17 illustrations on the "terrible" truth that hides women
Seventy eight million seven hundred fourteen thousand six hundred sixty one
A talented artist from Belgium under the alias planet Prudence (Prudence Planet) draws comics about his life. The main character is simultaneously sweet and awkward girl is facing problems that are familiar to each of us, and did not shy to talk about them. Planet is trying to make the world a better place through their work, despite the fact that she is struggling with a rare disease.
The website has collected 17 comic book artist that will help to forget about problems and create a good mood.
Photo on preview Planet Prudence
via www.instagram.com/p/BVaZXg-Dcz7/?taken-by=planetprudence
A talented artist from Belgium under the alias planet Prudence (Prudence Planet) draws comics about his life. The main character is simultaneously sweet and awkward girl is facing problems that are familiar to each of us, and did not shy to talk about them. Planet is trying to make the world a better place through their work, despite the fact that she is struggling with a rare disease.
The website has collected 17 comic book artist that will help to forget about problems and create a good mood.
Photo on preview Planet Prudence
via www.instagram.com/p/BVaZXg-Dcz7/?taken-by=planetprudence
25 illogical facts about the food that you immediately agree
The bus was Packed, and the driver is still not moving...