Do not let your heart be lazy! Prescription health from Junes.
Any disease, considered a healer dzhuna, the result of Unforgiven offenses. If a person saves a angry and negative, always worrying, not surprisingly, comes the disease.
It is important to constantly monitor his physical body, it is equally important to sensitively observe what happens in the shower. If you have a difficult period, you have a lot of nervous and I can't find the key to harmony, be sure to read these recommendations. Wise, wonderful man was June, and that's what she was never tired of talking to loved ones: our life is what we think about it.
How to find harmony
For the body to remain young and healthy, juna drank beet tincture for cleansing the body. The course is 2 weeks, then 2 week break, and again be repeated! This infusion will not only help to improve digestion, it also will lower cholesterol and blood sugar, purify the liver.
Beet tincture prescription Goingreen
Man is composed of body and soul, you have to take care equally about physical health and spiritual. This is the key to health, happiness and harmony.
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
It is important to constantly monitor his physical body, it is equally important to sensitively observe what happens in the shower. If you have a difficult period, you have a lot of nervous and I can't find the key to harmony, be sure to read these recommendations. Wise, wonderful man was June, and that's what she was never tired of talking to loved ones: our life is what we think about it.

How to find harmony
- Forgiveness
If you have a problem, it does not matter in what areas, it's a sign. So, we need to forgive someone! There is a great technique that dissolves all grievances. Imagine the person you want to forgive, on the stage. Imagine that happening to him, something good, something that he always dreamed of. Let him leave the stage and put in its place yourself. Imagine that you're happy and your dream becomes a reality!
A month later, a small daily practice your life will be a hundred times better! You'll never have to worry about how to find peace: he will come quickly himself.
© DepositPhotos - Activity
Do not let your heart be lazy! At least an hour a day walk, walk the stairs, do not forget to do exercises. Activity is important for the heart muscle, if you accustom yourself to a passive lifestyle, you're living half-heartedly. It turns out, the approaching old age and the onset of the disease. - Massage
Through touch your body, you Express love for him. Daily facial massage, facial muscle relaxation will help you to get rid of the clips, can stop headaches and insomnia. Massage your face at least 5 minutes a day and 10 minute foot, neck. Well, if you have a loved one who can give you a massage. But even if it is not, does not matter: self-massage is also effective!
© DepositPhotos - Thoughts
Watch what you think! Without a moment to waste thinking about the people who make you uncomfortable. Don't think about bad events, which I'm afraid. Here's how to find peace of mind: you have to subjugate your own thinking. Hard to follow the thoughts and train yourself to do it constantly, but need to try. This is the secret of good health and youthful appearance of many old-timers: they didn't poison yourself with bad thoughts!
© DepositPhotos - Respect
Respect yourself, remember, there is worldwide the second of a man like you. Envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide! Not respecting yourself, you're killing yourself in life. The realization of self-worth and can develop their daily hard work, paying attention to all your thoughts and all your deeds.
© DepositPhotos - Future
Appreciate the present as much as you appreciate yourself today! What does it mean? It is important to be able to deny yourself immediate pleasure for the sake of happiness in the future. Don't betray yourself never, worry about how it is received. It means not to drink the odd glass of alcohol, to-morrow wasn't bad; to abandon spontaneous purchases now, then to have enough money for all planned; to give up desserts for the sake of future beautiful shape and future health; resist the temptation, which in the future will entail serious consequences.
Remember: you now, your health now is the result of multiple betrayals you yourself in the past. Or, on the contrary, the result of your good things first and foremost in relation to itself.
© DepositPhotos
For the body to remain young and healthy, juna drank beet tincture for cleansing the body. The course is 2 weeks, then 2 week break, and again be repeated! This infusion will not only help to improve digestion, it also will lower cholesterol and blood sugar, purify the liver.
Beet tincture prescription Goingreen
- 1 medium beet
- 1 liter of boiled water
- the crust of black bread
- Clean raw beets, cut into small pieces. Place the beets in a quart jar, add a crust of black bread.
- Insist beets for 3 days in a warm place. Take off the foam and put a jar of tincture in the refrigerator.
- Take 125 g of the cleansing miracle of infusion 3 times a day before meals.
Man is composed of body and soul, you have to take care equally about physical health and spiritual. This is the key to health, happiness and harmony.
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
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