Features choice of engine oil
Five million six hundred forty six thousand four hundred seven
Quality oil prevents premature wear, reduces the friction coefficient of the mechanisms removes the products of combustion. But modern high quality analogues have wider spectrum of action. More information can be found on the website https://plus71.ru/catalog/motornye-masla, which shows the different types: mineral, synthetic, semi-synthetic, combined.
What you need to know about engine oils for car
They possess the properties of hydraulic fluids, their consumption is much less than previous counterparts. They create a thin layer on the friction surfaces, it makes it impossible for direct contact. Other features:
High-quality engine oil
To get started is to familiarize yourself with the characteristics as mineral, composite, synthetic, semi-synthetic oil has a different composition, the degree of action. Plus, when choice is taken into account and the viscosity of the compositions. Standard marking is the 5w30 – this product is used by more than half the cars. Someone selects the option, depending on the manufacturer, trusting proven brands. Other drivers focus on the cost, components, features. In directories specify the amount, composition, API specification, the tolerance of producers are given information about the brand.
When you select should take into account the specifics of the vehicle operating features. There are different options for conventional vehicles, which are used by the vast majority of users in the city. There are equivalents for RVS, cars racing, for car extreme driving.
Having dealt with the technical characteristics of one, many users subsequently stay faithful to this manufacturer brand, not wanting to go to the other counterparts.
If there is not enough experience to choose, you should consult technical support in store, which experts will offer the optimal solution based on specific conditions.
Quality oil prevents premature wear, reduces the friction coefficient of the mechanisms removes the products of combustion. But modern high quality analogues have wider spectrum of action. More information can be found on the website https://plus71.ru/catalog/motornye-masla, which shows the different types: mineral, synthetic, semi-synthetic, combined.

What you need to know about engine oils for car
They possess the properties of hydraulic fluids, their consumption is much less than previous counterparts. They create a thin layer on the friction surfaces, it makes it impossible for direct contact. Other features:
- There are products that appear after exposure to high temperatures, soot, soot, soot, and it is engine oil, removes them from surfaces.
- They possess pronounced anti-corrosion properties, which significantly extends service life, reduces repair costs and replacement parts.
- Chemical composition is special, it neutralizes the organic acids which consistently appear in the combustion process.
High-quality engine oil
To get started is to familiarize yourself with the characteristics as mineral, composite, synthetic, semi-synthetic oil has a different composition, the degree of action. Plus, when choice is taken into account and the viscosity of the compositions. Standard marking is the 5w30 – this product is used by more than half the cars. Someone selects the option, depending on the manufacturer, trusting proven brands. Other drivers focus on the cost, components, features. In directories specify the amount, composition, API specification, the tolerance of producers are given information about the brand.
When you select should take into account the specifics of the vehicle operating features. There are different options for conventional vehicles, which are used by the vast majority of users in the city. There are equivalents for RVS, cars racing, for car extreme driving.
Having dealt with the technical characteristics of one, many users subsequently stay faithful to this manufacturer brand, not wanting to go to the other counterparts.
If there is not enough experience to choose, you should consult technical support in store, which experts will offer the optimal solution based on specific conditions.