Why does your ex-husband come back when you’re not expecting him?
People fall in love, meet, get married and, unfortunately, sometimes separate. It's better to separate if you don't fit together. Otherwise, you will have to suffer in relationships that do not bring happiness. In this article, the editorial board "Site" try to find out, Why do exes come back?.
Why exes come back can be a long time after the breakup. You can be in a new relationship or just enjoy the freedom to be alone. However, there may come a time when you meet your ex at a party or just somewhere in town. At such moments, memories float and somewhere inside the thought that you are still attracted to each other. Many people know this story, don’t they? This is because not everyone can completely let go of the past. As a result, there is a risk of dipping into an old relationship or fixating on the fact that the best partner can not be found.
Speaking about the return of the former, opinions differ: some believe in true love, others believe that a broken cup can no longer be glued together. In any case, each relationship is individual. You just have to listen to yourself, your heart. However, it is useful sometimes to look at such situations from the outside. We will try to identify the main reasons why we are drawn to past relationships.
Most often, you want to return everything if the relationship is not yet completed. A kind of unclosed gestalt: quarrels, conflicts, unsaid words. Also, often we can not let go of the former lover because of wounded pride. Because sometimes behind the feeling of love lies our inner ego. Or the opposite happens – the woman left herself, and then she came to her senses and decided to return.
Our brain is designed so that after a while we forget all the bad things. Good memories are covered with nostalgia and it seems that all is not lost. At times like this, it feels like you've made a mistake and the relationship needs to be given another chance. But people rarely change: returning to the old relationship, there is a risk of stepping on the old rake.
Not everyone can feel comfortable alone. In addition, after a breakup with a partner, a void may appear inside, which breeds loneliness. Because of the lack of emotions, women begin to think about their ex. Thinking about calling, writing a message, somehow reminding yourself.
After a completed relationship, many mutual friends or acquaintances remain. There may also be common places you have visited. Forgetting each other will be even more difficult. Sometimes you get nostalgic and start going to the same cafe where your first date was, hoping to meet again. And if that happens, you may decide to "enter the same river twice."
And then the former man can be endowed with obvious advantages. He can stand out from the rest of his beauty, intelligence, excellent sense of humor. Some are constantly comparing new men to their exes. To be honest, no one wants to lower the bar. However, for some reason, you have separated. So something didn't suit you. In addition, such thoughts are another illusion. You will meet someone who will truly love you and will never let you go.
Also, during a relationship, we lose the ability to meet or flirt. In addition, complexes that, incidentally, could appear during the breakup of relations play a large role. Therefore, it may seem that it is easier to return to a former, “native” man than to start a new relationship. In fact, this is a big misconception.
What do you do if you really want to get past relationships back? First, you need to analyze why the past relationship did not work out. It is worth considering your mistakes, so as not to repeat them with a new chosen one. You also need to understand what drives the desire to return the ex: hurt pride, low self-esteem, banal habit? In the first months after the breakup, an incredible cocktail of hormones and emotions gets into the brain, which are difficult to cope with, digest everything. First you need to calm down and return to the issue with a sober head.
Finding time for yourself really does heal. Sometimes you need to give yourself a little, maybe more time to calm down. During this period, it is worth doing yourself - it can be sports, hobbies, courses, everything that in a relationship was relegated to the background. You should also get rid of things that remind you of your ex. And, of course, when all is well, be ready for a new relationship. But before that, you need to completely and correctly let go of your past. Do you think it’s possible to get love back, or you can’t glue a broken cup anymore?

Why exes come back can be a long time after the breakup. You can be in a new relationship or just enjoy the freedom to be alone. However, there may come a time when you meet your ex at a party or just somewhere in town. At such moments, memories float and somewhere inside the thought that you are still attracted to each other. Many people know this story, don’t they? This is because not everyone can completely let go of the past. As a result, there is a risk of dipping into an old relationship or fixating on the fact that the best partner can not be found.

Speaking about the return of the former, opinions differ: some believe in true love, others believe that a broken cup can no longer be glued together. In any case, each relationship is individual. You just have to listen to yourself, your heart. However, it is useful sometimes to look at such situations from the outside. We will try to identify the main reasons why we are drawn to past relationships.
Most often, you want to return everything if the relationship is not yet completed. A kind of unclosed gestalt: quarrels, conflicts, unsaid words. Also, often we can not let go of the former lover because of wounded pride. Because sometimes behind the feeling of love lies our inner ego. Or the opposite happens – the woman left herself, and then she came to her senses and decided to return.

Our brain is designed so that after a while we forget all the bad things. Good memories are covered with nostalgia and it seems that all is not lost. At times like this, it feels like you've made a mistake and the relationship needs to be given another chance. But people rarely change: returning to the old relationship, there is a risk of stepping on the old rake.

Not everyone can feel comfortable alone. In addition, after a breakup with a partner, a void may appear inside, which breeds loneliness. Because of the lack of emotions, women begin to think about their ex. Thinking about calling, writing a message, somehow reminding yourself.

After a completed relationship, many mutual friends or acquaintances remain. There may also be common places you have visited. Forgetting each other will be even more difficult. Sometimes you get nostalgic and start going to the same cafe where your first date was, hoping to meet again. And if that happens, you may decide to "enter the same river twice."

And then the former man can be endowed with obvious advantages. He can stand out from the rest of his beauty, intelligence, excellent sense of humor. Some are constantly comparing new men to their exes. To be honest, no one wants to lower the bar. However, for some reason, you have separated. So something didn't suit you. In addition, such thoughts are another illusion. You will meet someone who will truly love you and will never let you go.

Also, during a relationship, we lose the ability to meet or flirt. In addition, complexes that, incidentally, could appear during the breakup of relations play a large role. Therefore, it may seem that it is easier to return to a former, “native” man than to start a new relationship. In fact, this is a big misconception.

What do you do if you really want to get past relationships back? First, you need to analyze why the past relationship did not work out. It is worth considering your mistakes, so as not to repeat them with a new chosen one. You also need to understand what drives the desire to return the ex: hurt pride, low self-esteem, banal habit? In the first months after the breakup, an incredible cocktail of hormones and emotions gets into the brain, which are difficult to cope with, digest everything. First you need to calm down and return to the issue with a sober head.

Finding time for yourself really does heal. Sometimes you need to give yourself a little, maybe more time to calm down. During this period, it is worth doing yourself - it can be sports, hobbies, courses, everything that in a relationship was relegated to the background. You should also get rid of things that remind you of your ex. And, of course, when all is well, be ready for a new relationship. But before that, you need to completely and correctly let go of your past. Do you think it’s possible to get love back, or you can’t glue a broken cup anymore?
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