What houses build the Germans, so that parents were always in front of their eyes, but lived separately
There is a common wisdom that says that two housewives in the kitchen will never get along. Like the two owners in the garage. Living with your parents can be a challenge for many. But what to do if for good reasons live apart - Not an option? Editorial "Site" It will tell you about the solution that the smart Germans came up with.
Living apart from our parents, of course. It is important to have personal space.A place where we feel like masters. But we do not want to leave to the mercy of parents who need our support. And there is no better helper in the care of children than relatives. It turns out that you can live with your parents, but separately. Sounds weird? Maybe. But not for the people of Germany.
© Freepik Recently my friend went to live abroad. He always tells a lot about how people live in Germany, how their life is different from ours. Some stories really surprise and inspire me. For example, advanced Germans have long forgotten what quarrels with parents are. No one accuses anyone of snoring or dirty plates in the sink. And all thanks to an innovation called in Germany. Zweifamilienhaus – a house of two families.
Do not confuse this type of house with a typical duplex. Both involve a home where two families can live. However, Zweifamilienhaus has some features. I was so interested in the example of happy Germans that I spent the whole evening reading articles about these wonder houses.
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A post shared by MH Massivhaus GmbH & Co. KG (@mh_massivhaus)
Features of the German house for two families Well, first I will tell you about typical design of Zweifamilienhaus. The main entrance of such a house is designed for a family with several children who need more space. It has a separate entrance for the car. On the side of it is another entrance for the car, only a little smaller - for the second family. There is also a small area for relaxation, where you can meet with friends and sit in the sun.
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A post shared by WeberHaus GmbH & Co. KG (@weberhaus)
First floor. divided into two sections. One is bigger and the other a little smaller. A small part of the house includes everything necessary for a comfortable life of two people of retirement age: a bedroom, a toilet and a bathroom, a washing room, a kitchen-living room. There is no access to the second floor, because older people do not really want to run back and forth on the stairs.
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A post shared by Fertighaus.de (@fertighausde)
Some of them are designed for the younger generation. It consists of a kitchen-living room with a fireplace, a guest bathroom, a storage room, a boiler room and stairs to the second floor. Second floor. There are children's rooms, main bedroom, guest bedroom, bathroom with toilet and dressing room.
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A post shared by Bien Zenker GmbH (@bienzenker)
Such a house is significant It makes life easier for both families.It saves time and money, and most importantly, nerves. You can be visiting your parents in a matter of seconds, just by turning around the corner of the house. But at the same time, you have separate dwellings, a private space where no one teaches anyone about life. And no problems in the care of young children - assistants on the side. As you can see, live apartBut with them, it is absolutely real. The Germans were a great proof of that.
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A post shared by Trausnitz MassivHaus Bau GmbH (@trausnitzmassivhaus)
This kind of house has become my new dream. I hope that in the future I will be able to acquire such a home and maintain a strong relationship with my parents. In general, such houses should become a normal practice in Russia. How about that?

Living apart from our parents, of course. It is important to have personal space.A place where we feel like masters. But we do not want to leave to the mercy of parents who need our support. And there is no better helper in the care of children than relatives. It turns out that you can live with your parents, but separately. Sounds weird? Maybe. But not for the people of Germany.

© Freepik Recently my friend went to live abroad. He always tells a lot about how people live in Germany, how their life is different from ours. Some stories really surprise and inspire me. For example, advanced Germans have long forgotten what quarrels with parents are. No one accuses anyone of snoring or dirty plates in the sink. And all thanks to an innovation called in Germany. Zweifamilienhaus – a house of two families.
Do not confuse this type of house with a typical duplex. Both involve a home where two families can live. However, Zweifamilienhaus has some features. I was so interested in the example of happy Germans that I spent the whole evening reading articles about these wonder houses.
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A post shared by MH Massivhaus GmbH & Co. KG (@mh_massivhaus)
Features of the German house for two families Well, first I will tell you about typical design of Zweifamilienhaus. The main entrance of such a house is designed for a family with several children who need more space. It has a separate entrance for the car. On the side of it is another entrance for the car, only a little smaller - for the second family. There is also a small area for relaxation, where you can meet with friends and sit in the sun.
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A post shared by WeberHaus GmbH & Co. KG (@weberhaus)
First floor. divided into two sections. One is bigger and the other a little smaller. A small part of the house includes everything necessary for a comfortable life of two people of retirement age: a bedroom, a toilet and a bathroom, a washing room, a kitchen-living room. There is no access to the second floor, because older people do not really want to run back and forth on the stairs.
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A post shared by Fertighaus.de (@fertighausde)
Some of them are designed for the younger generation. It consists of a kitchen-living room with a fireplace, a guest bathroom, a storage room, a boiler room and stairs to the second floor. Second floor. There are children's rooms, main bedroom, guest bedroom, bathroom with toilet and dressing room.
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A post shared by Bien Zenker GmbH (@bienzenker)
Such a house is significant It makes life easier for both families.It saves time and money, and most importantly, nerves. You can be visiting your parents in a matter of seconds, just by turning around the corner of the house. But at the same time, you have separate dwellings, a private space where no one teaches anyone about life. And no problems in the care of young children - assistants on the side. As you can see, live apartBut with them, it is absolutely real. The Germans were a great proof of that.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Trausnitz MassivHaus Bau GmbH (@trausnitzmassivhaus)
This kind of house has become my new dream. I hope that in the future I will be able to acquire such a home and maintain a strong relationship with my parents. In general, such houses should become a normal practice in Russia. How about that?
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