Well, very funny anecdote about the seller of the puppies at the Odessa market
Sixty three million one hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred sixty
Little Odessa market. In the area near the entrance stands a man with a basket of cute puppies and photos of their moms — shepherd with a bunch of medals. Near the man stops the lady, concerned, looking at puppies, he looks at a picture of mom and says:
— Look, how did your shepherd a number of medals? She you sho, ate some famous General?
— Madam, what is more General? Just mom of these kids — the champion of many European exhibitions.
— Oh... And she has a good pedigree? The dog smart or as my second principle — oak oak?
— Madam, she has a pedigree better than the Queen of England! And what about the mind... Yes this dog would not have to converse with me nor with you, if I knew how.
— Hmm, well, since the mom of these kids is so smart, then they should be the same. How much for one puppy?
— $ 3,000.
— Yes sho you gone mad? Maybe half?
— Madam, the two halves of the puppies, I don't give, take still whole! For the same amount at home would be a great guard dog.
— My dear, if I'm going to give this dog the same amount, then it absolutely will have nothing to watch in my house!
via factroom.ru
Little Odessa market. In the area near the entrance stands a man with a basket of cute puppies and photos of their moms — shepherd with a bunch of medals. Near the man stops the lady, concerned, looking at puppies, he looks at a picture of mom and says:
— Look, how did your shepherd a number of medals? She you sho, ate some famous General?
— Madam, what is more General? Just mom of these kids — the champion of many European exhibitions.
— Oh... And she has a good pedigree? The dog smart or as my second principle — oak oak?
— Madam, she has a pedigree better than the Queen of England! And what about the mind... Yes this dog would not have to converse with me nor with you, if I knew how.
— Hmm, well, since the mom of these kids is so smart, then they should be the same. How much for one puppy?
— $ 3,000.
— Yes sho you gone mad? Maybe half?
— Madam, the two halves of the puppies, I don't give, take still whole! For the same amount at home would be a great guard dog.
— My dear, if I'm going to give this dog the same amount, then it absolutely will have nothing to watch in my house!
via factroom.ru
As we have a child with a fearless moms went camping
I overheard a funny conversation on the radio Dpsnikov