The real estate market Novokuznetsk
Ninety nine million eight hundred forty four thousand eight hundred sixty five
Novokuznetsk is a city located in Western Siberia, in the Kemerovo region. Its population is over half a million people, and if we add the inhabitants of the agglomeration, the total population exceeds 1 000 000 inhabitants.
The city was in the top thirty most promising regions for business. These and other factors influence the cost of housing. Still the main volume is represented by one, two and three bedroom apartments — with a small margin. And a relatively small portion, only 10% are in the real estate category non-standard: four-room, five-room.
Features of the real estate market Novokuznetsk
For sale are a lot of options, plus, in the city's active mortgage programs. More information can be found on the website https://nk.etagi.com/realty/ where there is information about the objects Novokuznetsk and suburbs. If you access the database of Yandex, as of the end of may 2018, the database includes nearly fifteen hundred ad. There are suggestions on the primary, the secondary market, features brick-monolithic brick-monolithic, prefabricated, modular objects. Features:
Other features
Partly people are selling square footage for purely domestic reasons. For example, when retirement pensioners in the Northern regions, which includes Novokuznetsk, try to go to the South, mainly in Krasnodar Krai. Knowing this trend, some real estate agencies even organize the Department of interregional transfers, helping clients to quickly sell square meters in the city and buy another decent housing in Sochi, Krasnodar, Anapa.
At the moment there is no active growth cost, which is consistent with the situation in other regions of the country. However, people increasingly began to take a mortgage due to the current favorable situation in the sphere of mortgage lending.
Novokuznetsk is a city located in Western Siberia, in the Kemerovo region. Its population is over half a million people, and if we add the inhabitants of the agglomeration, the total population exceeds 1 000 000 inhabitants.

The city was in the top thirty most promising regions for business. These and other factors influence the cost of housing. Still the main volume is represented by one, two and three bedroom apartments — with a small margin. And a relatively small portion, only 10% are in the real estate category non-standard: four-room, five-room.

Features of the real estate market Novokuznetsk
For sale are a lot of options, plus, in the city's active mortgage programs. More information can be found on the website https://nk.etagi.com/realty/ where there is information about the objects Novokuznetsk and suburbs. If you access the database of Yandex, as of the end of may 2018, the database includes nearly fifteen hundred ad. There are suggestions on the primary, the secondary market, features brick-monolithic brick-monolithic, prefabricated, modular objects. Features:
- Housing is actively implemented in all areas of the city, particularly in Central, Ordzhonikidze, Moscow Factory, Pritomskaya area, Teleuts and others.
- The cheapest one-bedroom apartment with an area of about 20 square meters costs 330 000 rubles.
- Buy apartments, mostly residents of the city, wanting to improve their living conditions. The solid part of the present inhabitants of the Metropolitan area, immediate suburbs who want to move into the city, and a relatively small part of the buyers from other areas.
- One time, regional media reported massive outflow of population from Novokuznetsk and active buying of their property in other cities and regions. But it is not. According to statistics, in previous years the number of the arrived citizens is almost equal to the number of those who left, and since 2016 the number of people coming in for permanent residence and buying a house here, exceeded the number leaving.
Other features
Partly people are selling square footage for purely domestic reasons. For example, when retirement pensioners in the Northern regions, which includes Novokuznetsk, try to go to the South, mainly in Krasnodar Krai. Knowing this trend, some real estate agencies even organize the Department of interregional transfers, helping clients to quickly sell square meters in the city and buy another decent housing in Sochi, Krasnodar, Anapa.
At the moment there is no active growth cost, which is consistent with the situation in other regions of the country. However, people increasingly began to take a mortgage due to the current favorable situation in the sphere of mortgage lending.