Gloomy autumn evening in the Park sat a pretty girl and cried...
Ninety six million four hundred fifty eight thousand three hundred seventy four
Gloomy autumn evening on the old bench in the Park sat a pretty girl and cried, covering his face with his hands and occasionally sobbing. She was ashamed of such display of feelings in public, but there was nothing she could do. It passed by indifferent passers-by, slightly astonished at her appearance, but not stopping.
After some time past the girls on the bench passed the little boy on the scooter. He saw her and asked:
— Auntie, why are you crying?
'Oh, dear... I'm Afraid you're too young to understand — with waved to the girl.
— Auntie, do you have pain? And I want to give you a toy? I got home very, very much! — the boy said, pulling out a Teddy bear backpack.
The girl only began to cry even more, whispering through her tears:
— Oh, baby, thank you... you Know, nobody loves me, nobody loves me.
— Auntie, and you have all been asking?! sternly knitting brows, the boy said and left.
The girl was sitting on a bench, hugging a Teddy bear, and smiled...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Gloomy autumn evening on the old bench in the Park sat a pretty girl and cried, covering his face with his hands and occasionally sobbing. She was ashamed of such display of feelings in public, but there was nothing she could do. It passed by indifferent passers-by, slightly astonished at her appearance, but not stopping.
After some time past the girls on the bench passed the little boy on the scooter. He saw her and asked:
— Auntie, why are you crying?
'Oh, dear... I'm Afraid you're too young to understand — with waved to the girl.
— Auntie, do you have pain? And I want to give you a toy? I got home very, very much! — the boy said, pulling out a Teddy bear backpack.
The girl only began to cry even more, whispering through her tears:
— Oh, baby, thank you... you Know, nobody loves me, nobody loves me.
— Auntie, and you have all been asking?! sternly knitting brows, the boy said and left.
The girl was sitting on a bench, hugging a Teddy bear, and smiled...
The website is now at Classmates! Push:
via factroom.ru
Did she think acne is hormonal. The doctor was speechless when he sat down at the microscope!
Came an elderly couple visit their old friends…