Why women are not allowed to sacrifice themselves in the family

A woman’s lifestyle largely depends on how she was raised in childhood. It is parents from childhood that instill in girls the idea that for the sake of happiness you need to suffer. One has only to recall the well-known fairy tale about Cinderella, who, before becoming a princess, suffered all her life from the humiliation of half sisters, poverty, injustice.

Almost every woman listened to such tales in her time. The girl watches the tired mother, who constantly rises neither light nor dawn, prepares breakfast, cleans, laundries, and all this is a vicious circle. The prince's gone and gone. The child begins to believe that it cannot be otherwise. A woman is obliged to feed her husband, raise children, and, preferably, look like a model from the cover of a magazine. Otherwise, why do you need it - unkempt, fat, tired?

Everything is best for children, everything is delicious for the husband, and what is it for yourself? Inferiority complex and dissatisfaction with life, in which there is no place for joy. Why is this happening? Parents cannot be blamed for all the troubles, because they often do not know how to raise a child. Due to their youth and lack of experience, they rely on centuries-old and very outdated traditions. They raise cooks for wealthy men and never say that a woman has every right not to want such a fate for herself.

She doesn't have to stand by the stove for the rest of her life, she can afford to be imperfect, she can't want five children. In the twenty-first century, despite the development of feminism, people continue to adhere to stereotypes that ruin the lives of their children. In some magical way, there is a long list of demands on a woman in the consciousness of society, and if she has the courage to violate them, she is an outcast.

Society, in which a woman must fit, paints her portrait very controversial. A modern woman should get married, have children, look like a supermodel, have time to do everything around the house and, of course, go to work. When some say that family comes first and others insist that without a career you are nobody, a woman chases everything and forgets what she really wants.

When a woman has children, she often tries to provide them with everything necessary, and this is normal. But most often it happens that women begin to spare money for their needs, they are better to buy something for the child. It is normal to give all the best to the child, even if he is already 40 years old. What's the result?

And in the end it turns out that all the efforts, suffering do not pay off, the prince does not appear, happiness does not come. There comes old age and pity for wasted youth. The worst part is that sometimes you can’t wait for gratitude. It is very important to learn to love yourself, to respect your own desires first and foremost. Stop wasting your life trying to please everyone. No one will make you happy except you.

Understand, woman or man, you are a person with your own shortcomings, dreams, opportunities. Learn not to please, but to spend energy and youth on what is really important to you. Never instill stereotypes in your children.


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