The potatoes under agrotextile: all about the reasons to implement new methodologies
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The use of AGROSALON in the cultivation of potatoes — the invention of the Dutch farmers. The technique has several advantages:
White or black? The choice of the coating
The vegetable is grown under a white spunbond that covers the area in which it is planted, or under his black counterpart.
Advantages of white agrovolan:
Black non-woven fabric protects from frost, the tubers. But to protect the sprouts will have to use other means of protection — film or foam, which will need to cover the bed.
A significant drawback of the black AGROSALON is the ability to use it only once, because in the places provided by the emergence of a crop, it make the hole.
Planting potatoes under a white spunbond
Vegetable planting is made according to traditional methods — with a fertilizer of the soil, compliance with the requirements relative to the dimensions of spacing and sprouting tubers at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. Will accelerate the emergence of crop germination in moist sawdust, in which the potato throws out not only shoots but also the roots.
Planting should be done when daytime temperatures reach 10 degrees. Typically, these conditions are formed in the end of March — beginning of April.
The basic rule in the cultivation of potatoes under spunbond — you cannot save covering material. If you don't set arcs, then at least do not pull on the agrotextile to the shoots took place for growth.
The edges of the spunbond need to be added dropwise, or the bushes in these areas will be weak due to a possible frost. Periodically, the fiber should be removed or open to shoots could breathe, and in achieving sustainable heat spunbond removed completely. The first potato can be available 2 months after planting.
Black agrotextile is a wonderful material that is better to use for perennial crops such as strawberries.
The use of AGROSALON in the cultivation of potatoes — the invention of the Dutch farmers. The technique has several advantages:
- gives you the opportunity to get an early harvest;
- reduces moisture loss;
- the ground in early spring before emergence of weeds is quite loose, so the fit in this period less time consuming.
White or black? The choice of the coating
The vegetable is grown under a white spunbond that covers the area in which it is planted, or under his black counterpart.
Advantages of white agrovolan:
- reusable use;
- protection of seedlings from spring frosts.
- the color black attracts heat, it can be spread directly on snow with the aim of accelerating the heating area;
- minimizes labor for weed control;
- allows you to penetrate to the ground and precipitation water, and air.
Black non-woven fabric protects from frost, the tubers. But to protect the sprouts will have to use other means of protection — film or foam, which will need to cover the bed.
A significant drawback of the black AGROSALON is the ability to use it only once, because in the places provided by the emergence of a crop, it make the hole.
Planting potatoes under a white spunbond
Vegetable planting is made according to traditional methods — with a fertilizer of the soil, compliance with the requirements relative to the dimensions of spacing and sprouting tubers at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. Will accelerate the emergence of crop germination in moist sawdust, in which the potato throws out not only shoots but also the roots.

Planting should be done when daytime temperatures reach 10 degrees. Typically, these conditions are formed in the end of March — beginning of April.
The basic rule in the cultivation of potatoes under spunbond — you cannot save covering material. If you don't set arcs, then at least do not pull on the agrotextile to the shoots took place for growth.
The edges of the spunbond need to be added dropwise, or the bushes in these areas will be weak due to a possible frost. Periodically, the fiber should be removed or open to shoots could breathe, and in achieving sustainable heat spunbond removed completely. The first potato can be available 2 months after planting.
Black agrotextile is a wonderful material that is better to use for perennial crops such as strawberries.