Pole Dance for adults without training
Thirty million nine hundred eighty three thousand four hundred ninety seven
A huge variety of modern dance styles allows everyone to choose for themselves the ideal. Among them Pole Dance for adults without preparation, which is characterized by a gradual increase of load and the development of basic exercises. Good physical preparation and stretching is not all, however, this should not stop those who wish to learn a new direction. To do Pole Dance at any age. The main condition is the diligence and deliberation.
Preparation of the body to engage
To start people with no training should be required with an active warm-up, during which the muscles will be well warmed up. Among all the exercises as a warm-up you can use:
Basic level for dancers without training
All the movements on the pole are performed in static or dynamic mode as a stunt or twist. Proceed immediately to the study of complex elements is not necessary, because it can lead to injuries, dislocations or sprains. The first classes will focus on practicing the proper technique of hand grips, position, and permutation of the legs.
In the future, the newcomers work out a few basic elements and gradually bringing them to a perfect performance:
Please contact the dance school "Pilona". Professional instructors will teach beginner dancers the basic movements with a gradual increase in load. To attend school all students regardless of age, fitness level and body — trainers will find an individual approach to every student, train power tricks and graceful movements on the pole.
A huge variety of modern dance styles allows everyone to choose for themselves the ideal. Among them Pole Dance for adults without preparation, which is characterized by a gradual increase of load and the development of basic exercises. Good physical preparation and stretching is not all, however, this should not stop those who wish to learn a new direction. To do Pole Dance at any age. The main condition is the diligence and deliberation.
Preparation of the body to engage
To start people with no training should be required with an active warm-up, during which the muscles will be well warmed up. Among all the exercises as a warm-up you can use:
- circular turns of the neck;
- running on the spot;
- squats;
- pushups;
- twisting on the floor;
- arching and rounding the back.
Basic level for dancers without training
All the movements on the pole are performed in static or dynamic mode as a stunt or twist. Proceed immediately to the study of complex elements is not necessary, because it can lead to injuries, dislocations or sprains. The first classes will focus on practicing the proper technique of hand grips, position, and permutation of the legs.
In the future, the newcomers work out a few basic elements and gradually bringing them to a perfect performance:
- chair — the circumference of the pylon inner side of the thighs by straightening or bending of the legs perpendicular to the pole;
- fireman crossing the bent leg around the pole with a simultaneous bending of the back;
- slingshot hanging on the pole upside down with the simultaneous raising the legs.
Please contact the dance school "Pilona". Professional instructors will teach beginner dancers the basic movements with a gradual increase in load. To attend school all students regardless of age, fitness level and body — trainers will find an individual approach to every student, train power tricks and graceful movements on the pole.