9 most unusual ways celebrities quickly get in shape
Fifty one million nine hundred seventy seven thousand five hundred ninety
Say what you like, but celebrities are not like us. We can promise myself to start Monday, to postpone the exercise over and over again, to take it out on sweets, and they spend most of life trying to meet our expectations.
We Site have prepared for you a selection of the most unusual ways resorted to by actors and singers to quickly get in shape. It is worth noting that for celebrity extremes don't exist, so still don't try to repeat it yourself.
Natalie Portman
For the role of the ballerina, not suffering from excess weight, Portman had to reduce his weight almost 40 kg. Diet is not too different from the power of her character: half of a grapefruit, carrots and almonds. But poor diet and intensive workout is not much payment for an Oscar, right?
To urgently to lose 7 kg before the filming of "dream Girls", Beyonce refused solid food. For two weeks she drank only water with lemon juice, Cayenne pepper and maple syrup, occasionally diluting the ration with fresh vegetables. The result is amazing, but the singer acknowledges that more would not have dared for such an experiment.
Matthew McConaughey
Award for "Best actor" was given to the actor. For 4 months he kept extremely low calorie diet, losing about 20 kg weight. The basis of his power was a large amount of fluid and protein, but McConaughey argues that the process was more difficult from a psychological point of view.
Reese Witherspoon
To restore shape after giving birth Reese Witherspoon appealed to the popular diet based on baby food. The secret is simple: pureed food is easily digested, and the serving size does not allow to overeat.
Anne Hathaway
A secondary role of a factory worker dying of tuberculosis, assumed the appropriate form. Anne was forced to stick to a low calorie diet of no more than 500 calories a day. Actress allowed myself only 2 servings of dry oats noodles, a little radish and hummus a day. Anne recalls the experience and laughs that for a slinky costume cat-woman and she did have to sit on a diet of "Kale and dust".
Christina Aguilera
According to the singer, she has a very unusual diet: every day she consumes something crunchy, something soft, and hot and cold. With all this products should be the same color, for example on Monday the white color and products such as cabbage, white beans, cheese. It is difficult to question the method by looking at her gorgeous figure.
Christian Bale
For the filming of the movie "the Machinist", the actor had to get rid of 30 pounds in 4 months. His diet consisted of cans of tuna and 1 Apple a day does not exceed 300 kcal. To not feel hunger, bale drank a lot of water, which in the end helped him to achieve the desired result. The word Christian has lost not only fat but also muscles that made him so painfully exhausted.
How would you look at 58? Sure like Madonna. The singer maintains a beautiful shape, while others simply reduce their calories, and it rejects them. The diet is based on the idea that one only air enough to maintain the activity of our body. You cook food, but just enjoying her smell and eat nothing but soup water and salt. Of course, Madonna does not adhere to this diet all the time, but resorted to it by necessity.
Nicole Kidman
After the baby is born for future projects Nicole Kidman had to choose a fairly strict diet: 1 hard-boiled egg for Breakfast, 1 for lunch and 2 for dinner. This power is extremely imbalanced and contains few calories, but the actress lost even more pounds than planned. Verdict: works, but will not last long.
Photo eastnews preview
See also
13 tips on how to quickly get in shape, from famous mom
14 photos incredibly changed stars
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/14-foto-neveroyatno-izmenivshihsya-zvezd-1499815/
Say what you like, but celebrities are not like us. We can promise myself to start Monday, to postpone the exercise over and over again, to take it out on sweets, and they spend most of life trying to meet our expectations.
We Site have prepared for you a selection of the most unusual ways resorted to by actors and singers to quickly get in shape. It is worth noting that for celebrity extremes don't exist, so still don't try to repeat it yourself.
Natalie Portman

For the role of the ballerina, not suffering from excess weight, Portman had to reduce his weight almost 40 kg. Diet is not too different from the power of her character: half of a grapefruit, carrots and almonds. But poor diet and intensive workout is not much payment for an Oscar, right?

To urgently to lose 7 kg before the filming of "dream Girls", Beyonce refused solid food. For two weeks she drank only water with lemon juice, Cayenne pepper and maple syrup, occasionally diluting the ration with fresh vegetables. The result is amazing, but the singer acknowledges that more would not have dared for such an experiment.
Matthew McConaughey

Award for "Best actor" was given to the actor. For 4 months he kept extremely low calorie diet, losing about 20 kg weight. The basis of his power was a large amount of fluid and protein, but McConaughey argues that the process was more difficult from a psychological point of view.
Reese Witherspoon

To restore shape after giving birth Reese Witherspoon appealed to the popular diet based on baby food. The secret is simple: pureed food is easily digested, and the serving size does not allow to overeat.
Anne Hathaway

A secondary role of a factory worker dying of tuberculosis, assumed the appropriate form. Anne was forced to stick to a low calorie diet of no more than 500 calories a day. Actress allowed myself only 2 servings of dry oats noodles, a little radish and hummus a day. Anne recalls the experience and laughs that for a slinky costume cat-woman and she did have to sit on a diet of "Kale and dust".
Christina Aguilera

According to the singer, she has a very unusual diet: every day she consumes something crunchy, something soft, and hot and cold. With all this products should be the same color, for example on Monday the white color and products such as cabbage, white beans, cheese. It is difficult to question the method by looking at her gorgeous figure.
Christian Bale

For the filming of the movie "the Machinist", the actor had to get rid of 30 pounds in 4 months. His diet consisted of cans of tuna and 1 Apple a day does not exceed 300 kcal. To not feel hunger, bale drank a lot of water, which in the end helped him to achieve the desired result. The word Christian has lost not only fat but also muscles that made him so painfully exhausted.

How would you look at 58? Sure like Madonna. The singer maintains a beautiful shape, while others simply reduce their calories, and it rejects them. The diet is based on the idea that one only air enough to maintain the activity of our body. You cook food, but just enjoying her smell and eat nothing but soup water and salt. Of course, Madonna does not adhere to this diet all the time, but resorted to it by necessity.
Nicole Kidman

After the baby is born for future projects Nicole Kidman had to choose a fairly strict diet: 1 hard-boiled egg for Breakfast, 1 for lunch and 2 for dinner. This power is extremely imbalanced and contains few calories, but the actress lost even more pounds than planned. Verdict: works, but will not last long.
Photo eastnews preview
See also
13 tips on how to quickly get in shape, from famous mom
14 photos incredibly changed stars
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/14-foto-neveroyatno-izmenivshihsya-zvezd-1499815/
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