As a Frenchman, a German and a Russian monkey to speak taught
Once the scientists have very long struggled to teach a monkey to speak. For a long time they did not work and they decided to give the monkey a simple Frenchman, believing that his gallantry and good nature, will help the monkey to learn to pronounce words.
Six months later, scientists came to the Frenchman and saw that the monkey has seen incredible change: at last, grew a thick coat and started eating with a knife and fork. Scientists asked the Frenchman:
Paul, what do you feed a monkey?
Lord, every day I gave her coconuts, pineapples, bananas and other fruits.
— Well done! said one scientist turned to monkey — come on, tell us something.
The monkey looked at him, but said nothing. The scientists sighed and took the monkey to the Germans, hoping that his iron discipline and the strict nature will help. A few months later, the scientists visited the German with a monkey. She became even thicker and more beautiful and even learned how to read Newspapers.
— Hans, what are you a monkey fed? — asked the German.
— So all sorts of fruits: apples were given, and more coconuts and bananas...
— Great! Monkey, you're going to say something? — asked the scientist to trust the German.
The monkey shrugged and said nothing. Thought scientists decided to give the monkey to the Russian, since from it no sense comes out. A few months went to visit scientists to Russian. There they met a skinny mangy monkey with wildly angry eyes.
— Ivan, you so our monkey feed?! — in terror cried out, scientists.
Well... These... Coconuts, bananas, pineapples...
Here in the room, demolishing the door, rushed the same monkey.
— "Coconuts, bananas, pineapples," yeah. Look at this liar! she said.
via factroom.ru
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