20 labels and instructions that were steeper than most things
Sixty four million five hundred fifty six thousand five hundred sixty five
We rarely pay attention to the label on the new shirt, don't look at the manual when assembling furniture, and certainly would never read what is written on the bottom of your favorite mug. But in vain!
Site found 20 witty inscriptions on the instructions and labels that prove that the producers also have a sense of humor.
Will not marry until, until someone proposed to me like in the last picture
The statement from IKEA advises me to just throw extra details
In the end just wipe your hands on your clothes
The usual instruction to the ordinary Japanese refrigerator
It was the only reason I read it
NASA also has a sense of humor. Important note on one of the space Shuttle
That moment, when luck is all you need
Should have done that from the start,
So the correct use of a hat. If someone didn't know
You didn't think that the access to the user will always be so easy? Six million two hundred ninety nine thousand five hundred fifty five
It looks like someone tried to do it
I bought a mug. On the bottom were helpful comments from the manufacturer
The moment when the envelope cares more about you than you yourself
When I wanted to do something very important, but forgot what
Most importantly, be sure to read the instructions before use
Think ahead will be a difficult task, so this statement offers in advance to prepare for it
In the manual to the fridge says that all these strange sounds that he produces absolutely normal
There's nothing difficult
To do so, certainly not worth it
Finally, an important reminder
Photos on the preview tranchisonfire
via twitter.com/tranchisonfire/status/879111679371554816
We rarely pay attention to the label on the new shirt, don't look at the manual when assembling furniture, and certainly would never read what is written on the bottom of your favorite mug. But in vain!
Site found 20 witty inscriptions on the instructions and labels that prove that the producers also have a sense of humor.
Will not marry until, until someone proposed to me like in the last picture
The statement from IKEA advises me to just throw extra details
In the end just wipe your hands on your clothes
The usual instruction to the ordinary Japanese refrigerator
It was the only reason I read it
NASA also has a sense of humor. Important note on one of the space Shuttle
That moment, when luck is all you need
Should have done that from the start,
So the correct use of a hat. If someone didn't know
You didn't think that the access to the user will always be so easy? Six million two hundred ninety nine thousand five hundred fifty five
It looks like someone tried to do it
I bought a mug. On the bottom were helpful comments from the manufacturer
The moment when the envelope cares more about you than you yourself
When I wanted to do something very important, but forgot what
Most importantly, be sure to read the instructions before use
Think ahead will be a difficult task, so this statement offers in advance to prepare for it
In the manual to the fridge says that all these strange sounds that he produces absolutely normal
There's nothing difficult
To do so, certainly not worth it
Finally, an important reminder
Photos on the preview tranchisonfire
via twitter.com/tranchisonfire/status/879111679371554816
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