How to make interesting conversation

People often "talk" to each other, but how often this chatter bears at least some benefit interlocutors? More and more people in our time is not enough real, fascinating interviews, carrying the fun and benefits of communication. But there are several effective ways to convert an empty small talk in an interesting razgovor.1. Share detalyamiObmen small little details during small talk - this is really a good way to assess the interest in the topic and start a really interesting conversation. Instead of a simple answer to a simple question of the form "How are you?", Expand your answer to more information about your day. For example, you might say, "Well! Today I sailed all morning on the boat, and I feel just great! "When you share a little piece of our own history, you can get one of two responses. Either it will be a question of how it was, or it will be a genuine "Wow, cool!" If your excitement about this would be mutual, that is a good reason to continue the conversation. If it turns out that the other person is not interested in the topic, I try to find another subject, more podhodyaschuyu.2. Learn to ask the right voprosyMy all love to share information about themselves, but in order to get to the point at which to begin a real conversation, it is important not only to talk about themselves, but also to show interest in the other party. According to Psychology Today, you can do this in many ways. For example, you can start listening to right:
"Very often, when we meet a new person, we try to fill in the pauses and awkward silence chatter about themselves. It is better to do the opposite: first of all to listen and talk less. Of course, someone has to start the conversation, but if you and your partner really listen to each other and not worry about what you say next, then the conversation will flow more naturally ». Blockquote> If you have a good idea what's going on, you can use this information to ask the right questions. In general, ask questions - it's a great way to make small talk in a natural conversation. Just make sure that your question is relevant to the subject, and not a way to switch the conversation to vas.3. Have appropriate temamiLyudi like to talk about the news, and it's an easy way to turn a boring conversation in the conversation enjoyable. And in order to steer the conversation back on track, a good idea to familiarize yourself with some of the most relevant topics. The Art of Manliness is a simple formula for inventing the:
"If you do not know the people with whom you talk to, think about the things that interest them with the greatest probability. For example, ask them about the unique features of the area in which they live ("I've seen an interesting article on the way to the city. What is her story?"). Read about the company in which these people work ("I heard you in the near future will be to expand in China - when it will be?"). The idea is that with a few bits of relevant information to stop a boring conversation and turn it into something more interesting ». Blockquote> 4. Correct answers the question "What do you do" and "how to have fun?" One of the most common issues that most of the talk: "So, what do you do?" This is - a quick way to estimate how interesting people. The answer may be simple (depending on where you work, of course). However, many of us answer that question a little slozhnee.Byvaet so that the job description requires more than a couple of words. If you describe your job in two words is difficult, then it is necessary to keep ready some short story clearly illustrates the meaning of what you delaete.To same applies to the question "How do you usually entertain '? It is not necessary to answer simply: "I go to battle" (or something else). It is better to tell us something interesting about his hobbies: "Last weekend my sister and I went up on the mountain and had a picnic there. And yet we have seen a bear chasing a mountain goat ".The main idea is that by saying all these suggestions to find something that will hook interlocutor and will turn dreary small talk in a new direction. To find a clue, you should pay attention to subtle signals from the source, to hear him respond, to share information about themselves, and learn to identify when the source is really interested in.