20 spectacular photos of Nazi Germany from the personal photographer of Hitler
Eighty three million two hundred ninety four thousand four hundred fifty three
Hugo Jaeger was a personal photographer of Adolf Hitler before and during his reign. At the end of the Second world war, Hugo was forced to leave Germany, hiding your photo, and then burying them in the vicinity of Munich. Ten years later, Yeager found them, and carried to the storage in the Bank, subsequently selling his work in Life magazine.
Photo source: Rare Historical PhotosWebsite have collected for the reader rare color pictures of Nazi Germany and its leader, made by Hugo Jaeger.
Adolf Hitler in the building of the "Kroll Opera" at the meeting of the Reichstag, 1939
Hitler and Goebbels in Charlottenburgh theatre, 1939
SS troops take the oath of office, 1938
Harvest festival in Germany, 1934
Hitler during a visit to Nuremberg, 1937
Adolf Hitler speaks in front of soldiers of the Legion Condor, 1939
Festive illuminations in Berlin in celebration of Hitler, 1939
The people welcomed the participants of the campaign for the unification of Germany and Austraia, 1938
The Germans, consisting in the Union of German girls, give a speech in Nuremberg, 1938
Hitler in Nuremberg in 1938
Machine of Adolf Hitler in the streets of Nuremberg, 1938
Joseph Goebbels speaks to the people of Germany, 1938
Flags of the Nazi party of Germany in Nuremberg, 1938
The celebration in honor of veterans Day Reich in 1939
Adolf Hitler during the ceremony of laying the Foundation of the Volkswagen plant Works in 1938
People during the groundbreaking ceremony of the Volkswagen factory Works in 1938
via www.vintag.es/2017/02/these-20-rare-color-photographs-of-nazi.html
Hugo Jaeger was a personal photographer of Adolf Hitler before and during his reign. At the end of the Second world war, Hugo was forced to leave Germany, hiding your photo, and then burying them in the vicinity of Munich. Ten years later, Yeager found them, and carried to the storage in the Bank, subsequently selling his work in Life magazine.

Photo source: Rare Historical PhotosWebsite have collected for the reader rare color pictures of Nazi Germany and its leader, made by Hugo Jaeger.
Adolf Hitler in the building of the "Kroll Opera" at the meeting of the Reichstag, 1939

Hitler and Goebbels in Charlottenburgh theatre, 1939

SS troops take the oath of office, 1938

Harvest festival in Germany, 1934

Hitler during a visit to Nuremberg, 1937

Adolf Hitler speaks in front of soldiers of the Legion Condor, 1939

Festive illuminations in Berlin in celebration of Hitler, 1939

The people welcomed the participants of the campaign for the unification of Germany and Austraia, 1938

The Germans, consisting in the Union of German girls, give a speech in Nuremberg, 1938

Hitler in Nuremberg in 1938

Machine of Adolf Hitler in the streets of Nuremberg, 1938

Joseph Goebbels speaks to the people of Germany, 1938

Flags of the Nazi party of Germany in Nuremberg, 1938

The celebration in honor of veterans Day Reich in 1939

Adolf Hitler during the ceremony of laying the Foundation of the Volkswagen plant Works in 1938

People during the groundbreaking ceremony of the Volkswagen factory Works in 1938

via www.vintag.es/2017/02/these-20-rare-color-photographs-of-nazi.html