Why Mikhail Labkovsky asks not to retire with a bottle, if bad, and go to a psychologist
“I promoted psychology for everyone so that a person, when he is ill, does not retire with a bottle, but turns to a psychologist or psychiatrist,” – these words belong to Mikhail Labkovsky, a psychologist with more than 30 years of experience. The famous specialist collects full rooms, all known media talk about him and write about him, and his books become bestsellers. Editorial "Site" I watched many of Labkovsky’s online lectures, studied the best books, and now I’m sharing with you his most remarkable and at the same time poignant quotes.
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By the way, online lectures by Mikhail Labkovsky are available for everyone. You can watch them on the psychologist’s personal YouTube channel. There, the man answers in detail popular questions of fans, and also broadcasts on pressing topics: how to love yourself, raise self-esteem, stop depending on the opinion of others and many other problems of everyone.
The best quotes of Mikhail Labkovsky
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“Suppose you are a beautiful blonde. You got it. But if you are sure that your nose is large, your stomach is also crooked and in general your legs are curved, then you lose in advance to a long-nosed, crooked, but confident brown-haired woman with a microscopic bust. “Loneliness is not when no one wants you, no one calls you or writes you. Loneliness is a feeling of inner emptiness. First of all, it is about the fact that you do not need yourself, and therefore you are not interesting to others.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“The cause of women’s problems is not that he acts like a goat. The real reason is that she has a neurosis that needs an outlet. To find a way out, you need a certain person and relationships in which she can suffer. She enters into such a relationship because she has a psychic need for it since childhood.” “The only quality your partner should have is that he is hooked. Everything else plays no role at all. If you love him, worry about him, worry about him, then there are no “bars”. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
In our country to suffer is a favorite national fun. “A sign of mental health is when what you think and what you feel coincide.” “People with stable minds and a clear understanding of what they want out of life don’t need to find out what others think of them.” “Love as a victim is only an attempt to repeat one’s childhood experiences. And if the relationship with the parents was tense and unhealthy, love in a person is associated with a feeling of loss, fear, longing and loneliness. He is looking for a partner in which resentment and feelings of humiliation are well placed. A partner to whom he feels like a victim. Such a person is usually easy to find.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“It is normal to want to give birth. It is not normal to want only that.” “I’ll be a great hostess, I’ll learn how to cook, I’ll look the best, and then someone will see my talent!” – so says, not necessarily out loud, most women. Dear ones! No one will love you for luxurious eyelashes, borscht with a cutlet and a compliant character. They love something else! “There are people who do not live but solve problems regularly. They feel bad when there's no problem. Conversely, if there is a problem and it needs to be solved, they are in the comfort zone. Such a complete inability to relax.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“Communication on the Internet relieves tension, but also increases desire. And if this desire is not satisfied for a long time, the feeling of loneliness only grows. Negotiations on the phone and correspondence in social networks are only good if they sooner or later end with the words: “See you tomorrow.” “Stop asking people what they think about your appearance, your abilities, your newness, and so on. Everything that is interesting and important to you, try to find out. I know it's hard. It's a whole job not to ask. That is the work you will have to do.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
Do you agree with the views of Mikhail Labkovsky? Which of the quotes answered you the most? Boldly shared their impressions in the comments. Good luck!
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A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
By the way, online lectures by Mikhail Labkovsky are available for everyone. You can watch them on the psychologist’s personal YouTube channel. There, the man answers in detail popular questions of fans, and also broadcasts on pressing topics: how to love yourself, raise self-esteem, stop depending on the opinion of others and many other problems of everyone.
The best quotes of Mikhail Labkovsky
- “Two people are walking down the street and one of them is picking his nose. The first one is ashamed of him. Although it is: (a) not his problem; (b) not his finger; (c) not his nose or his snot. He has only low self-esteem.”
- “A painful childhood experience of love also creates a fear of relationships. Then there are those who are married and those who do not like you. If after a date he or she does not call back, then for a neurotic it is the beginning of a great feeling. The brain receives a signal: “I was rejected, so there will be no relationship with this person, so I serve my fear and I am, you can say, safe.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“Suppose you are a beautiful blonde. You got it. But if you are sure that your nose is large, your stomach is also crooked and in general your legs are curved, then you lose in advance to a long-nosed, crooked, but confident brown-haired woman with a microscopic bust. “Loneliness is not when no one wants you, no one calls you or writes you. Loneliness is a feeling of inner emptiness. First of all, it is about the fact that you do not need yourself, and therefore you are not interesting to others.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“The cause of women’s problems is not that he acts like a goat. The real reason is that she has a neurosis that needs an outlet. To find a way out, you need a certain person and relationships in which she can suffer. She enters into such a relationship because she has a psychic need for it since childhood.” “The only quality your partner should have is that he is hooked. Everything else plays no role at all. If you love him, worry about him, worry about him, then there are no “bars”. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
In our country to suffer is a favorite national fun. “A sign of mental health is when what you think and what you feel coincide.” “People with stable minds and a clear understanding of what they want out of life don’t need to find out what others think of them.” “Love as a victim is only an attempt to repeat one’s childhood experiences. And if the relationship with the parents was tense and unhealthy, love in a person is associated with a feeling of loss, fear, longing and loneliness. He is looking for a partner in which resentment and feelings of humiliation are well placed. A partner to whom he feels like a victim. Such a person is usually easy to find.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“It is normal to want to give birth. It is not normal to want only that.” “I’ll be a great hostess, I’ll learn how to cook, I’ll look the best, and then someone will see my talent!” – so says, not necessarily out loud, most women. Dear ones! No one will love you for luxurious eyelashes, borscht with a cutlet and a compliant character. They love something else! “There are people who do not live but solve problems regularly. They feel bad when there's no problem. Conversely, if there is a problem and it needs to be solved, they are in the comfort zone. Such a complete inability to relax.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
“Communication on the Internet relieves tension, but also increases desire. And if this desire is not satisfied for a long time, the feeling of loneliness only grows. Negotiations on the phone and correspondence in social networks are only good if they sooner or later end with the words: “See you tomorrow.” “Stop asking people what they think about your appearance, your abilities, your newness, and so on. Everything that is interesting and important to you, try to find out. I know it's hard. It's a whole job not to ask. That is the work you will have to do.” View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official)
Do you agree with the views of Mikhail Labkovsky? Which of the quotes answered you the most? Boldly shared their impressions in the comments. Good luck!
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