How to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the family
How to behave during the quarantine caused by the spread of coronavirus, when many families are forced to live and work under the same roof for weeks without leaving home? The answer to this question is known psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky.
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The great Ranevskaya said: “Loneliness is when there is a phone in the house and the alarm goes off.” I don't quite agree with her, by the way. Your phone can ring literally from morning to evening, and you will still feel endlessly lonely. All because, friends, in order to get rid of the feeling of loneliness, you need only one thing: YOU MUST TAKE YOURSELF. But if you are alone inside, then a hundred friends will not help you. Come find yourself at my public consultation, which will be held in #Moscow on 28/08/19. You can buy a ticket for the meeting on my website, the link is in the “cap” of the profile. ► #Labkovsky #metodlabkovsky #6 rules #loneliness
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official) on Aug 24, 2019 at 5:59am PDT
In our article, we will talk about the rules that, according to Mikhail Alexandrovich, will save families in self-isolation from divorce, reassure children and protect elderly parents at risk.
Many people believe that it is for them for 5 minutes, and in general they tear – inside they live either what was before the quarantine, or what is happening on the street. And they have to say to themselves, ‘Wait, this is your home and your life in the next month, start living a perfectly normal, fulfilling life in this house.’
In the morning, get up, wash, shower, have a good breakfast, shave, get dressed. I don't know, do exercises, watch movies, read, talk, communicate and so on. Just understand that this is your life for such a time, do not twitch.”
This echoes the thoughts of writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya on how to tune in to the positive during quarantine, and why we should all change our habits.
The first thing you need to do is get some autonomy. For example, you agree that one of you works in the living room, and the other in the bedroom or kitchen, and for some time there is no need to go. Create a personal space where you can be alone. This is necessary for mental health.”
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As promised, I continue to analyze your questions, and today we will talk about how to be with a partner / neck, husband / wife. Michael, because we spend all day together and work from home, conflicts started to arise. What to do about it, how to stop it? The first thing you need to do is get some autonomy. For example, you agree that one of you works in the living room, and the other in the bedroom or kitchen, and for some time there is no need to go. Create a personal space where you can be alone. This is necessary for mental health. Second: if in connection with the current situation you have new household duties that did not exist before, try to divide them so that everyone does what he likes best. Three. This is a very simple matter, but very important. Try to find some pleasant (key word – “pleasant”) way of spending time that you can share with each other. Watch movies, cook dinners, do things that you enjoy equally and bring you together. Don’t force anyone to watch a movie, let it be just what you both want to do. Fourth. Keep a psychological distance. By this I mean that you should not get involved in the affairs of the other half when he/she works or does nothing, spitting on the ceiling. Let him spit, he's an adult after all. If he wants to watch the series now and take out the garbage in the evening, do not pull it. Fifth. You need to come to terms with the idea that in the current situation the reality is that it cannot be changed. This does not mean that everything is sad, bad or lost. This means that within the existing conditions you can come up with a way of life and a way of life that you want. And continue to live exactly as you like. So, friends, how are things in your family? › #quarantine #psychology #6 rules #family #hochuibudu #labkovsky
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiyofficial) on Apr 3, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
“Second, if you have new household responsibilities that you didn’t have before, try to divide them so that everyone does what they like best.”
"Third." This is a very simple matter, but very important. Try to find some pleasant (key word – “pleasant”) way of spending time that you can share with each other.
Watch movies, cook dinners, do things that you enjoy equally and bring you together. Don’t force anyone to watch a movie, let it be just what you both want to do.
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How to Rule the World from Your Couch – Quarantine Edition
A post shared by Demi Moore (@demimoore) on Apr 13, 2020 at 11:55am PDT
“. . . you don’t have to deal with each other until the quarantine is over, whatever you think of each other. Because in a confined space, people can grow irritation and aggression, negative emotions, and this can lead to a drain on their neighbors. Who's the neighbor? Husband, wife and children, none other.”
A good movie can not only lift the mood, but also inspire new things! That's why the editorial board "Site" Here is a selection of the 12 best comedy films that will make everyone laugh!
The need to sit at home adds problems not only to adults, but also to children. Parents entertain their children as much as they can, but they panic too. What to tell your children and how to calm them?
“First, children should be told how they are. Secondly, the child will calm down only the calmness of the parents. Psychic parents, nervous, irritable, aggressive, hysterical, cannot calm the child, because the child does not perceive the words they say to him, but the actions they perform and the intonations with which they communicate.
“In addition, children need motor activity, otherwise the nervous state is aggravated. Therefore, the child, in addition to the fact that you need to calm down by personal example, you need to take physically so that he is also tired. I don’t know what it can be: games, running around the apartment, jumping, swings, jumpers, some games.
Older people are at high risk and are most vulnerable to quarantine. How to support your moms, dads, grandparents and convince them not to risk their health?
“They, of course, have lower immunity, less strength and more chronic diseases. With them, everything is simple and clear: they do not go out into the street, they receive everything from the outside – products, items they need, medicines.
“They must be supported, they must be talked to, they must be called, they must be communicated with. Again, when a parent talks to a child, even an adult parent, I mean a mother of 75 and a daughter of 40, it is also important for her that the daughter talks to her calmly, does not hysteria, then the old mother calms down.
Unable to leave the house, our grandparents are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The question is: how can older people in quarantine avoid the negative effects of reduced physical activity?
Specialists from ANO "Physical Rehabilitation" (St. Petersburg) have developed a set of simple exercises and recommendations for everyone over 50. Show these exercises to your grandmother to reduce the risk of falls and avoid the associated unpleasant consequences.
We hope this article was helpful and helped you understand how to behave during quarantine. We wish you good health with all our hearts. Don't panic and stay optimistic!
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The great Ranevskaya said: “Loneliness is when there is a phone in the house and the alarm goes off.” I don't quite agree with her, by the way. Your phone can ring literally from morning to evening, and you will still feel endlessly lonely. All because, friends, in order to get rid of the feeling of loneliness, you need only one thing: YOU MUST TAKE YOURSELF. But if you are alone inside, then a hundred friends will not help you. Come find yourself at my public consultation, which will be held in #Moscow on 28/08/19. You can buy a ticket for the meeting on my website, the link is in the “cap” of the profile. ► #Labkovsky #metodlabkovsky #6 rules #loneliness
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiy_official) on Aug 24, 2019 at 5:59am PDT
In our article, we will talk about the rules that, according to Mikhail Alexandrovich, will save families in self-isolation from divorce, reassure children and protect elderly parents at risk.
Many people believe that it is for them for 5 minutes, and in general they tear – inside they live either what was before the quarantine, or what is happening on the street. And they have to say to themselves, ‘Wait, this is your home and your life in the next month, start living a perfectly normal, fulfilling life in this house.’

In the morning, get up, wash, shower, have a good breakfast, shave, get dressed. I don't know, do exercises, watch movies, read, talk, communicate and so on. Just understand that this is your life for such a time, do not twitch.”
This echoes the thoughts of writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya on how to tune in to the positive during quarantine, and why we should all change our habits.
The first thing you need to do is get some autonomy. For example, you agree that one of you works in the living room, and the other in the bedroom or kitchen, and for some time there is no need to go. Create a personal space where you can be alone. This is necessary for mental health.”
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As promised, I continue to analyze your questions, and today we will talk about how to be with a partner / neck, husband / wife. Michael, because we spend all day together and work from home, conflicts started to arise. What to do about it, how to stop it? The first thing you need to do is get some autonomy. For example, you agree that one of you works in the living room, and the other in the bedroom or kitchen, and for some time there is no need to go. Create a personal space where you can be alone. This is necessary for mental health. Second: if in connection with the current situation you have new household duties that did not exist before, try to divide them so that everyone does what he likes best. Three. This is a very simple matter, but very important. Try to find some pleasant (key word – “pleasant”) way of spending time that you can share with each other. Watch movies, cook dinners, do things that you enjoy equally and bring you together. Don’t force anyone to watch a movie, let it be just what you both want to do. Fourth. Keep a psychological distance. By this I mean that you should not get involved in the affairs of the other half when he/she works or does nothing, spitting on the ceiling. Let him spit, he's an adult after all. If he wants to watch the series now and take out the garbage in the evening, do not pull it. Fifth. You need to come to terms with the idea that in the current situation the reality is that it cannot be changed. This does not mean that everything is sad, bad or lost. This means that within the existing conditions you can come up with a way of life and a way of life that you want. And continue to live exactly as you like. So, friends, how are things in your family? › #quarantine #psychology #6 rules #family #hochuibudu #labkovsky
A post shared by Mikhail Labkovsky (@labkovskiyofficial) on Apr 3, 2020 at 9:00am PDT
“Second, if you have new household responsibilities that you didn’t have before, try to divide them so that everyone does what they like best.”

"Third." This is a very simple matter, but very important. Try to find some pleasant (key word – “pleasant”) way of spending time that you can share with each other.

Watch movies, cook dinners, do things that you enjoy equally and bring you together. Don’t force anyone to watch a movie, let it be just what you both want to do.
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How to Rule the World from Your Couch – Quarantine Edition
A post shared by Demi Moore (@demimoore) on Apr 13, 2020 at 11:55am PDT
“. . . you don’t have to deal with each other until the quarantine is over, whatever you think of each other. Because in a confined space, people can grow irritation and aggression, negative emotions, and this can lead to a drain on their neighbors. Who's the neighbor? Husband, wife and children, none other.”
A good movie can not only lift the mood, but also inspire new things! That's why the editorial board "Site" Here is a selection of the 12 best comedy films that will make everyone laugh!
The need to sit at home adds problems not only to adults, but also to children. Parents entertain their children as much as they can, but they panic too. What to tell your children and how to calm them?

“First, children should be told how they are. Secondly, the child will calm down only the calmness of the parents. Psychic parents, nervous, irritable, aggressive, hysterical, cannot calm the child, because the child does not perceive the words they say to him, but the actions they perform and the intonations with which they communicate.

“In addition, children need motor activity, otherwise the nervous state is aggravated. Therefore, the child, in addition to the fact that you need to calm down by personal example, you need to take physically so that he is also tired. I don’t know what it can be: games, running around the apartment, jumping, swings, jumpers, some games.
Older people are at high risk and are most vulnerable to quarantine. How to support your moms, dads, grandparents and convince them not to risk their health?

“They, of course, have lower immunity, less strength and more chronic diseases. With them, everything is simple and clear: they do not go out into the street, they receive everything from the outside – products, items they need, medicines.

“They must be supported, they must be talked to, they must be called, they must be communicated with. Again, when a parent talks to a child, even an adult parent, I mean a mother of 75 and a daughter of 40, it is also important for her that the daughter talks to her calmly, does not hysteria, then the old mother calms down.
Unable to leave the house, our grandparents are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle. The question is: how can older people in quarantine avoid the negative effects of reduced physical activity?
Specialists from ANO "Physical Rehabilitation" (St. Petersburg) have developed a set of simple exercises and recommendations for everyone over 50. Show these exercises to your grandmother to reduce the risk of falls and avoid the associated unpleasant consequences.
We hope this article was helpful and helped you understand how to behave during quarantine. We wish you good health with all our hearts. Don't panic and stay optimistic!