Pectoral icons of obsidian
Four million nine hundred thirty three thousand five hundred three
Faith in a higher power, protecting, and admonishes us, always accompanied the man. With faith in the heart is easier to overcome difficulties and life obstacles, to find a common language and make critical decisions. Therefore, if a person is a believer or are just in need of spiritual support, the body icon with the face of a Saint – a wonderful and effective way to strengthen their spiritual strength and vitality.
Pectoral icon worn on the chest by the ancient pilgrims while traveling to the Holy places. Thus, people hoped to gain support from its patron Saint. Today apparel icon continues to protect us. The small scapular is indestructible bridge connecting us with a spiritual mentor and protector. For icons and Holy images we are being asked and thanked, with questions and painful experiences, in a moment of distress and in moments of joy. Pectoral icon will become a significant and very useful gift for a loved one to a significant event or an important purchase for himself, because in the spiritual protection and support we all need.
Wearable icons are made of different materials, while strictly adhering to the canons of the Church. But the most unique incarnation of the Holy image for your daily wearing chest today is obsidian natural semi-precious mineral of volcanic origin. This stone is the only material recognised as the official Church, along with silver.
Icons of obsidian are characterized by excellent performance. Stone – very durable and attractive material. He is not afraid of moisture and minor mechanical impact. With obsidian icon can not be separated for the longest time – it will not lose its original attractiveness and aesthetics.
Besides, it is very symbolic is the fact that since ancient times, obsidian was revered for its protective properties. It was believed that this amulet can protect its wearer from the machinations of enemies and also take away troubles and failures.
Pectoral icon will be appropriate to present the child for baptism with the boys leaving for military service. This amulet can be presented close before moving or business trip. You can choose a scapular with the face of a patron or namesake, and can buy more "universal" icon – mother of God, the Holy Trinity or of St. Nicholas.
Pectoral icon of obsidian, a small but powerful symbol of faith, your source of peace of mind and harmony.
Faith in a higher power, protecting, and admonishes us, always accompanied the man. With faith in the heart is easier to overcome difficulties and life obstacles, to find a common language and make critical decisions. Therefore, if a person is a believer or are just in need of spiritual support, the body icon with the face of a Saint – a wonderful and effective way to strengthen their spiritual strength and vitality.

Pectoral icon worn on the chest by the ancient pilgrims while traveling to the Holy places. Thus, people hoped to gain support from its patron Saint. Today apparel icon continues to protect us. The small scapular is indestructible bridge connecting us with a spiritual mentor and protector. For icons and Holy images we are being asked and thanked, with questions and painful experiences, in a moment of distress and in moments of joy. Pectoral icon will become a significant and very useful gift for a loved one to a significant event or an important purchase for himself, because in the spiritual protection and support we all need.
Wearable icons are made of different materials, while strictly adhering to the canons of the Church. But the most unique incarnation of the Holy image for your daily wearing chest today is obsidian natural semi-precious mineral of volcanic origin. This stone is the only material recognised as the official Church, along with silver.
Icons of obsidian are characterized by excellent performance. Stone – very durable and attractive material. He is not afraid of moisture and minor mechanical impact. With obsidian icon can not be separated for the longest time – it will not lose its original attractiveness and aesthetics.
Besides, it is very symbolic is the fact that since ancient times, obsidian was revered for its protective properties. It was believed that this amulet can protect its wearer from the machinations of enemies and also take away troubles and failures.
Pectoral icon will be appropriate to present the child for baptism with the boys leaving for military service. This amulet can be presented close before moving or business trip. You can choose a scapular with the face of a patron or namesake, and can buy more "universal" icon – mother of God, the Holy Trinity or of St. Nicholas.
Pectoral icon of obsidian, a small but powerful symbol of faith, your source of peace of mind and harmony.