The advantages and disadvantages of plush fabric of various types
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Before you buy a plush fabric that you should know about this wonderful material more practical information. Consider the most important points.
What fiber is the plush?
Plush fabric, usually made of cotton fibers (and cloth, and the basis of matter). In addition, you will be offered different variations of fabrics, such as wool or silk products. In the latter cases, the basis is made of natural cotton and fibers – from wool or silk.
Often plush cloth was made of synthetic fibres. Producing businesses added to textile-based synthetics, resulting in excellent tensile, soft and tactile fabric. Before buying, check the part you require certainly. So how exactly does depend on it all the aesthetic and performance of the product.
Strengths and weaknesses
Along with other fabrics, plush fabric has its own advantages and weaknesses. Let's start with the advantages:
As we said above, pushes away from from which fibers are made plush. Silk production requires a more thorough care, and offered at a high price. However, it is not so much collects dust particles as it is wool or synthetic "competitors". Appearance quality of matter in any event colorful and attractive.
Before you buy a plush fabric that you should know about this wonderful material more practical information. Consider the most important points.
What fiber is the plush?
Plush fabric, usually made of cotton fibers (and cloth, and the basis of matter). In addition, you will be offered different variations of fabrics, such as wool or silk products. In the latter cases, the basis is made of natural cotton and fibers – from wool or silk.

Often plush cloth was made of synthetic fibres. Producing businesses added to textile-based synthetics, resulting in excellent tensile, soft and tactile fabric. Before buying, check the part you require certainly. So how exactly does depend on it all the aesthetic and performance of the product.
Strengths and weaknesses
Along with other fabrics, plush fabric has its own advantages and weaknesses. Let's start with the advantages:
- A wonderful appearance. Long hair beautiful shimmers under the rays of artificial and natural light;
- Fortress and decent strength. To break things plush by accident is quite difficult. We can confidently say that the paintings are durable;
- The preservation of the original color and shape. Teddy clothes will not lose brightness of colors and I don't stretch after a few washings. It will retain the original beauty for quite a long period of time;
- Versatility of use;
- High levels of insulation.
- In case of wrong care, the bristles will wear out;
- Draw out impurities from the material is quite difficult;
- Plush quickly absorbs dust particles;
- The cost of matter can be high (in that case, if the fabric is made from natural silk).
As we said above, pushes away from from which fibers are made plush. Silk production requires a more thorough care, and offered at a high price. However, it is not so much collects dust particles as it is wool or synthetic "competitors". Appearance quality of matter in any event colorful and attractive.

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