The story of a dissatisfied husband that requires a divorce because of the fatness of his wife
Disgruntled husband - grief in the family. So is the disgruntled wife. Agree, the mood of one spouse often depends on how the other will feel. And if one of the partners begins to accumulate discontent, a serious quarrel or even divorce is not far off.
© Freepik That's what happened to the hero of today's story. Yevgeny plans to divorce his wife, whom he sought in his time. Among the many typical and possible reasons, the first place was taken by the indignation of a man with the appearance of his chosen one. But can extra pounds seriously lead to the end of a relationship?
My life changed forever when I met Marina. I remember that day in great detail. My colleagues and I decided to have dinner at a new restaurant downtown. They ordered a table, came, and at the entrance she met us. Then my future wife worked in a hostess.
She smiled softly and walked us to our table. Throughout the evening I could not take my eyes off her: tall, slim and graceful. A real dream! I did not build castles in the air. So I went to the flower room and came back with a huge bouquet for her. Marina was shocked, it was clear that this had never happened to her.
After work, I took her home. We walked and talked about everything. I learned that Marina comes from a poor family who lives in the province. She came to the capital to find a decent job and help her parents. She chose the restaurant because they helped her with food. Therefore, all the money saved on this she sends home.
I wanted to do something for Marina. Our relationship developed very rapidly. I gave her gifts, and soon helped get a job with my friend. Although the job was more prestigious, Marinka had to sit in the office all day. The team is female, without talking over a cup of tea and a pack of sweets could not do a single day.
By then, we had moved in together, and I began to notice that Marina was getting fat. I didn’t like it, and I told her that it shouldn’t be like that. He suggested we go to the gym together. She happily agreed, and soon everything returned to normal.
We played a magnificent wedding, and 3 years later Marinka became pregnant. In 9 months she scored decently, but I knew it was normal. Always catered to her whims, even if it was sushi at 2am or fried potatoes for breakfast. After the birth, the wife quickly got into shape. She probably didn’t like the way she looked anymore.
But when Marina returned to work from maternity leave, some kind of hell began. It felt like she was eating up all the problems she didn't want to tell me. And at home she was only enough for a couple of dry phrases at dinner and "Get off and sleep already" before bedtime.
My wife began to gain weight rapidly. I thought it was over, so I asked her to work with me again. But this time she flatly refused. On weekends, I could sit down for a show with a plate of that potato and forget about everything. Unexpectedly, the mark on the scales exceeded 90.
Marinka was not even 40, and she looked very tired. The first health complaints, the first shortness of breath, the first signs of passive aggression. I didn't want to live with that woman, I didn't like her anymore. Although I told her more than once that something had to be done about it, she just waved her hand at me.
The daughter began to follow the example of her mother and also recovered. But with the baby everything is much simpler: I took her nutrition and activity under my control, recorded for swimming. It tasted good and was even pleased with this innovation.
And here's Marina. It hurts me to look at her. She doesn’t listen to my advice and is very distant from me. The only logical solution in this situation is divorce. Why live with someone who doesn’t attract me? Let him look for a fat man like her.
Love doesn’t have to have an expiration date and weight limits, does it? However, sometimes our expectations do not coincide with reality. And in the real world with its fuss and problems to people It is not always possible to find a common language. In this case, the help of a third, disinterested person is great. Like a family psychologist. Who knows, maybe he would have helped both the main character of the story and his wife. But that's another story altogether...
What would you advise Evgeny and do you think his decision is right? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments!

© Freepik That's what happened to the hero of today's story. Yevgeny plans to divorce his wife, whom he sought in his time. Among the many typical and possible reasons, the first place was taken by the indignation of a man with the appearance of his chosen one. But can extra pounds seriously lead to the end of a relationship?
My life changed forever when I met Marina. I remember that day in great detail. My colleagues and I decided to have dinner at a new restaurant downtown. They ordered a table, came, and at the entrance she met us. Then my future wife worked in a hostess.
She smiled softly and walked us to our table. Throughout the evening I could not take my eyes off her: tall, slim and graceful. A real dream! I did not build castles in the air. So I went to the flower room and came back with a huge bouquet for her. Marina was shocked, it was clear that this had never happened to her.

After work, I took her home. We walked and talked about everything. I learned that Marina comes from a poor family who lives in the province. She came to the capital to find a decent job and help her parents. She chose the restaurant because they helped her with food. Therefore, all the money saved on this she sends home.
I wanted to do something for Marina. Our relationship developed very rapidly. I gave her gifts, and soon helped get a job with my friend. Although the job was more prestigious, Marinka had to sit in the office all day. The team is female, without talking over a cup of tea and a pack of sweets could not do a single day.

By then, we had moved in together, and I began to notice that Marina was getting fat. I didn’t like it, and I told her that it shouldn’t be like that. He suggested we go to the gym together. She happily agreed, and soon everything returned to normal.
We played a magnificent wedding, and 3 years later Marinka became pregnant. In 9 months she scored decently, but I knew it was normal. Always catered to her whims, even if it was sushi at 2am or fried potatoes for breakfast. After the birth, the wife quickly got into shape. She probably didn’t like the way she looked anymore.
But when Marina returned to work from maternity leave, some kind of hell began. It felt like she was eating up all the problems she didn't want to tell me. And at home she was only enough for a couple of dry phrases at dinner and "Get off and sleep already" before bedtime.
My wife began to gain weight rapidly. I thought it was over, so I asked her to work with me again. But this time she flatly refused. On weekends, I could sit down for a show with a plate of that potato and forget about everything. Unexpectedly, the mark on the scales exceeded 90.

Marinka was not even 40, and she looked very tired. The first health complaints, the first shortness of breath, the first signs of passive aggression. I didn't want to live with that woman, I didn't like her anymore. Although I told her more than once that something had to be done about it, she just waved her hand at me.
The daughter began to follow the example of her mother and also recovered. But with the baby everything is much simpler: I took her nutrition and activity under my control, recorded for swimming. It tasted good and was even pleased with this innovation.

And here's Marina. It hurts me to look at her. She doesn’t listen to my advice and is very distant from me. The only logical solution in this situation is divorce. Why live with someone who doesn’t attract me? Let him look for a fat man like her.
Love doesn’t have to have an expiration date and weight limits, does it? However, sometimes our expectations do not coincide with reality. And in the real world with its fuss and problems to people It is not always possible to find a common language. In this case, the help of a third, disinterested person is great. Like a family psychologist. Who knows, maybe he would have helped both the main character of the story and his wife. But that's another story altogether...
What would you advise Evgeny and do you think his decision is right? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments!
What to throw out of the kitchen so that the husband does not leave the hearth
A snack made of eggplant, which the husband planned only to try, and ate two plates at once