6 exercises for the senses of Oriental medicine
The sense organs include the mouth, nose, ears and eyes. According to the views of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a close connection between the senses and the internal organs of the body. For example, language related to the heart, eyes liver, kidneys – ears, lungs with the nose and podesavam groove. Therefore, the condition of the senses affects the internal organs.
Seven million seven hundred eight thousand four hundred eighty one
1. Eye exercise.
Keep your head straight and the eyes closed. Do the 9 times the rotation of the eyeballs left to right and then from right to left 9 times. Do it regularly and often. Will help prevent impaired vision in middle and old age.
2. Exercise for the language.
To breath suck on the language of the upper jaw, silently reciting in my mind the sound of "hush", hold on a moment, continuing to lick the upper jaw tongue, silently saying the sound "heh". At this time point the air down the abdomen, slowly lower the tip of your tongue and slowly exhale while silently saying the sound "si". This exercise helps to connect the meridians Du and Ren, to develop the seed and keep the fluids of the body. (Du and Ren are two of the eight additional (so-called "wonderful") meridians. The first is the sea of Yang meridians, performing the leading role among them. And the second is the sea of Yin meridians, coordinating the work of all Yin meridians.)
Seventeen million eight hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred ninety five
3. Exercise for the ears.
Gently massage the back of the ears with the pads of your thumbs from the bottom up 49 times. Then insert the tips of the little fingers in the ear canals and shake them 49 times, sharply pulling at the end. Middle fingers pressing on the tragus, clamp the ears 49 times. Helps with ringing in the ears and noninfectious diseases of the ears.
4. Exercise for Ren-Jun.
Close your eyes and with the thumb of one hand massage, pressing lightly, to the point Ren-Zhong (center podnosioca of the groove).
Helps with Meniere's disease and a temporary distraction.
5. Exercise for Ying Xiang.
RUB the pads of my middle fingers, moving them back and forth, point-in-Xiang, until they become warm. "Nurture" Ying Xiang the internal energy of the fingers. (Point Ying Xiang is located on both sides of the nose wings, in the lateral sulcus.) Helps prevent and cure the frostbite on the nose and acne.
6. Exercise for the teeth.
Traditional exercise includes the clicking of teeth, the mixing of the saliva, rinsed with saliva and swelling. It may be done in the following way.
Woke up in the morning or going to sleep in the evening, click on the molars, then the front, then the right and left canines. Click separately. Necessary to execute it in the above sequence because the teeth are spaced unequally and click all at the same time is not possible.
After each Poselkovaya stir tongue around the bases of the teeth, gums and inside the cheeks. The allocation of large amounts of saliva will hold it in your mouth a few times, rinse her teeth, then slowly swallowed.In traditional Chinese medicine, saliva is considered to be one of the vital fluids of the body, which is not proper to spit.
Next step is to massage the language of the gums. It helps to make a smooth blood circulation in the gums.Tightly squeeze your teeth and puff out your cheeks. When you stand out an abundance of saliva, it slowly spotlite. These exercises take about 10 minutes. As to how many times they should repeat any of the restrictions exist, but at least you should do them once in 40-50. If you have any desire to repeat them several hundred times, you can afford it.
In between we would like to give another way to strengthen the teeth. When urinating, close your eyes, hold your breath and bite down on it. It's called "close the gates of heaven", thus strengthening the teeth. In such a way to protect their teeth is used by many elderly people.
Why is the compression of the teeth strengthens them? Because when you compress massaged their base, increases blood flow, and consolidating and strengthening occurs naturally. Because in the process of obtaining the nutrients your body teeth have a high priority, year-round care of them benefits the body. Thus, diligence in clicking your teeth helps prolong life. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_7487
Seven million seven hundred eight thousand four hundred eighty one
1. Eye exercise.
Keep your head straight and the eyes closed. Do the 9 times the rotation of the eyeballs left to right and then from right to left 9 times. Do it regularly and often. Will help prevent impaired vision in middle and old age.
2. Exercise for the language.
To breath suck on the language of the upper jaw, silently reciting in my mind the sound of "hush", hold on a moment, continuing to lick the upper jaw tongue, silently saying the sound "heh". At this time point the air down the abdomen, slowly lower the tip of your tongue and slowly exhale while silently saying the sound "si". This exercise helps to connect the meridians Du and Ren, to develop the seed and keep the fluids of the body. (Du and Ren are two of the eight additional (so-called "wonderful") meridians. The first is the sea of Yang meridians, performing the leading role among them. And the second is the sea of Yin meridians, coordinating the work of all Yin meridians.)
Seventeen million eight hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred ninety five
3. Exercise for the ears.
Gently massage the back of the ears with the pads of your thumbs from the bottom up 49 times. Then insert the tips of the little fingers in the ear canals and shake them 49 times, sharply pulling at the end. Middle fingers pressing on the tragus, clamp the ears 49 times. Helps with ringing in the ears and noninfectious diseases of the ears.
4. Exercise for Ren-Jun.
Close your eyes and with the thumb of one hand massage, pressing lightly, to the point Ren-Zhong (center podnosioca of the groove).
Helps with Meniere's disease and a temporary distraction.
5. Exercise for Ying Xiang.
RUB the pads of my middle fingers, moving them back and forth, point-in-Xiang, until they become warm. "Nurture" Ying Xiang the internal energy of the fingers. (Point Ying Xiang is located on both sides of the nose wings, in the lateral sulcus.) Helps prevent and cure the frostbite on the nose and acne.
6. Exercise for the teeth.
Traditional exercise includes the clicking of teeth, the mixing of the saliva, rinsed with saliva and swelling. It may be done in the following way.
Woke up in the morning or going to sleep in the evening, click on the molars, then the front, then the right and left canines. Click separately. Necessary to execute it in the above sequence because the teeth are spaced unequally and click all at the same time is not possible.
After each Poselkovaya stir tongue around the bases of the teeth, gums and inside the cheeks. The allocation of large amounts of saliva will hold it in your mouth a few times, rinse her teeth, then slowly swallowed.In traditional Chinese medicine, saliva is considered to be one of the vital fluids of the body, which is not proper to spit.
Next step is to massage the language of the gums. It helps to make a smooth blood circulation in the gums.Tightly squeeze your teeth and puff out your cheeks. When you stand out an abundance of saliva, it slowly spotlite. These exercises take about 10 minutes. As to how many times they should repeat any of the restrictions exist, but at least you should do them once in 40-50. If you have any desire to repeat them several hundred times, you can afford it.
In between we would like to give another way to strengthen the teeth. When urinating, close your eyes, hold your breath and bite down on it. It's called "close the gates of heaven", thus strengthening the teeth. In such a way to protect their teeth is used by many elderly people.
Why is the compression of the teeth strengthens them? Because when you compress massaged their base, increases blood flow, and consolidating and strengthening occurs naturally. Because in the process of obtaining the nutrients your body teeth have a high priority, year-round care of them benefits the body. Thus, diligence in clicking your teeth helps prolong life. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_7487