More my husband and shopping do not go, took out his "fashion" advice…
Twenty eight million three hundred eight thousand eight hundred fifty four
The other day my husband and I went to a Shoe store to buy me a new pair of boots. I, like any woman I love shopping, to consider the range and try on different models in General, enjoy the process. Of course, after several hours searching for the perfect pair of shoes, my husband started to get nervous and irritable.
Fit with him to the next window, and then he grabs fashion transparent boots and says:
— Here take these! You every day new socks to wear, like new boots. All girlfriends will be jealous!
via factroom.ru
The other day my husband and I went to a Shoe store to buy me a new pair of boots. I, like any woman I love shopping, to consider the range and try on different models in General, enjoy the process. Of course, after several hours searching for the perfect pair of shoes, my husband started to get nervous and irritable.
Fit with him to the next window, and then he grabs fashion transparent boots and says:
— Here take these! You every day new socks to wear, like new boots. All girlfriends will be jealous!
via factroom.ru
"Of course, doctor, help yourself!»
“Doctor, how does my knee pain relate to playing the saxophone?” ?