7 easy drinks that will help to say goodbye to excess weight

Every second girl probably once in my life been on a diet knows how long leaving those unwanted pounds. But, it turns out, there's an easy way to speed up the process of weight loss with the simplest of ingredients.
We at the Website decided to gather drink recipes that are able to promptly save you from obesity.
The infusion of plum

- During preparation, store in the refrigerator.
- Drink 1 Cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
Drink with cinnamon and honey

- Drink 1 Cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
The infusion of wheat

- Store where not exposed to direct sun rays.
- Drink 150 ml before meals.
- The drink should be a muddy tone, and slight citrus aroma.
Drink with lemon and ginger

- Drink 1 Cup in the morning.
A decoction of dandelions

- To drink instead of tea.
Pineapple juice

- Can be diluted with water.
- Drink needs.
Water Sassi

- Drink 8 glasses within 4 days.
- Thus to consume no more than 1 400 kcal per day.
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See also
17 foods that can be eaten at any time of day and in any quantity
A nutrition expert told how we should eat to look better
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