Confession of a masseur, before whom it is easy to remove the clothes of women of different ages
A good massage therapist is a person who can improve well-being in one massage session. He knows how to act on soft tissues to relax muscles and improve blood circulation. Massage is needed not only when the back begins to hurt. It is best to do preventive massage, especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Only with all the desire, many representatives of the fair sex are ashamed to go to a massage.
When it comes to therapeutic massage and back pain unbearable, it defeats any shame. Complexes associated with appearance, shortcomings, interfere with relaxation, and sometimes even make massage therapists afraid. Only masseurs themselves assure that it is superfluous. Experts are used to seeing not flaws, but problems with which patients come. They also massage dozens of people every day.
On the Internet, a masseur became famous, who told how he sees people. Dave Favier speaks not as a masseur but as a poet. For him, the human body, whatever it is, is beautiful. Dave has been working as a masseuse for many years and says there is nothing to be ashamed of.
“I’ve been working as a masseuse for so long that at the first sight of a passer-by I know what a person would look like on my desk.” Even the models in the photo of glossy magazines in real life do not look like in the picture. There's something unfinished about skinny, slightly bony people, and it's beautiful. People with lush shapes have a small tummy, and this is also attractive.
Women are ashamed of cellulite, everyone has it. It's not a flaw, it's natural. This is a sign that the person was not born in Photoshop, did not subject the body to “beauty” procedures. Most clients are women, men are less frequent. They have funny buttocks. Their fabrics are softer, so you need to be careful with men.
No matter how healthy older people are, their bodies wrinkle over time. Wrinkles and folds are not only in the elderly, as a person grows older, folds and wrinkles appear on his body. This is a natural continuous process, and you should not be ashamed of it.
Everyone is beautiful in my massage chair. There are no ugly people, there are unloved and forgotten. When a person comes to a session, he removes his mask with clothes and becomes himself. After a few minutes, the person relaxes, begins to shine from the inside. I'm in this business just for the shine. We masseuses like to take care of people.”
This is such a sincere story of one very caring masseur. It is amazing how a person who loves his work with all his heart can convey warmth to other people. Not everyone, of course, so poetically perceives the human body, but one thing is clear: the constraint here is unnecessary. Professionals pay attention only to how to improve the condition of the client, if he has any complaints or wishes. A massage therapist with a medical background is better versed in physiology. But that doesn’t mean that those who have completed courses are making their jobs worse. Everything comes with experience.
After a massage session, your head may be slightly dizzy, this is normal. There is a rush of blood to the brain. But pain should not be, they can last 2-3 sessions in the case of therapeutic massage, and then the muscles relax and come tone. A good masseur is polite, neat and neat. He has clean, well-groomed hands, he tries to find a common language with each client. Be healthy and do not be ashamed of your body, it is better to go for a massage and relax at the end of the week, it is very pleasant.

When it comes to therapeutic massage and back pain unbearable, it defeats any shame. Complexes associated with appearance, shortcomings, interfere with relaxation, and sometimes even make massage therapists afraid. Only masseurs themselves assure that it is superfluous. Experts are used to seeing not flaws, but problems with which patients come. They also massage dozens of people every day.

On the Internet, a masseur became famous, who told how he sees people. Dave Favier speaks not as a masseur but as a poet. For him, the human body, whatever it is, is beautiful. Dave has been working as a masseuse for many years and says there is nothing to be ashamed of.
“I’ve been working as a masseuse for so long that at the first sight of a passer-by I know what a person would look like on my desk.” Even the models in the photo of glossy magazines in real life do not look like in the picture. There's something unfinished about skinny, slightly bony people, and it's beautiful. People with lush shapes have a small tummy, and this is also attractive.

Women are ashamed of cellulite, everyone has it. It's not a flaw, it's natural. This is a sign that the person was not born in Photoshop, did not subject the body to “beauty” procedures. Most clients are women, men are less frequent. They have funny buttocks. Their fabrics are softer, so you need to be careful with men.

No matter how healthy older people are, their bodies wrinkle over time. Wrinkles and folds are not only in the elderly, as a person grows older, folds and wrinkles appear on his body. This is a natural continuous process, and you should not be ashamed of it.
Everyone is beautiful in my massage chair. There are no ugly people, there are unloved and forgotten. When a person comes to a session, he removes his mask with clothes and becomes himself. After a few minutes, the person relaxes, begins to shine from the inside. I'm in this business just for the shine. We masseuses like to take care of people.”

This is such a sincere story of one very caring masseur. It is amazing how a person who loves his work with all his heart can convey warmth to other people. Not everyone, of course, so poetically perceives the human body, but one thing is clear: the constraint here is unnecessary. Professionals pay attention only to how to improve the condition of the client, if he has any complaints or wishes. A massage therapist with a medical background is better versed in physiology. But that doesn’t mean that those who have completed courses are making their jobs worse. Everything comes with experience.

After a massage session, your head may be slightly dizzy, this is normal. There is a rush of blood to the brain. But pain should not be, they can last 2-3 sessions in the case of therapeutic massage, and then the muscles relax and come tone. A good masseur is polite, neat and neat. He has clean, well-groomed hands, he tries to find a common language with each client. Be healthy and do not be ashamed of your body, it is better to go for a massage and relax at the end of the week, it is very pleasant.
Lonely Christmas, or the Story of an Old Woman, Whom Her Son Did Not Congratulate on the Holidays
Why Christmas is going to be fantastic this year, according to a cute fortune teller