I overheard a funny conversation on the radio Dpsnikov
Twenty three million five hundred thirty six thousand seventy four
Somehow tinkered with his father's walkie-talkies and accidentally caught the wave at which employees of traffic police just figured out one important question. Apparently, someone asked for advice to her own leadership:
— We are the machine braked. There has been some suspicion that behind the wheel drunk.
— Why? Refuses to go to the lab to be tested?
— The fact of the matter is that he wants to go there. This we doubt, whether to carry it.
Why is that?!
— So he is the head of this laboratory…
via factroom.ru
Somehow tinkered with his father's walkie-talkies and accidentally caught the wave at which employees of traffic police just figured out one important question. Apparently, someone asked for advice to her own leadership:
— We are the machine braked. There has been some suspicion that behind the wheel drunk.
— Why? Refuses to go to the lab to be tested?
— The fact of the matter is that he wants to go there. This we doubt, whether to carry it.
Why is that?!
— So he is the head of this laboratory…
via factroom.ru
Well, very funny anecdote about the seller of the puppies at the Odessa market
As our doctor calms the smallest and most capricious patients