10 twins raspiarennyh attractions that you can visit for free
Seventy three million seventy four thousand five hundred fifty three
This post is for those travelers who love history and don't like show-off. Attractions can be found in any city in any country, but people want those who everyone is heard.
Edition Site found 10 alternative places that neither in appearance, nor in the historicity, nor the atmosphere are not inferior rasparenny "brothers". And in the end everyone who wanted to study at Hogwarts for a pleasant surprise.
The Colosseum / Gladiator arena
The Coliseum is one of the most recognizable and popular attractions, but few people know that in neighbouring Croatia is the twin brother of the Colosseum. The ancient Roman amphitheatre in Pula is the only one of the arenas with remaining 4 towers and 3 architectural orders.
Notre Dame Cathedral / Amiens Cathedral
When you look at these two pictures, and I want to start to play "find 10 differences". Both the Gothic Cathedral in France: Notre Dame in the capital, and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame d'amiens in Amiens in the North of the country. The first was a great PR man — Victor Hugo, who wrote a novel about Gypsy Esmeralda, so there are always crowds of tourists. The second is a little less fortunate, but that he just won — at any time of the year you can come and enjoy the Gothic architecture inside.
Machu Picchu / Isla del Sol
Machu Picchu is the most famous city of the Incas, but there's no water, no food, and even there every day allowed only a limited number of tourists. A trip to Machu Picchu is tiring and is not cheap. Alternatively you can go to neighboring Bolivia and visit there another city of the Incas — Isla del Sol.
Stonehenge / Avebury
Stonehenge is probably one of the most overrated attractions. The stones can not touch, can not enter inside if it is going to rain, tourists there's no place to hide. And for all this you will have to pay a lot of money. 30 km from the famous stones are the same and with equally impressive history. While Avebury is free of charge.
Peter / Lalibela
Brochures Petra directly dip in the Eastern tale. But the infrastructure and crowds of tourists spoil the impression a bit: no time to enjoy the beauty. But in the Ethiopian Lalibela you can get no less pleasure from the contemplation of the carved stone temples and churches, the most unusual of which is the Church of St. George.
Angkor Wat / Borobudur
Angkor Wat, until recently, was considered an abandoned Buddhist temple, until it became a popular attraction. Tourists from all over the world every day enjoying the architecture of the temple and examine the area in search of enlightenment. In ancient Indonesian temple of Borobudur will not meet this influx of people, but it is only a plus.
St. Basil's Cathedral / Church on spilled Blood
The domes of St. Basil's Cathedral — one of the most recognizable symbols of Russia. But few people know that in the cultural capital of the country there is another temple in the same style, which was built in the image and likeness of the Cathedral in Moscow.
The Acropolis / Efes
Ruins of the ancient city, the remains of theatres, churches with well-preserved columns associated with Greece. But her neighbor, Turkey also has something to boast about. The ancient city of Ephesus less popular than the Acropolis, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful to history.
The Golden Gate bridge / Bridge 25 Abril
Red bridges in the world, visible-invisible, but only the Golden Gate bridge has become famous all over the world. He has many "brothers" and not have to cross the ocean to see the miracle of architecture: it is enough to go to Portugal and to assess a suspension bridge with a fancy name "the Bridge of 25 of April".
Big Ben / Parliament hill
Another example that you don't need to fly across the ocean to see the sights. The residents of Canada has its own big Ben, which in appearance can hardly be distinguished from that of London. The Canada's Parliament building built in neo-Gothic style, and is headed by the Peace Tower with the big dial.
Bonus:Hogwarts / Chernivtsi national University
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 8 movies of Harry Potter several times changed its appearance, but some fans didn't even notice it. Several real castles mixed with the decorations you can use, if the Directors knew about the existence of a University building in Chernivtsi. The majestic structure is not only outside but also inside completely matches the atmosphere. Do you agree?
Ninety million seven hundred eighty four thousand two hundred seventy two
Sixty eight million forty one thousand three hundred ninety seven
Forty four million six hundred six thousand three hundred fifty
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/search/depositphotos-94941662-xl-2015.html?qview=94941662&utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
This post is for those travelers who love history and don't like show-off. Attractions can be found in any city in any country, but people want those who everyone is heard.
Edition Site found 10 alternative places that neither in appearance, nor in the historicity, nor the atmosphere are not inferior rasparenny "brothers". And in the end everyone who wanted to study at Hogwarts for a pleasant surprise.
The Colosseum / Gladiator arena

The Coliseum is one of the most recognizable and popular attractions, but few people know that in neighbouring Croatia is the twin brother of the Colosseum. The ancient Roman amphitheatre in Pula is the only one of the arenas with remaining 4 towers and 3 architectural orders.
Notre Dame Cathedral / Amiens Cathedral

When you look at these two pictures, and I want to start to play "find 10 differences". Both the Gothic Cathedral in France: Notre Dame in the capital, and the Cathedral of Notre-Dame d'amiens in Amiens in the North of the country. The first was a great PR man — Victor Hugo, who wrote a novel about Gypsy Esmeralda, so there are always crowds of tourists. The second is a little less fortunate, but that he just won — at any time of the year you can come and enjoy the Gothic architecture inside.
Machu Picchu / Isla del Sol

Machu Picchu is the most famous city of the Incas, but there's no water, no food, and even there every day allowed only a limited number of tourists. A trip to Machu Picchu is tiring and is not cheap. Alternatively you can go to neighboring Bolivia and visit there another city of the Incas — Isla del Sol.
Stonehenge / Avebury

Stonehenge is probably one of the most overrated attractions. The stones can not touch, can not enter inside if it is going to rain, tourists there's no place to hide. And for all this you will have to pay a lot of money. 30 km from the famous stones are the same and with equally impressive history. While Avebury is free of charge.
Peter / Lalibela

Brochures Petra directly dip in the Eastern tale. But the infrastructure and crowds of tourists spoil the impression a bit: no time to enjoy the beauty. But in the Ethiopian Lalibela you can get no less pleasure from the contemplation of the carved stone temples and churches, the most unusual of which is the Church of St. George.
Angkor Wat / Borobudur

Angkor Wat, until recently, was considered an abandoned Buddhist temple, until it became a popular attraction. Tourists from all over the world every day enjoying the architecture of the temple and examine the area in search of enlightenment. In ancient Indonesian temple of Borobudur will not meet this influx of people, but it is only a plus.
St. Basil's Cathedral / Church on spilled Blood

The domes of St. Basil's Cathedral — one of the most recognizable symbols of Russia. But few people know that in the cultural capital of the country there is another temple in the same style, which was built in the image and likeness of the Cathedral in Moscow.
The Acropolis / Efes

Ruins of the ancient city, the remains of theatres, churches with well-preserved columns associated with Greece. But her neighbor, Turkey also has something to boast about. The ancient city of Ephesus less popular than the Acropolis, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful to history.
The Golden Gate bridge / Bridge 25 Abril

Red bridges in the world, visible-invisible, but only the Golden Gate bridge has become famous all over the world. He has many "brothers" and not have to cross the ocean to see the miracle of architecture: it is enough to go to Portugal and to assess a suspension bridge with a fancy name "the Bridge of 25 of April".
Big Ben / Parliament hill

Another example that you don't need to fly across the ocean to see the sights. The residents of Canada has its own big Ben, which in appearance can hardly be distinguished from that of London. The Canada's Parliament building built in neo-Gothic style, and is headed by the Peace Tower with the big dial.
Bonus:Hogwarts / Chernivtsi national University

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 8 movies of Harry Potter several times changed its appearance, but some fans didn't even notice it. Several real castles mixed with the decorations you can use, if the Directors knew about the existence of a University building in Chernivtsi. The majestic structure is not only outside but also inside completely matches the atmosphere. Do you agree?
Ninety million seven hundred eighty four thousand two hundred seventy two
Sixty eight million forty one thousand three hundred ninety seven
Forty four million six hundred six thousand three hundred fifty
Photos on the preview depositphotos
via ru.depositphotos.com/search/depositphotos-94941662-xl-2015.html?qview=94941662&utm_source=Adme&utm_medium=freesub&utm_campaign=RU-brand
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