Elevator cable

Design features of special elevator cables. Requirements of standards and varieties.
Special lift cables are used in mechanisms designed for inclined or vertical movement of goods. The features of such conductors include the ability to switch mobile electrical equipment. Consider the performance, control tests and varieties of special elevator cables.

Conductors for switching hoisting-and-transport mechanisms are conductive stranded conductors made of electrical copper. The special twist pitch gives the products additional flexibility.
The structure of the elevator cable necessarily includes a supporting element - a hemp rope or a steel cable, depending on the purpose of the product. The outer sheath is usually made of PVC compound. It should not spread combustion in single and group laying. It is allowed to use other materials that do not contain silicone and cadmium. The surface of the casing should not interfere with the paint application.
Control tests
Domestic products must comply with the requirements of the interstate standard GOST IEC 60227-6-2011. Its content is absolutely identical to the international document IEC 60227-6: 1985.
During control tests of a batch, the cable passes the following checks:
- electrical tests;
- measuring the thickness of the shell and insulation;
- high temperature pressure test;
- testing for elasticity and impact resistance at low temperatures;
- static flexibility test;
- check for non-propagation of combustion.

Consider the types of elevator cables that are used in modern elevator installations of buildings and structures for residential, public and industrial purposes:
- KPLU. A popular type of product used in freight and passenger elevators. It is characterized by the presence of reinforcing steel cables that increase the breaking load. Average service life - 1,000,000 working cycles;
- KPL. Classic flat copper cable for freight and passenger lifts, the speed of which does not exceed 4 km / h. Average service life - 1,000,000 working cycles;
- KPLK. Combo cable with additional twisted pairs. Designed to connect video surveillance systems and feedback to the dispatcher. Average service life - 5,000,000 operating cycles.
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