Exercises to correct emotional imbalances
Any readers are encouraged to try to correct any of their negative emotions for a particular situation, using the below given diagram.
But first a little theory: In our body there are energy channels, each of which performs specific functions and is associated with a particular emotion, is calculated empirically by the ancient Chinese. When we experience a negative emotion, a particular channel is blocked or the energy in him begins to move slowly.
If you are near a negatively minded people or in a geopathogenic zone, your energy system may be synchronized with these people or this place, and there is an energy violation in a particular channel or channels. For example, each of us got into this situation: you come to a place, and you have neither the sudden attacks of causeless fear.
What has actually happened in a certain place of your energy system is deformed, causing the body certain sensations, and in turn, the psyche has interpreted these sensations as a certain emotion, in this case – fear.
The energy of violation form feelings, psyche interpreterpath it as an emotion, and negative emotions form energy violations.Since this is a reciprocal process, it is sufficient to adjust the energy system and psyche will interpret it as a decrease emotional tension. This is the way people are doing, practicing qi Gong, and exercise as a bonus experience positive emotions.
What are reflexes?
It is a response of the nervous system to a stimulus. In physiology divided reflexes into unconditional and conditional. Unconditioned reflexes are implemented genetic apparatus, for example one newborn child does not learn to breathe, to suck the mother's breast, and in the future to roll over and crawl. Conditioned reflexes are developed in living beings when training. It is well known to experience the famous Professor Pavlov, where before each feeding for many days in the room where the kept the dog, turned on the light. And once again when you turn on the light, the dog started salivation, although food is not allowed. The dog developed for the inclusion of the light reflex, the brain of the dog linked the event to turn the light on and feeding. Turned the lights on – saliva of the dog came out, and it does not depend on the desire of most dogs.
Am I alive with the reader, imagine that you take ripe juicy yellow lemon and cut it into four slices, and then the juicy pulp of a lemon, take it in your mouth and begin to chew, and your whole mouth is filled with a nice refreshing juice, and you swallow it. Not true, you started salivating?
The nervous system has several levels:
Autonomic – responsible for vegetative functions of the body – digestion, growth, respiration, etc. (unconscious)
Share – responsible for instincts, find food, sexual partner, etc. (unconscious)
Human – is responsible for intelligence, higher emotions (consciousness)
Consciousness is very limited in memory size, but very fast, below are the levels (unconscious and subconscious) are not limited in the amount of memory, but static. When the level of consciousness is the redo, the nervous system in order to free the mind puts this information at the unconscious level – so formed a conditioned reflex. For example, you want to learn how to ride a bike – and at first it is very difficult, all the attention of your consciousness is focused on the development of effective schemes of behavior, but as soon as the mind fails to find the key to the management of the Bicycle, the information is transmitted in the unconscious and produces a conditioned reflex.
Thus, the mind relieves itself by forcing myself to work instead of the deeper structures of the brain, and you easily and naturally eat on the bike, and consciousness at this time to do something else, for example, to enjoy the picturesque countryside, where you are at this moment passing. It's great when we are talking about the positive acquisitions for our lives, but sometimes are acquired reflexes that carry negative traits for the organism, and then we react to events not as we would like, and too rational.
One of us was in a situation where you react violently, and then deeply regret what I said or did. That unfortunate moment you are unable to hold back, as if you turned off the mind. Everything is simple, when you have developed by analogy with the situation with the bike on a certain stimulus a conditioned reflex, in this case pathological, to your life. Reflex is implemented so that the specific stimulus there is a specific response, it may be a reaction to an event or situation. Consciousness has possible not to show symptoms of the pathological conditioned reflex, but sometimes does not have time to check, and it depends on the strength of the stimulus or the activity of the reflex. As a rule, you pathological conditional reflex is produced in childhood, for example, in certain situations, you hurt, and you have formed a conditioned reflex. The conditioned response is transferred in your adulthood, when you find yourself in a similar situation arise again you have those unpleasant feelings that you experienced in childhood, and the same reaction.
At the moment this reflex, may have been important to you for your survival, but in adulthood, he does not carry anything constructive, just destruction of you and the world. It is logical to rebuild a child's pattern of behavior on the adult, but, unfortunately, you just can't do it, deep structures of the brain are unwilling to part with the old behaviors that once helped to survive. But with the help of the following techniques to transform the pathological conditioned reflex it is possible very quickly:
The main technique
You need to think of a situation where you experience unpleasant feelings, and find in the diagram the name of the emotions. Every emotion has a number that corresponds to the point on the body, with which you will be working with.
The technique consists of two stages, each of which you have to work with the same situation that you have chosen. At the first stage you will clean the energy channels, you will need to rattle some point, reciting affirmations. In the second phase you will transform pathological conditional reflex that you develop in a certain period of life, in the option that you want to have.
Stages of correction
I. Correction of channels
You need to assess the subjectively unpleasant feelings arising from the recollection of the disturbing situation on a 10-point scale, where 0 is no discomfort and 10 being maximum level.
You must remember you are disturbing the situation, remember it must be frustrating; you need to assess how you on a 10-point scale it is unpleasant to remember, where 0 is no discomfort and 10 being maximum level.
It is important to understand that you must evaluate, unpleasant feelings, not the importance of the situation. For example, the dollar jumped up in 2 times and the importance of this event for any person on a scale of 10 – 10 points, but at the memory of this fact you can be still, i.e., the unpleasant feelings may not arise, which would correspond to 0 points.
Continuing to remember the unpleasant feelings arising from the recollection of a particular situation, you need to tap on selected points with simultaneous reciting affirmations corresponding to this point.
Universal affirmation to any of the points: "I love and accept myself along with my ... (for example, fear or any other emotion) on the deepest level, from the first time when you experienced ... (e.g., fear or any other emotion). And now I choose to let go of your ... (e.g., fear or any other emotion), and choose happiness, love, joy, harmony, safety". Take a deep breath in through your nose and deeply exhale through the mouth.
And rattle over the points 13, reciting the words: "I love and accept myself, even if I lost my energy, at the deepest level, from the first time when I lost her. And I choose now to regain my energy." Take a deep breath in through your nose and deeply exhale through the mouth.
Then the patient repeatedly recalls an unpleasant situation and assess the discomfort on a 10-point scale. As a rule, the degree of discomfort is reduced. The tapping and reciting affirmations is as long as the level of discomfort at the memory of it will not fall to 0-1 points. As soon as the level drops to 0-1 points, moving to the next stage.
II. Transformation of conditioned reflex
A little more theory. Of life you can give an example: once passed the exams, but if you get stressed, then you suddenly noticed that everything you were taught before the exam, you forget. But when you calm down, and the memory began to work miracles, you not only remember what was taught, but that somewhere in passing have seen, heard on the subject.
Stress can both stimulate the cerebral cortex and inhibit its function, it all depends on stress levels. If the stress exceeds the ability of the adaptations of the brain, the cerebral cortex enters a power saving mode and stops working to ensure memory function. If you try to use the cerebral cortex for the purposes of luring out information on a specific topic, then you will not succeed until the stress level is reduced, and the brain will again go into its normal mode of operation.
Therefore, in the most difficult situation to feel calm, confident, protected much better than to be in a state of panic or of passion. Because in a calm state you can find effective solution with minimal losses to get out of this situation, which is not the case when you are in razbalansirovat condition, because in this case, the cortex operates in the mode of reduced power and to find an optimal solution impossible.
Since you are in the here and now, in your imagination you can imagine anything, therefore you need to:
To recall specific unpleasant situation. In that situation, imagine how you would feel yourself there. In a situation there is nothing to change. The reference option is calmness, confidence, security. To keep this positive image throughout the follow-up procedure: at the same time left hand to stimulate both points No. 6 and the right point No. 14 on the left hand.
At the same time with this:
Author: Nikolay Volynkin, applied kinesiologist
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //Nikolay Volynkin
But first a little theory: In our body there are energy channels, each of which performs specific functions and is associated with a particular emotion, is calculated empirically by the ancient Chinese. When we experience a negative emotion, a particular channel is blocked or the energy in him begins to move slowly.
If you are near a negatively minded people or in a geopathogenic zone, your energy system may be synchronized with these people or this place, and there is an energy violation in a particular channel or channels. For example, each of us got into this situation: you come to a place, and you have neither the sudden attacks of causeless fear.
What has actually happened in a certain place of your energy system is deformed, causing the body certain sensations, and in turn, the psyche has interpreted these sensations as a certain emotion, in this case – fear.
The energy of violation form feelings, psyche interpreterpath it as an emotion, and negative emotions form energy violations.Since this is a reciprocal process, it is sufficient to adjust the energy system and psyche will interpret it as a decrease emotional tension. This is the way people are doing, practicing qi Gong, and exercise as a bonus experience positive emotions.
What are reflexes?
It is a response of the nervous system to a stimulus. In physiology divided reflexes into unconditional and conditional. Unconditioned reflexes are implemented genetic apparatus, for example one newborn child does not learn to breathe, to suck the mother's breast, and in the future to roll over and crawl. Conditioned reflexes are developed in living beings when training. It is well known to experience the famous Professor Pavlov, where before each feeding for many days in the room where the kept the dog, turned on the light. And once again when you turn on the light, the dog started salivation, although food is not allowed. The dog developed for the inclusion of the light reflex, the brain of the dog linked the event to turn the light on and feeding. Turned the lights on – saliva of the dog came out, and it does not depend on the desire of most dogs.
Am I alive with the reader, imagine that you take ripe juicy yellow lemon and cut it into four slices, and then the juicy pulp of a lemon, take it in your mouth and begin to chew, and your whole mouth is filled with a nice refreshing juice, and you swallow it. Not true, you started salivating?
The nervous system has several levels:
Autonomic – responsible for vegetative functions of the body – digestion, growth, respiration, etc. (unconscious)
Share – responsible for instincts, find food, sexual partner, etc. (unconscious)
Human – is responsible for intelligence, higher emotions (consciousness)
Consciousness is very limited in memory size, but very fast, below are the levels (unconscious and subconscious) are not limited in the amount of memory, but static. When the level of consciousness is the redo, the nervous system in order to free the mind puts this information at the unconscious level – so formed a conditioned reflex. For example, you want to learn how to ride a bike – and at first it is very difficult, all the attention of your consciousness is focused on the development of effective schemes of behavior, but as soon as the mind fails to find the key to the management of the Bicycle, the information is transmitted in the unconscious and produces a conditioned reflex.
Thus, the mind relieves itself by forcing myself to work instead of the deeper structures of the brain, and you easily and naturally eat on the bike, and consciousness at this time to do something else, for example, to enjoy the picturesque countryside, where you are at this moment passing. It's great when we are talking about the positive acquisitions for our lives, but sometimes are acquired reflexes that carry negative traits for the organism, and then we react to events not as we would like, and too rational.
One of us was in a situation where you react violently, and then deeply regret what I said or did. That unfortunate moment you are unable to hold back, as if you turned off the mind. Everything is simple, when you have developed by analogy with the situation with the bike on a certain stimulus a conditioned reflex, in this case pathological, to your life. Reflex is implemented so that the specific stimulus there is a specific response, it may be a reaction to an event or situation. Consciousness has possible not to show symptoms of the pathological conditioned reflex, but sometimes does not have time to check, and it depends on the strength of the stimulus or the activity of the reflex. As a rule, you pathological conditional reflex is produced in childhood, for example, in certain situations, you hurt, and you have formed a conditioned reflex. The conditioned response is transferred in your adulthood, when you find yourself in a similar situation arise again you have those unpleasant feelings that you experienced in childhood, and the same reaction.
At the moment this reflex, may have been important to you for your survival, but in adulthood, he does not carry anything constructive, just destruction of you and the world. It is logical to rebuild a child's pattern of behavior on the adult, but, unfortunately, you just can't do it, deep structures of the brain are unwilling to part with the old behaviors that once helped to survive. But with the help of the following techniques to transform the pathological conditioned reflex it is possible very quickly:
The main technique
You need to think of a situation where you experience unpleasant feelings, and find in the diagram the name of the emotions. Every emotion has a number that corresponds to the point on the body, with which you will be working with.
The technique consists of two stages, each of which you have to work with the same situation that you have chosen. At the first stage you will clean the energy channels, you will need to rattle some point, reciting affirmations. In the second phase you will transform pathological conditional reflex that you develop in a certain period of life, in the option that you want to have.
Stages of correction
I. Correction of channels
You need to assess the subjectively unpleasant feelings arising from the recollection of the disturbing situation on a 10-point scale, where 0 is no discomfort and 10 being maximum level.
You must remember you are disturbing the situation, remember it must be frustrating; you need to assess how you on a 10-point scale it is unpleasant to remember, where 0 is no discomfort and 10 being maximum level.
It is important to understand that you must evaluate, unpleasant feelings, not the importance of the situation. For example, the dollar jumped up in 2 times and the importance of this event for any person on a scale of 10 – 10 points, but at the memory of this fact you can be still, i.e., the unpleasant feelings may not arise, which would correspond to 0 points.
Continuing to remember the unpleasant feelings arising from the recollection of a particular situation, you need to tap on selected points with simultaneous reciting affirmations corresponding to this point.
Universal affirmation to any of the points: "I love and accept myself along with my ... (for example, fear or any other emotion) on the deepest level, from the first time when you experienced ... (e.g., fear or any other emotion). And now I choose to let go of your ... (e.g., fear or any other emotion), and choose happiness, love, joy, harmony, safety". Take a deep breath in through your nose and deeply exhale through the mouth.
And rattle over the points 13, reciting the words: "I love and accept myself, even if I lost my energy, at the deepest level, from the first time when I lost her. And I choose now to regain my energy." Take a deep breath in through your nose and deeply exhale through the mouth.
Then the patient repeatedly recalls an unpleasant situation and assess the discomfort on a 10-point scale. As a rule, the degree of discomfort is reduced. The tapping and reciting affirmations is as long as the level of discomfort at the memory of it will not fall to 0-1 points. As soon as the level drops to 0-1 points, moving to the next stage.
II. Transformation of conditioned reflex
A little more theory. Of life you can give an example: once passed the exams, but if you get stressed, then you suddenly noticed that everything you were taught before the exam, you forget. But when you calm down, and the memory began to work miracles, you not only remember what was taught, but that somewhere in passing have seen, heard on the subject.
Stress can both stimulate the cerebral cortex and inhibit its function, it all depends on stress levels. If the stress exceeds the ability of the adaptations of the brain, the cerebral cortex enters a power saving mode and stops working to ensure memory function. If you try to use the cerebral cortex for the purposes of luring out information on a specific topic, then you will not succeed until the stress level is reduced, and the brain will again go into its normal mode of operation.
Therefore, in the most difficult situation to feel calm, confident, protected much better than to be in a state of panic or of passion. Because in a calm state you can find effective solution with minimal losses to get out of this situation, which is not the case when you are in razbalansirovat condition, because in this case, the cortex operates in the mode of reduced power and to find an optimal solution impossible.
Since you are in the here and now, in your imagination you can imagine anything, therefore you need to:
To recall specific unpleasant situation. In that situation, imagine how you would feel yourself there. In a situation there is nothing to change. The reference option is calmness, confidence, security. To keep this positive image throughout the follow-up procedure: at the same time left hand to stimulate both points No. 6 and the right point No. 14 on the left hand.
At the same time with this:
- close your eyes,
- open your eyes
- look down left, then down right
- make a big circle eyes clockwise and back
- quickly move your eyes 10 times from left to right and back
- slowly raise your eyes upwards,
- to count backwards from 53 to 41, or to perform any arithmetic operation,
- myself to play any music
- remember the different colors, smells, tastes,
- breathing: inhale deeply, then inhale more, exhale halfway (fast), exhale fully, exhale even more. Breath (3 cycles of inhale-exhale).
Author: Nikolay Volynkin, applied kinesiologist
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: //Nikolay Volynkin