15 warm illustrations of spontaneous manifestation of love
Philip Rice (Philippa Rice) - a young artist from England, author of the collection of illustrations called "Sentimental." She was able to accurately display the beauty of everyday life together, and tell us a love story that happens between people in real life.
Website sure, in these works, each couple finds themselves.
Sometimes happiness - spend leisurely morning together. h3>
At go shopping. h3>
to drop everything just to cuddle. h3>
Help her in the kitchen. h3>
and collect the furniture with him. h3>
fun together, even if the day was a success. h3>
Or, if you are very tired. h3>
Even brushing your teeth together, and something fun. h3>
To fit closely together on the couch, you need skills. h3>
that possess only those who are really close. h3>
Happiness to sleep together. h3>
or chatting until morning. h3>
Have a "his" place. h3>
And just to be around. h3>
Website sure, in these works, each couple finds themselves.