6 exercises that will help to remove the sides
A regular stable chair is an excellent simulatorThe so-called sides are the result of fat accumulation, and it is quite difficult to remove these sides, even against the background of an effective fight against excess weight.
After all, despite the fact that they do decrease slightly in size with proper, balanced nutrition, to achieve better results, it is important to supplement your diet and certain physical exercises.
But the problem is that not everyone has enough time to regularly go to the gym, and it is quite difficult to develop a training plan for yourself.
Many do not even suspect that with the help of a regular chair you can achieve amazing results (without leaving home). An ordinary stable chair is an excellent simulator.
6 best exercises to remove hanging sides:
1. Step up: climbs
This exercise allows you to work not only the muscles of the abdomen and waist, but also the legs and hips. This is his undeniable advantage over others.
How do you do it?
2. "Triceps down": push-ups from the chairThis exercise is also very interesting, as it allows not only to remove the hanging sides, but also helps to strengthen the back, shoulders and hands.
How do you do it?
3. “Split”: squats with a raised leg on the chairThese types of movements will require you to be more focused and enduring, so at first the exercise may seem tedious. But it's very effective.
It serves to increase the elasticity of muscles and allows you to work out the quadriceps and muscles of the thighs.
How do you do it?
4. ABS on a chairTo focus on the abdominal muscles, you can do the following exercises with the chair. You will need to maintain your body weight and balance.
How do you do it?
How do you do it?
How do you do it?
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: //steptohealth.ru/6-uprazhnenij-so-stulom-kotorye-pomogut-ubrat-boka/
After all, despite the fact that they do decrease slightly in size with proper, balanced nutrition, to achieve better results, it is important to supplement your diet and certain physical exercises.
But the problem is that not everyone has enough time to regularly go to the gym, and it is quite difficult to develop a training plan for yourself.
Many do not even suspect that with the help of a regular chair you can achieve amazing results (without leaving home). An ordinary stable chair is an excellent simulator.
6 best exercises to remove hanging sides:
1. Step up: climbs
This exercise allows you to work not only the muscles of the abdomen and waist, but also the legs and hips. This is his undeniable advantage over others.
How do you do it?
- Place one foot on a chair, lifting the body up while pulling the free leg back.
- Tighten your stomach and gluteal muscle, and then change your legs.
- Your movements should be smooth, 3 sets of 20 repetitions should be performed.
2. "Triceps down": push-ups from the chairThis exercise is also very interesting, as it allows not only to remove the hanging sides, but also helps to strengthen the back, shoulders and hands.
How do you do it?
- Stand with your back to the chair, rest with both hands on its seat, your elbows should “look” back and be parallel to each other. Feet on the floor.
- Lift your body, straighten your arms, taking a breath of effort.
- Remember that the stomach should be drawn during the exercise, and you will need to do 3 sets of 10 or 15 repetitions.
3. “Split”: squats with a raised leg on the chairThese types of movements will require you to be more focused and enduring, so at first the exercise may seem tedious. But it's very effective.
It serves to increase the elasticity of muscles and allows you to work out the quadriceps and muscles of the thighs.
How do you do it?
- Stand flat, knees slightly bent, then raise one leg to the chair behind you.
- Now lower and lift your body in this position, doing 15 to 20 reps.
- If desired, you can also perform one of the variations of this exercise: moving the leg raised on the chair, then forward, then back.
4. ABS on a chairTo focus on the abdominal muscles, you can do the following exercises with the chair. You will need to maintain your body weight and balance.
How do you do it?
- Sit on the edge of the chair, legs stretched forward and slightly raised. Make sure your feet do not touch the floor.
- Now lean back a little and pull your knees up at the same time.
- Try to touch their stomach to twist the body was maximum. Inhale, return to the original position and exhale to the force (when you again bend your knees and pull them towards you).
- Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
How do you do it?
- Put your hands on the chair, and stretch your legs back, leaning on the tips of your fingers.
- Without lifting the body up, pull the right leg, bent at the knee, to the inside of the left hand, as if you wanted to touch it on the elbow.
- Hold in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
- Then repeat the exercise from the other leg, perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
How do you do it?
- Stand next to the chair so that you can lean on its back with your right hand (side to the chair).
- Now put your left hand behind your head and stretch your left leg to the side, putting it away from the right for some distance.
- Start lowering your left hand and simultaneously lifting your left leg to (ideally) touch your heel.
- Return to the starting position and perform 10-15 repetitions on each leg.
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: //steptohealth.ru/6-uprazhnenij-so-stulom-kotorye-pomogut-ubrat-boka/