express need or help. In his sad eyes, according to Japanese artists, hides humility and worship of those who are willing to help. Smiley can also be a gesture of deep love. This is the strange Japanese culture.
Feel Shame - Feeling Shame

This cute emoji is usually sent in a message to express shame. In fact, these are the world-famous three monkeys: “see nothing, hear nothing, do not know.” The true meaning of a smiley is a reminder that sometimes you should be careful with what you see, hear and say.
Sarcasm, Irony - Sarcasm and Irony

This smiley expresses indifference. Something like when someone shrugs their shoulders. It’s great when you want to say, “I don’t care.”
Someone left speechless No words

An emoji without a lip stripe expresses frustration, frustration or sadness. For some reason, we used to think that this smiley just has nothing to say. Maybe it is, but his true emotion is silence in response to an unpleasant event.
Japanese culture never ceases to amaze with its strangeness. Even ordinary emoji they see quite differently. In fact, we've twisted the whole point. The most important thing is the emotions we want to convey. If you can easily understand each other, then the meaning and meaning can be slightly changed.
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