Photo by Yury Abramochkin of life in the USSR
Many frames Abramochkin become classics of Soviet photography. Young photographers are learning to see the significant in the everyday.
Twenty seven million two hundred sixty nine thousand seven hundred nineteen
Yuri Abramochkin is a world renowned photographer, the legend of Soviet and Russian photo. Began working as a photojournalist at the age of 21, is doing well in the business for over sixty years. Abramochkin work was shown in solo and group exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Holland, Hungary, India, Syria, Romania, Russia. His fantastic work ethic and talent, he has earned prestigious awards, including the prize "Golden eye" international competition World Press Photo.
Heroes of photographs by Yuri Abramochkin became political leaders, artists and writers, scientists and astronauts. But a special place in his work, he took the shooting of ordinary people. Yuri was among the first masters who brought in Soviet reportage photography spontaneous scenes of everyday life.
I love intermediate frames, – says the photographer. – The most successful stories of public people can't take after the ceremonial posing, when everyone starts to behave naturally. In General, the photographer should not grab the camera in time with the man. It is necessary to show restraint, to look at the man, to create a relaxed, trusting atmosphere and only then start shooting. After shooting should break up with someone kindly. If the reporter respects himself, he must respect and the man shoots.
Below are a selection of images of the Soviet years, when Yuri traveled across the country, creating the masterpieces of documentary photography.
Forty nine million seven hundred eighty nine thousand seven hundred forty six
Eighty one million five hundred fifty three thousand four hundred three
Forty eight million five hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred ninety five
Forty nine million eight hundred fifty four thousand seventy five
Fifteen million eight hundred seventy one thousand eleven
Eighty three million eight hundred thirty nine thousand nine hundred twenty seven
Twenty two million six hundred thirty three thousand four hundred sixteen
Eighty two million seventy six thousand seventy one
Eighty two million seven hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred ninety three
Three million three hundred sixty two thousand four hundred fifty one
Forty eight million eight hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred fourteen
Ninety three million six hundred ninety two thousand eight hundred eighty one
Seventy nine million seven hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred eighty nine
Eighty two million two hundred seventy seven thousand three hundred seventeen
Ninety seven million six hundred ninety three thousand three hundred forty six
Forty three million three hundred thirty nine thousand ninety seven
Seventy five million one hundred nineteen thousand three hundred seventy nine
Eleven million nine hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred five
Twenty three million one hundred forty one thousand six hundred twenty four
Forty eight million six hundred thirty four thousand four hundred eight
Sixty five million four hundred twenty four thousand seven hundred nine
Eighty one million five hundred eighty thousand three hundred eighty one
Thirty nine million two hundred eighteen thousand two hundred ninety
Seventy nine million forty five thousand three hundred two
Ninety one million three hundred ninety nine thousand six hundred ninety five
Fourteen million six hundred three thousand four hundred eighty three
Thirty two million nine hundred thirty five thousand six hundred twenty four
Thirty four million two hundred forty six thousand five hundred ninety two
Ninety one million two hundred forty thousand eighty seven
Seventeen million seven hundred thousand seven hundred twenty four
Sixty million five hundred sixteen thousand three hundred twelve
Forty one million twenty nine thousand eight hundred thirty three
Twenty seven million two hundred sixty nine thousand seven hundred nineteen
Yuri Abramochkin is a world renowned photographer, the legend of Soviet and Russian photo. Began working as a photojournalist at the age of 21, is doing well in the business for over sixty years. Abramochkin work was shown in solo and group exhibitions in the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Germany, France, Holland, Hungary, India, Syria, Romania, Russia. His fantastic work ethic and talent, he has earned prestigious awards, including the prize "Golden eye" international competition World Press Photo.
Heroes of photographs by Yuri Abramochkin became political leaders, artists and writers, scientists and astronauts. But a special place in his work, he took the shooting of ordinary people. Yuri was among the first masters who brought in Soviet reportage photography spontaneous scenes of everyday life.
I love intermediate frames, – says the photographer. – The most successful stories of public people can't take after the ceremonial posing, when everyone starts to behave naturally. In General, the photographer should not grab the camera in time with the man. It is necessary to show restraint, to look at the man, to create a relaxed, trusting atmosphere and only then start shooting. After shooting should break up with someone kindly. If the reporter respects himself, he must respect and the man shoots.
Below are a selection of images of the Soviet years, when Yuri traveled across the country, creating the masterpieces of documentary photography.
Forty nine million seven hundred eighty nine thousand seven hundred forty six
Eighty one million five hundred fifty three thousand four hundred three
Forty eight million five hundred sixty four thousand seven hundred ninety five
Forty nine million eight hundred fifty four thousand seventy five
Fifteen million eight hundred seventy one thousand eleven
Eighty three million eight hundred thirty nine thousand nine hundred twenty seven
Twenty two million six hundred thirty three thousand four hundred sixteen
Eighty two million seventy six thousand seventy one
Eighty two million seven hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred ninety three
Three million three hundred sixty two thousand four hundred fifty one
Forty eight million eight hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred fourteen
Ninety three million six hundred ninety two thousand eight hundred eighty one
Seventy nine million seven hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred eighty nine
Eighty two million two hundred seventy seven thousand three hundred seventeen
Ninety seven million six hundred ninety three thousand three hundred forty six
Forty three million three hundred thirty nine thousand ninety seven
Seventy five million one hundred nineteen thousand three hundred seventy nine
Eleven million nine hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred five
Twenty three million one hundred forty one thousand six hundred twenty four
Forty eight million six hundred thirty four thousand four hundred eight
Sixty five million four hundred twenty four thousand seven hundred nine
Eighty one million five hundred eighty thousand three hundred eighty one
Thirty nine million two hundred eighteen thousand two hundred ninety
Seventy nine million forty five thousand three hundred two
Ninety one million three hundred ninety nine thousand six hundred ninety five
Fourteen million six hundred three thousand four hundred eighty three
Thirty two million nine hundred thirty five thousand six hundred twenty four
Thirty four million two hundred forty six thousand five hundred ninety two
Ninety one million two hundred forty thousand eighty seven
Seventeen million seven hundred thousand seven hundred twenty four
Sixty million five hundred sixteen thousand three hundred twelve
Forty one million twenty nine thousand eight hundred thirty three