Great rogues
In a world full of heroes, one-day, trying something we "Provisional Government" and the right to the feeders, try to devote a moment to those who deserve respect. It's the guys from the same cloth as Oskar Schindler, a talent fraudsters to use your gift to good works, that when the situation demanded.
01. Raoul Wallenberg
In 1944, the only large Jewish community, to which may not have reached the hands of Hitler (a play on words «Hitler» and «halter» - «hang", "execute" - approx. Ed.), In trouble lurking in Budapest. To expel them from there, the Nazis sent to Hungary of bad little man by the name of Adolf Eichmann. The American Refugee Council by the time the war was suspicious of all types of wearing them Adolf and therefore sent the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, to give him to play for the "good guys».
Wallenberg did not really have much power because while Sweden remained a neutral state, but he was not going because of such trifles afford to sit idly by. Occupying a position in the Swedish embassy, he began to paint fake passports «schultzpass», bestowing saving Jews ticket to Sweden. Despite the fact that it was like that to get into the Pentagon, scribbling the word "pass" on a napkin, paper shultspassy that looked quite officially mostly "rolled" without causing any unnecessary questions.
And Wallenberg's heroic activity on this has not stopped. Soon he set off to shoot apartment buildings throughout Budapest, brazenly declaring their diplomatic immunity in Sweden and filling to capacity the Jews again, not having any power. Obviously, for fear of offending the mighty Sweden, none of Nazi boots would not dare cross the threshold of the houses, and their legitimate owners were limited only by the fact that, standing on the sidewalk, helplessly shaking his fist in the side of the building.
Through diplomatic work swindler Wallenberg's trip to the gas chamber for the thousands of Jews were arrested to the moment when the Soviet Army came to oust the Nazis. By that time, Adolf Eichmann tried to accelerate the mass executions by simply burning some Jewish ghetto. But not at the Raoul Wallenberg alive. He immediately found Eichmann and told him a man, that certainly would like to see for that hanged. Eichmann, in his eyes when he saw Wallenberg as blood boils Viking canceled carnage and escaped from Budapest, thus preserving seventy thousand lives. Who is it said that diplomacy will not achieve anything?
And since we are talking about the Nazis ... Juan Pujol Harpy
Juan (Giovanni) Pujol (Pujol) Garcia participated in the Spanish Civil War, and knew something of what hatred for fascism. So when the Nazis raided in Spain, Garcia offered his services to the British spy, when Britons responded that vacancies on the job is not available, Garcia still got his way, set in motion their ability to flawlessly "hang noodles on the ears».
Contacting the Nazi leadership, Garcia naplel them with three boxes of his fanatically pro-fascist beliefs and fervent desire to sow the good word in Britain Hitler. The Germans took him to work, to spy on the British Government, but Garcia took their money and went instead to Portugal, from time to time by sending their employers postcards Big Ben and complaining about the rainy weather in England, where he allegedly bezotluchno stayed. < br />
Of course, all work and Garcia was to supply the Nazi intelligence information about England, about which he knew nothing. So he just spent days of looking through newsreels, reading about the British Library and accumulating mountains of rubbish every stale and useless information. And as if that was not enough arrogant, Garcia started a recruitment imaginary sub-agents and began to build their own imaginary intelligence network in the country, which had never been. And he represented them costly statements. Would we know what they think the Nazi auditors when accidentally collided with a report on the costs of Hugh Jassim?
When the British reached to the rumor that this guy is happy with their glory the most hilarious and epic rally in history, they were re-revised its request to put it on the allowance. Now, supported by the UK government, Garcia and his new friends continued to expand its completely fictitious company, in order to suck the ever increasing salaries paid by the German government. Almost certainly, they wrote their letters in a fit of hysterical laughter, and kept hitting each other on the palm. In the end, Garcia fished out of the Nazi state in terms of today's dollars over four million.
Until it never came. At the end of the war for an honest and faithful service to the Third Reich Garcia presented the Iron Cross, making it one of the tiny handful of people who have received awards from both the warring parties of the Second World. When he was tired of it all, he faked his own death and went to Venezuela, where zaveduya bookstore for over forty years. And so it was. Juan Carlos I
Spain - a peaceful region of giant hats and luchadores (or perhaps we have something confusing), but in 1969 she was disgusted place, who was under the heavy yoke of the dictator Francisco Franco. Franco was not a legitimate king of Spain, but for decades dragged with the restoration of the monarchy because of fears that whoever he was crowned, this man could be the owner of the vile left-wing political views and to put down the drain all his hard work for the glory of fascism.
The grandson of the last legitimate King Juan Carlos planned to ingratiate himself to the dictator. But he did not do it, putting flowers in gun or melting ice will harden the heart of the old man. Carlos swore loyalty to the far-right party of Franco, rub shoulders with them, admittedly, he acted as the last smoothie lick famous places. By the time when the dying despot decided that he needed an heir for his vicious fascist regime, he chose Carlos assured that leaves the country in the good hands of the wicked.
What I did not know Franco, Carlos was just a hidden-liberal entertainer.
Franco was still a few old pals, who are not going to tolerate a sudden started a democratic nonsense, and in 1981 two hundred faithful Franco guards tried to carry out a coup d'etat in order to restore the fascist government. In response, Juan Carlos went on television and calmly asked the rebels to disperse, which they did, harmlessly.
Risto Ryti
During the Second World War, Finland was a neutral state (up to 06.25.1941), but only because of the fact that she could not decide which side she hates more. For Finnish President Risto Ryti choice ally the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, was similar to the question of whether to sleep in a bed full of spiders, or eat the contents of the latrine.
Tips Finland tried to attach more since then, when they decided that communism - it is something amazing, and they were going to share, regardless of the wishes of others. If you look at things realistically, the only way for Ryti prevent capture by the Soviets had come together with Hitler, muzhchinkoy to which no one but old kooky Mussolini did not want to light up in a single photo. The final decision Ruti was akin to "419 scam", but related to weapons.
He gave in Germany that, for anyone who does not bother reading between the lines, sounded like a solid guarantee - it decided that as long as the president remains, Finland and Germany will have a warm, intimate and trusting relationship. Germany at the thought that has found almost only friend in the world (who also was not goddamn Mussolini), feelings Finns sent a hefty batch of weapons and ammunition, as a genuine assurance of their union.
Once the weapons reached their destination, Risto immediately resigned from the post of president. His replacement Carl Mannerheim refused allegiance under the pretext that the union was valid as long as the power was Ryti, and the confused babble of the Nazis asked them to go away.
And so, armed to the teeth Finns signed a truce with the Soviet Union, grieving Nazis were left holding the bag, and Finland remained independent. A happy ending for all but Risto, who received ten years' imprisonment with hard labor for collaborating with the Nazis. Thanked Finland, have nothing to say.
Mohamed Al Fayed
If you've heard of Mohamed Al Fayed, the more likely something to do with his son, Dodi, who died in a car together with Princess Di. But Mohammed better known to many as an incredibly slick businessman who drew from a mad dictator voodoo everything that was of value, and was gone.
Al Fayed was an Egyptian businessman who made all their efforts, after passing over the years the way from a sales representative for Coca-Cola to the shipping magnate, but for some reason (perhaps bored) decided to acquire a small Caribbean countries, having thrown on the world map a toy dart, he "caught" a charter flight to Haiti, where he was to pretend to be rich sheikh from Kuwait. Soon he was introduced to "the Pope Doc" Duvalier, the Haitian dictator known for his complete madness.
It helped that one in Haiti, oddly enough, never heard of Kuwait, so it could just as well be named president of Absurdistan. In spite of everything, he began to enthusiastically pursue extravagant location paranoid dictator and nauseating methods are not just sending flowers to the palace Duvalier. In the words of a journalist, "Papa Doc was fascinated and blinded Fayed».
When it comes to tipchiki, whose mind rests barely enough to tie their own shoelaces itself, all that is really needed - a charm. Soon Duvalier suggested Fayed fifty contract for the development of all the oil in Haiti. This did not stop, and Fayed were assigned ship-port case, and, in the end, he even managed to climb into bed with the daughter of the Pope's Docks and almost become the heir to the throne of the accursed. Maybe he could ask to rename the Port-au-Prince in the "Fayedvill", and it would have gone away with it.
And what ended scheme? Papa Doc, experiencing financial difficulties, began to demand from Fayed despicable gift in miserable thirty thousand dollars. Fayed immediately booked a ticket for the next plane to the island having on his personal bank account all money funds seaport.
Wilhelm Canaris
Again we will have to draw their attention to Hitler and the Nazis, who, according to all the evidence, marked the beginning of the golden age of all these heroic crafty characters a la Schindler.
Wilhelm Canaris was a German conspirator, determined enemy of Hitler, implicated in numerous ingenious plans aimed at, to knock out the Fuhrer of the game. He also had to lead the Abwehr - German military intelligence. Hitler should carefully check the summary of Man.
The fact that Canaris ran the service, whose purpose is to sniff out and catch the secret rebels was a great relief for all rebels-conspirators lurking in the ranks of the Nazis. But more importantly, due mainly to the rice-Kahn rest of the world knew exactly the ins and outs of the Nazi regime. He secretly transmit detailed reports on Nazi atrocities to the Vatican, as well as France and Britain warned of impending invasion. It's not really worked in the case of France, but the fact that the UK did not cut down the move unexpected onset, at least, is partly his merit.
Throughout his short career, the main German spy, Canaris was actively involved in a number of foreign and domestic operations, aims to assassinate Hitler. Unfortunately, Hitler's luck. When it did not work out, Canaris went ahead and tried to arrange a behind Hitler's peace treaty with the Allies. Although British intelligence was both hands on the deal, but President Roosevelt refused to deal with "these Prussian Junkers».
Hitler did not understand that the agent his principal intelligence led him by the nose, until July 1944, when the dramatic failed last attempt Canaris neutralize Hitler, but even after a year of torture, he remained silent, leaving Hitler guessing why it is not I love so many people.
That's all I wanted to say.
01. Raoul Wallenberg

In 1944, the only large Jewish community, to which may not have reached the hands of Hitler (a play on words «Hitler» and «halter» - «hang", "execute" - approx. Ed.), In trouble lurking in Budapest. To expel them from there, the Nazis sent to Hungary of bad little man by the name of Adolf Eichmann. The American Refugee Council by the time the war was suspicious of all types of wearing them Adolf and therefore sent the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, to give him to play for the "good guys».
Wallenberg did not really have much power because while Sweden remained a neutral state, but he was not going because of such trifles afford to sit idly by. Occupying a position in the Swedish embassy, he began to paint fake passports «schultzpass», bestowing saving Jews ticket to Sweden. Despite the fact that it was like that to get into the Pentagon, scribbling the word "pass" on a napkin, paper shultspassy that looked quite officially mostly "rolled" without causing any unnecessary questions.
And Wallenberg's heroic activity on this has not stopped. Soon he set off to shoot apartment buildings throughout Budapest, brazenly declaring their diplomatic immunity in Sweden and filling to capacity the Jews again, not having any power. Obviously, for fear of offending the mighty Sweden, none of Nazi boots would not dare cross the threshold of the houses, and their legitimate owners were limited only by the fact that, standing on the sidewalk, helplessly shaking his fist in the side of the building.
Through diplomatic work swindler Wallenberg's trip to the gas chamber for the thousands of Jews were arrested to the moment when the Soviet Army came to oust the Nazis. By that time, Adolf Eichmann tried to accelerate the mass executions by simply burning some Jewish ghetto. But not at the Raoul Wallenberg alive. He immediately found Eichmann and told him a man, that certainly would like to see for that hanged. Eichmann, in his eyes when he saw Wallenberg as blood boils Viking canceled carnage and escaped from Budapest, thus preserving seventy thousand lives. Who is it said that diplomacy will not achieve anything?
And since we are talking about the Nazis ... Juan Pujol Harpy
Juan (Giovanni) Pujol (Pujol) Garcia participated in the Spanish Civil War, and knew something of what hatred for fascism. So when the Nazis raided in Spain, Garcia offered his services to the British spy, when Britons responded that vacancies on the job is not available, Garcia still got his way, set in motion their ability to flawlessly "hang noodles on the ears».
Contacting the Nazi leadership, Garcia naplel them with three boxes of his fanatically pro-fascist beliefs and fervent desire to sow the good word in Britain Hitler. The Germans took him to work, to spy on the British Government, but Garcia took their money and went instead to Portugal, from time to time by sending their employers postcards Big Ben and complaining about the rainy weather in England, where he allegedly bezotluchno stayed. < br />
Of course, all work and Garcia was to supply the Nazi intelligence information about England, about which he knew nothing. So he just spent days of looking through newsreels, reading about the British Library and accumulating mountains of rubbish every stale and useless information. And as if that was not enough arrogant, Garcia started a recruitment imaginary sub-agents and began to build their own imaginary intelligence network in the country, which had never been. And he represented them costly statements. Would we know what they think the Nazi auditors when accidentally collided with a report on the costs of Hugh Jassim?
When the British reached to the rumor that this guy is happy with their glory the most hilarious and epic rally in history, they were re-revised its request to put it on the allowance. Now, supported by the UK government, Garcia and his new friends continued to expand its completely fictitious company, in order to suck the ever increasing salaries paid by the German government. Almost certainly, they wrote their letters in a fit of hysterical laughter, and kept hitting each other on the palm. In the end, Garcia fished out of the Nazi state in terms of today's dollars over four million.
Until it never came. At the end of the war for an honest and faithful service to the Third Reich Garcia presented the Iron Cross, making it one of the tiny handful of people who have received awards from both the warring parties of the Second World. When he was tired of it all, he faked his own death and went to Venezuela, where zaveduya bookstore for over forty years. And so it was. Juan Carlos I
Spain - a peaceful region of giant hats and luchadores (or perhaps we have something confusing), but in 1969 she was disgusted place, who was under the heavy yoke of the dictator Francisco Franco. Franco was not a legitimate king of Spain, but for decades dragged with the restoration of the monarchy because of fears that whoever he was crowned, this man could be the owner of the vile left-wing political views and to put down the drain all his hard work for the glory of fascism.
The grandson of the last legitimate King Juan Carlos planned to ingratiate himself to the dictator. But he did not do it, putting flowers in gun or melting ice will harden the heart of the old man. Carlos swore loyalty to the far-right party of Franco, rub shoulders with them, admittedly, he acted as the last smoothie lick famous places. By the time when the dying despot decided that he needed an heir for his vicious fascist regime, he chose Carlos assured that leaves the country in the good hands of the wicked.
What I did not know Franco, Carlos was just a hidden-liberal entertainer.
Franco was still a few old pals, who are not going to tolerate a sudden started a democratic nonsense, and in 1981 two hundred faithful Franco guards tried to carry out a coup d'etat in order to restore the fascist government. In response, Juan Carlos went on television and calmly asked the rebels to disperse, which they did, harmlessly.

Risto Ryti
During the Second World War, Finland was a neutral state (up to 06.25.1941), but only because of the fact that she could not decide which side she hates more. For Finnish President Risto Ryti choice ally the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, was similar to the question of whether to sleep in a bed full of spiders, or eat the contents of the latrine.
Tips Finland tried to attach more since then, when they decided that communism - it is something amazing, and they were going to share, regardless of the wishes of others. If you look at things realistically, the only way for Ryti prevent capture by the Soviets had come together with Hitler, muzhchinkoy to which no one but old kooky Mussolini did not want to light up in a single photo. The final decision Ruti was akin to "419 scam", but related to weapons.
He gave in Germany that, for anyone who does not bother reading between the lines, sounded like a solid guarantee - it decided that as long as the president remains, Finland and Germany will have a warm, intimate and trusting relationship. Germany at the thought that has found almost only friend in the world (who also was not goddamn Mussolini), feelings Finns sent a hefty batch of weapons and ammunition, as a genuine assurance of their union.
Once the weapons reached their destination, Risto immediately resigned from the post of president. His replacement Carl Mannerheim refused allegiance under the pretext that the union was valid as long as the power was Ryti, and the confused babble of the Nazis asked them to go away.
And so, armed to the teeth Finns signed a truce with the Soviet Union, grieving Nazis were left holding the bag, and Finland remained independent. A happy ending for all but Risto, who received ten years' imprisonment with hard labor for collaborating with the Nazis. Thanked Finland, have nothing to say.

Mohamed Al Fayed
If you've heard of Mohamed Al Fayed, the more likely something to do with his son, Dodi, who died in a car together with Princess Di. But Mohammed better known to many as an incredibly slick businessman who drew from a mad dictator voodoo everything that was of value, and was gone.
Al Fayed was an Egyptian businessman who made all their efforts, after passing over the years the way from a sales representative for Coca-Cola to the shipping magnate, but for some reason (perhaps bored) decided to acquire a small Caribbean countries, having thrown on the world map a toy dart, he "caught" a charter flight to Haiti, where he was to pretend to be rich sheikh from Kuwait. Soon he was introduced to "the Pope Doc" Duvalier, the Haitian dictator known for his complete madness.
It helped that one in Haiti, oddly enough, never heard of Kuwait, so it could just as well be named president of Absurdistan. In spite of everything, he began to enthusiastically pursue extravagant location paranoid dictator and nauseating methods are not just sending flowers to the palace Duvalier. In the words of a journalist, "Papa Doc was fascinated and blinded Fayed».
When it comes to tipchiki, whose mind rests barely enough to tie their own shoelaces itself, all that is really needed - a charm. Soon Duvalier suggested Fayed fifty contract for the development of all the oil in Haiti. This did not stop, and Fayed were assigned ship-port case, and, in the end, he even managed to climb into bed with the daughter of the Pope's Docks and almost become the heir to the throne of the accursed. Maybe he could ask to rename the Port-au-Prince in the "Fayedvill", and it would have gone away with it.
And what ended scheme? Papa Doc, experiencing financial difficulties, began to demand from Fayed despicable gift in miserable thirty thousand dollars. Fayed immediately booked a ticket for the next plane to the island having on his personal bank account all money funds seaport.

Wilhelm Canaris
Again we will have to draw their attention to Hitler and the Nazis, who, according to all the evidence, marked the beginning of the golden age of all these heroic crafty characters a la Schindler.
Wilhelm Canaris was a German conspirator, determined enemy of Hitler, implicated in numerous ingenious plans aimed at, to knock out the Fuhrer of the game. He also had to lead the Abwehr - German military intelligence. Hitler should carefully check the summary of Man.
The fact that Canaris ran the service, whose purpose is to sniff out and catch the secret rebels was a great relief for all rebels-conspirators lurking in the ranks of the Nazis. But more importantly, due mainly to the rice-Kahn rest of the world knew exactly the ins and outs of the Nazi regime. He secretly transmit detailed reports on Nazi atrocities to the Vatican, as well as France and Britain warned of impending invasion. It's not really worked in the case of France, but the fact that the UK did not cut down the move unexpected onset, at least, is partly his merit.
Throughout his short career, the main German spy, Canaris was actively involved in a number of foreign and domestic operations, aims to assassinate Hitler. Unfortunately, Hitler's luck. When it did not work out, Canaris went ahead and tried to arrange a behind Hitler's peace treaty with the Allies. Although British intelligence was both hands on the deal, but President Roosevelt refused to deal with "these Prussian Junkers».
Hitler did not understand that the agent his principal intelligence led him by the nose, until July 1944, when the dramatic failed last attempt Canaris neutralize Hitler, but even after a year of torture, he remained silent, leaving Hitler guessing why it is not I love so many people.
That's all I wanted to say.
