How to avoid inflammatory diseases in gynecology

The female body is very vulnerable, and most of the rather serious abnormalities in gynecology are most often complications of untreated or late diagnosed infectious lesions. Therefore, it is so important, one can say a vital mandatory preventive examination, which is carried out by a gynecologist at least once every six months. And do not expect a special occasion in the form of unpleasant discharge, painful periods or itching, since most diseases against the background of an infectious lesion pass hidden, and symptoms appear when the problem has already become serious.
The following methods of prevention should be highlighted:
1. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, they write and remind about this at every step, and nevertheless. If you use tampons, change them every two hours so as not to injure the mucous membrane and not create artificial foci of infection, the same applies to the use of scented pads. Vaginal douching and sitz baths should be used only as directed by a doctor, since flushing out the beneficial flora, you provoke vaginal dysbiosis.
2. A healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. Advice that everyone understands, but which for some reason is not followed, especially those who spontaneously go on extreme diets. Rapid weight loss, as well as obesity, disrupts the natural microflora of the body, which first leads to vaginosis, and then if it is not treated, it can provoke an adhesion process in the fallopian tubes, and inflammation of the ovaries and endometriosis, which are already detected on ultrasound.
3. Hygiene of sexual intercourse. A condom is required, sometimes even with regular partners, since sexual contact is the most common way of transmission. In this case, both frequent sexual intercourse (more than 4 times a week) and having sex during menstruation, even with a condom, should be excluded. Ideally, before having sex, check yourself and your partner for hidden infections, such as chlamydia. They may not manifest themselves for years and get infected with them simply, but getting rid of them is difficult, for a long time, not to mention complications.
4. And special attention should be paid to abortions and surgical interventions, it is always a very serious threat up to the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.
So do not postpone your visit to the gynecologist until later. The sooner we discover the disease, the easier and faster it can be cured, and sometimes a hospital will not be needed, but it will be possible to do with pills, do outpatient intravenous injections in a course in combination with folk remedies.
Your health is in your hands, we only help to restore it.