How often to ventilate a room to drive the coronavirus away
The fact that housing should be regularly aired to let in clean air, we know from childhood. But after the start of the pandemic, comments about the need to ventilate the premises began to sound from every expert. How important is it, whether airing helps protect against coronavirus and how to ventilate the room Yours at all?
Usually the air outside the room is much cleaner than inside. Therefore, airing the place where you study, work or live is an easy way to breathe more fresh air and feel better.
How necessary is that? According to the WHO, polluted air kills several million people every year around the world. The most dangerous is the air in rooms where people drown with firewood, coal or even recycled manure. Although in a city apartment there are many factors that worsen the air quality.
Already we can safely say that most people are infected with coronavirus indoors. Church, office, restaurant, hostel – places that are not safe to visit. After all, the main method of transmission of infection is implemented here - from person to person when talking, coughing or sneezing.
And if heavy infected droplets quickly descend to the surface, then small particles circulate with the air. Therefore, it is enough to be in such an unventilated room, inhaling contaminated air to catch COVID-19. And no amount of distance can save you.
Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate rooms in which many people regularly visit. However, airing is only part of prevention. This is as much a way to reduce risks as keeping social distance, wearing masks, disinfecting surfaces, and thoroughly washing your hands with soap.
Ventilation also helps to get rid of cigarette smoke, which easily spreads indoors, settles on clothes and various surfaces. Breathing them is not only unpleasant, but also very harmful, especially for children.
It is necessary to ventilate after cooking on a gas stove. After all, nitric oxide is formed here, the inhalation of which makes the body defenseless against respiratory infections. Therefore, you need to regularly use the hood or ventilate.
How often you need to ventilate the room as often as possible. For example, in the summer, experts advise to ventilate the house every hour, opening the window for 10-15 minutes. In the cold season, many forget about airing, which is completely in vain. After all, even in winter you need to ventilate your home at least 4-5 times a day for at least a few minutes.
Many people are afraid of the draft in vain. The common cold and COVID-19 are viral diseases. They are not related to the fact that a person is simply “blown”. But sitting in a draft is still not worth it. And if there are small children in the room you are going to ventilate, it is better to send them to another, already ventilated room for the time of airing.
Of course, more often ventilate the house is in the case when there is clean air outside the window. But if you live in an apartment near the highway, then ventilation will not bring much benefit. Such people should get houseplants that help clean the air.
In some cases, you can not do without an air purifier at home. You just need to understand that in any really effective device there is a filter that will have to be changed regularly. If this is not done, then this air purifier will not be useful.

Usually the air outside the room is much cleaner than inside. Therefore, airing the place where you study, work or live is an easy way to breathe more fresh air and feel better.
How necessary is that? According to the WHO, polluted air kills several million people every year around the world. The most dangerous is the air in rooms where people drown with firewood, coal or even recycled manure. Although in a city apartment there are many factors that worsen the air quality.

Already we can safely say that most people are infected with coronavirus indoors. Church, office, restaurant, hostel – places that are not safe to visit. After all, the main method of transmission of infection is implemented here - from person to person when talking, coughing or sneezing.
And if heavy infected droplets quickly descend to the surface, then small particles circulate with the air. Therefore, it is enough to be in such an unventilated room, inhaling contaminated air to catch COVID-19. And no amount of distance can save you.

Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate rooms in which many people regularly visit. However, airing is only part of prevention. This is as much a way to reduce risks as keeping social distance, wearing masks, disinfecting surfaces, and thoroughly washing your hands with soap.
Ventilation also helps to get rid of cigarette smoke, which easily spreads indoors, settles on clothes and various surfaces. Breathing them is not only unpleasant, but also very harmful, especially for children.
It is necessary to ventilate after cooking on a gas stove. After all, nitric oxide is formed here, the inhalation of which makes the body defenseless against respiratory infections. Therefore, you need to regularly use the hood or ventilate.

How often you need to ventilate the room as often as possible. For example, in the summer, experts advise to ventilate the house every hour, opening the window for 10-15 minutes. In the cold season, many forget about airing, which is completely in vain. After all, even in winter you need to ventilate your home at least 4-5 times a day for at least a few minutes.

Many people are afraid of the draft in vain. The common cold and COVID-19 are viral diseases. They are not related to the fact that a person is simply “blown”. But sitting in a draft is still not worth it. And if there are small children in the room you are going to ventilate, it is better to send them to another, already ventilated room for the time of airing.
Of course, more often ventilate the house is in the case when there is clean air outside the window. But if you live in an apartment near the highway, then ventilation will not bring much benefit. Such people should get houseplants that help clean the air.

In some cases, you can not do without an air purifier at home. You just need to understand that in any really effective device there is a filter that will have to be changed regularly. If this is not done, then this air purifier will not be useful.
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