As the locals call their country actually
Forty one million nine hundred fifty two thousand eight hundred ninety two
Quite often, the generally accepted name of countries vary, sometimes so much that words are hard to find something in common. By itself, this fact is not surprising, but the true names not everyone knows.
The website found 15 examples of how local people call their country, and maybe some of them will be for you a complete surprise.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Photos on the preview FarkasB/depositphotos.com
See also
Why in the world are so different sockets
As the locals actually call their city
21 country, where the issue of the best passports for travellers
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/21-strana-gde-vydayut-luchshie-pasporta-dlya-puteshestvennikov-1487015/
Quite often, the generally accepted name of countries vary, sometimes so much that words are hard to find something in common. By itself, this fact is not surprising, but the true names not everyone knows.
The website found 15 examples of how local people call their country, and maybe some of them will be for you a complete surprise.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Acknowledgement: Wikipedia.
Photos on the preview FarkasB/depositphotos.com
See also
Why in the world are so different sockets
As the locals actually call their city
21 country, where the issue of the best passports for travellers
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/21-strana-gde-vydayut-luchshie-pasporta-dlya-puteshestvennikov-1487015/
How to present the same historical events in different countries
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