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Guide: How to enter the room and immediately make a good impression

The first impression - it is very important and can learn sozdavat

Do you know that: you enter the room, and everything as agreed, turned around and look at you. No matter what happens. It may be a job interview, presentation, or something not related to work. People always appreciate you trying to figure out what you are. So make sure from the outset own situatsiey.Nizhe listed nine specific and very simple in implementation of tips given by experts in the field of psychology and social dinamiki.Kak prepare for the entry into pomeschenie

Confident entrance begins long before you cross the threshold. After configuring your thinking properly, you can prepare for the entry even before you reach it before. Here's how to do it: Take a certain pose in front of the pomeschenie

Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy found that a proud, confident posture directly affects our biochemistry. She conducted a study in which participants were asked to take positions, inspiring others a sense of power. The results were striking: after a couple of minutes at the person who took this position, increased testosterone levels and cortisol levels (a hormone produced by the body in response to stress) - on the contrary, decreases. People just stood in the "dominant" positions, and the physiology of their bodies at the time was like a "dominant" personality. < What does this mean for you? If it is possible, then before entering the premises, Wait a couple of minutes in the "dominant position", legs wide apart and arms stretched out as far as you can. This will trigger a surge of testosterone and lower cortisol, which will make you feel calmer and much uverennee.Esli you do not want others to laugh with what you are doing, you can do it in a secluded place. For example, in a toilet cubicle. You will be pleasantly surprised by the sense of power that appears after you have this simple deystviya.Izbavtes from unnecessary emotions and loosen nervoznost

If you are nervous because of the forthcoming entry into the room or somewhere else, the best thing you can do in this situation - it is something to occupy your mind. This will distract from emotions, but your ability to think logically not postradaet.Dzhordan Harbinger, Consultant Relations, remembers how to use this approach when he went to a meeting with the parents of his girlfriend. He called his good friend, who "began to tell me funny stories on various topics, so I just do not have time to be nervous. I'm emotionally distracted "Along with its call to a friend with a good sense of humor, you can" sing in the car, play a game that does not require too much mental effort and increases your heart rate, "- says Harbinger. Jogging or other exercise can also help you if you do them for a few hours before, and allow plenty of time for the soul, of course zhe.Ubedites that gotovy

Before you go, check how much you're willing to. Make sure you know all the details of the upcoming event, you know the time of his beginning, you know where it will take place, there is a dress code, how to get there, and so on. D.Drugimi words, do not appear suddenly, writes Susan Roane, author of How to Work a Room.

«Whatever it was - a cocktail, charity fundraising dinner meeting, conference or interview - get ready». blockquote> If you arrived at the interview late on the nerves, because no We could not find a suitable parking space, if you showed up at some event in T-shirt and found that everyone there in costumes - all this can literally crush your confidence. This means that you will make an impression not the luchshee.Kak enter komnatu

Once you are properly set up, it's time to enter the premises. Use the five tips listed nizhe.Imeyte solid feeling tseliKogda you enter a room, you need to have a clear understanding of its purpose. Do not hesitate to once crossed the threshold. If you do not know anyone there, which are going to enter, then you have several options. If this is a public event, then you need to advance to research and find out if there is someone you know. The second option - to act as if you are the host of this event and a warm welcome to those present. Others will appreciate your greeting, even if you - not hozyain.Esli you are too shy for such an approach, try another trick: go into the room, smiling and begin to establish eye contact with all of the queue so long until you find someone with whom pogovorit.Budte can be at ease from the moment poyavleniyaMnogie people mistakenly believe that the first impression is formed about them immediately, but later. This is absolutely wrong, because even if there was no spoken word, your body language can give your true thoughts, feelings and intentions, And you will not even know what to do eto.Pervoe impression arises as soon as you appear in the sight of other people . That is why you have to be authentic for all those present in the room, and not just for the person with whom you want to pogovorit.Vhodite ulybkoyOdin of the most important non-verbal signals used by people - an expression of their faces. If you want to be perceived as warm and open person, the best thing you can do for it - smile. This does not mean that your face should always be a broad smile. This means that on your face should be at least an easy smile that would encourage people to communicate with vami.Vypryamite posture when vhoditeVasha posture, as well as your clothes, affects the way you perceive and on first impression. The most common problem people - hunched shoulders. And it happens, as a rule, because of the constant sitting before a computer. In order to look confident, standing up straight. Experts recommend regularly checking your posture. To do this, hold the pencil in two fists, and relax your hands, letting them dangle at your sides. If a shoulder problem, pencils sticking out of the kulaks, will point inward. To fix this, should do special exercises. In addition, entering the room, it should be slightly raised chin. This will be the last shtrih.Zhestikuliruyte when govoriteKogda people enter a room full of strangers, they tend to be clamped. Man begins to slouch, and about any gestures are not talking. As a result, a person looks shy and insecure sebe.Sleduet use gestures, with her need to use not only hands and arms, and hands thoroughly. Let your hands free to gesture, and not be in the pockets, it will make your presence more dynamic. However, it is important to remember that gestures should be natural, and you do not have to look like an octopus, which has had a seizure.

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