As my five year old son learned to read to myself
Seventy five million eight hundred ninety four thousand eight hundred ninety one
I have a son, he's just five years old. Sitting once in the room, reading by syllables. So loudly that much TV perekryvaet. I look to him and say:
— Read to yourself.
The child thought for a moment and replied:
— So here's my story nothing is written.
via factroom.ru
I have a son, he's just five years old. Sitting once in the room, reading by syllables. So loudly that much TV perekryvaet. I look to him and say:
— Read to yourself.
The child thought for a moment and replied:
— So here's my story nothing is written.
via factroom.ru
As we are on the roof of a luxury hotel to get tried
After the surgery, the doctor warned me: "do not be afraid!"