Cake "Minute" without baking.

For the cakes:
3 tbsp. flour
1 can of condensed milk
1 egg
1 hr. L. soda (to repay vinegar)
For the cream:
750 grams of milk
200 g butter
Article 1.5. sugar
2 eggs
3-4 tablespoons. l. flour
1 package vanilla
Making the dough for the cake, mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, eggs, soda). Divide the dough into 8 pieces.
Roll out one piece of a diameter larger than the pan and lay on a heated pan.
A minute later overturn (cakes fried very quickly).
Filmed prune cake (clipping then go on posypku cake).
Cooking cream
Mix all ingredients, except the oil, and set on fire until thick, stirring vigorously at this.
At the end add the hot cream into butter.
Lubricates cakes warm cream top and sprinkle with crushed crumbs sides.
Leave the cake for a few hours for impregnation.