Yesterday mom called and asked how I'm doing... so I gave the whole truth!
Seventy two million six hundred eighty five thousand eight hundred seventy five
For more than six months to live, study and work in another city, away from family and friends. Rented a small apartment with friends. Right now we have to work not the light bar.
So, yesterday I called my mother. Asked about studies, health, how to eat. Said that lately there is nothing to be saved instant noodles. Mom for a couple of seconds thought, and then says:
— Okay, enough so to joke! I'm worried, dear! Call often, and hung up.
And I hadn't even thought to joke…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
For more than six months to live, study and work in another city, away from family and friends. Rented a small apartment with friends. Right now we have to work not the light bar.
So, yesterday I called my mother. Asked about studies, health, how to eat. Said that lately there is nothing to be saved instant noodles. Mom for a couple of seconds thought, and then says:
— Okay, enough so to joke! I'm worried, dear! Call often, and hung up.
And I hadn't even thought to joke…
The website is now at Classmates! Press:
via factroom.ru
As my neighbor went to work on the car, and came without it
As tax inspectors have managed to get even unfortunate animals