My three year old daughter always knows what to answer the questions of strangers
Eighty seven million seven hundred eighty four thousand twenty eight
Yesterday was walking with a three year old daughter in the Park. On the way I met a lovely grandmother who just could not indifferently pass by the child. Stopped, had a little chat with my daughter, and then says:
My pleasure, sorry, well, too bad...
Docha did not panic and gave an unexpected answer:
— So here near the shop there! Come on, I'll show you!
Oh, this childlike.
via factroom.ru
Yesterday was walking with a three year old daughter in the Park. On the way I met a lovely grandmother who just could not indifferently pass by the child. Stopped, had a little chat with my daughter, and then says:
My pleasure, sorry, well, too bad...
Docha did not panic and gave an unexpected answer:
— So here near the shop there! Come on, I'll show you!
Oh, this childlike.
via factroom.ru
When your child is a victim of endless new year's morning
"Kate, something with our cat! He can't walk!"