Real Russian handmade Souvenirs from natural materials
Sixty two million ninety thousand nine hundred seventy two
What's the first thing brought guests of the capital to his home – the real Russian handmade Souvenirs. It is a universal gift option not only relatives, but also to business partners, colleagues or friends. In all the countries of Europe are highly valued Souvenirs in the Russian folk style, made by real specialists. Just such the collection offers buyers shop "Heritage", where there is a large assortment of Souvenirs made by all the rules of the ancient craft.
Unique gifts for any occasion
To complete your collection of these dolls, or purchase originally designed to balalaika, the box, the doll every visitor of the exhibition of products of folk crafts. In "Legacy" presents original works that are at once different from the Chinese imitations quality enclosed showers, master. There are no faceless trinkets, and each work is a masterpiece. Those who have visited one of the showrooms will be able to tell you about the quivering sensation, which occurs at the moment of touching to any souvenir.
Visitors are offered a wide range of Souvenirs of different subjects:
Souvenirs made from the heart
Among solid Chinese fakes difficult to find a really worthwhile gift. The problem can be solved by visiting one of the shops interior "Heritage". Here are a choice of original artistic products made from natural materials:
Dishes, folk costumes, household items, decorative crafts and other products decorated by hand with elements of painting, or embroidery in the best Russian traditions. If you do not have the opportunity to personally visit the salon, then we recommend to use the catalog online store and choose the desired gift. Selected souvenir will be beautifully packaged and delivered to the right address. Transportation services provides trucking companies with a proven track record.
What's the first thing brought guests of the capital to his home – the real Russian handmade Souvenirs. It is a universal gift option not only relatives, but also to business partners, colleagues or friends. In all the countries of Europe are highly valued Souvenirs in the Russian folk style, made by real specialists. Just such the collection offers buyers shop "Heritage", where there is a large assortment of Souvenirs made by all the rules of the ancient craft.

Unique gifts for any occasion
To complete your collection of these dolls, or purchase originally designed to balalaika, the box, the doll every visitor of the exhibition of products of folk crafts. In "Legacy" presents original works that are at once different from the Chinese imitations quality enclosed showers, master. There are no faceless trinkets, and each work is a masterpiece. Those who have visited one of the showrooms will be able to tell you about the quivering sensation, which occurs at the moment of touching to any souvenir.
Visitors are offered a wide range of Souvenirs of different subjects:
- for the holidays, toast and anniversaries;
- as a corporate gift;
- in the form of gifts to relatives and close people;
- for Poloniny home collections.
Souvenirs made from the heart
Among solid Chinese fakes difficult to find a really worthwhile gift. The problem can be solved by visiting one of the shops interior "Heritage". Here are a choice of original artistic products made from natural materials:
- of wood;
- glass;
- porcelain;
- wool;
- textiles;
- crystal;
- precious metals.
Dishes, folk costumes, household items, decorative crafts and other products decorated by hand with elements of painting, or embroidery in the best Russian traditions. If you do not have the opportunity to personally visit the salon, then we recommend to use the catalog online store and choose the desired gift. Selected souvenir will be beautifully packaged and delivered to the right address. Transportation services provides trucking companies with a proven track record.