Inhabitant of Russia deceived while buying auto parts on the website
Twelve million eight hundred twenty nine thousand six hundred fifty five
The Internet is full of scams in various fields of services and sales. No wonder they say: "trust, but verify". During online purchases this statement is particularly important, because it is not enough just to see the rating of an online store, or read a few positive reviews that could be fake. It is recommended to find real people who do purchases online or the ad on the website and can tell their opinion about the quality of the products. When it comes to automotive parts, the portal kolesa.ru do not just give advice on how to avoid fraud.
Another deception in the network
Recently, another resident of the Russian Federation has been the victim of online fraud. After learning about the incident, the police took over and started to perform his duty to the Fatherland: the search for the attackers, similar accidents online purchases. Police and experts say that this is not the first case, because according to statistics, every second at least once caught on a poor quality seller.
If you go into the details, the man who was faced with this problem, I decided to buy spare parts for the car through the ad that was posted on the website. The victim lost 47 thousand rubles, and, of course, have not received any of the ordered products. He saw on the site "Avito", which usually place free ads, offer to sell car parts. It is precisely these details and was being sought by the applicant in order to repair your vehicle. He agreed to the deal, after discussing the amount and ways of transfer of the goods in his hands. The attacker immediately warned that the necessary details are in the Republic of Tatarstan, so you should pay the full amount of the goods and use the services of the transport company which delivered the details to the right city. After several days of waiting, the buyer contacted this company to find out where his order, and received the answer that such products in their warehouse are not available, and the vendor number is no longer valid.
As soon as the man realized that he was cheated, he immediately turned to law enforcement.
The police never ceases to remind you that this is not the first time and need to be less gullible, to check everything before signing the deal, and at best to overpay a little and enjoy cod.
The Internet is full of scams in various fields of services and sales. No wonder they say: "trust, but verify". During online purchases this statement is particularly important, because it is not enough just to see the rating of an online store, or read a few positive reviews that could be fake. It is recommended to find real people who do purchases online or the ad on the website and can tell their opinion about the quality of the products. When it comes to automotive parts, the portal kolesa.ru do not just give advice on how to avoid fraud.
Another deception in the network
Recently, another resident of the Russian Federation has been the victim of online fraud. After learning about the incident, the police took over and started to perform his duty to the Fatherland: the search for the attackers, similar accidents online purchases. Police and experts say that this is not the first case, because according to statistics, every second at least once caught on a poor quality seller.
If you go into the details, the man who was faced with this problem, I decided to buy spare parts for the car through the ad that was posted on the website. The victim lost 47 thousand rubles, and, of course, have not received any of the ordered products. He saw on the site "Avito", which usually place free ads, offer to sell car parts. It is precisely these details and was being sought by the applicant in order to repair your vehicle. He agreed to the deal, after discussing the amount and ways of transfer of the goods in his hands. The attacker immediately warned that the necessary details are in the Republic of Tatarstan, so you should pay the full amount of the goods and use the services of the transport company which delivered the details to the right city. After several days of waiting, the buyer contacted this company to find out where his order, and received the answer that such products in their warehouse are not available, and the vendor number is no longer valid.
As soon as the man realized that he was cheated, he immediately turned to law enforcement.
The police never ceases to remind you that this is not the first time and need to be less gullible, to check everything before signing the deal, and at best to overpay a little and enjoy cod.