Folk remedies for inflammation of the gums
Ninety one million six hundred ninety one thousand five hundred seventy six
The gums can become inflamed very often, the lack of vitamin C. Sometimes the cause of inflammation serve as medical drugs that cause bleeding and swelling of the gums. Therefore, before using drugs it is better to consult a doctor. However, in most cases, inflammation of the gums caused by bacteria.
The symptoms of gum inflammation:
Redness, swelling, and bleeding gums.
Possible itching of the gums and pain when eating.
The appearance of pain when exposed to temperature and chemical stimuli
In the morning drink carrot or cabbage juice. Be sure to include in your diet sauerkraut. It relieves inflammation of the gums. While the cabbage is better to chew. So, you create stress for the gums and teeth.
Salt when inflammation of the gums
C inflammation of the gums copes salt. You can take the sea or, in extreme cases, the cookery. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Postprandial dip in a solution of a toothbrush and brush her gums and teeth. You can at least once a day rubbed into the gums sea salt.
A miraculous mixture for the gums
A few tablespoons of sea salt grind in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Thoroughly rinse and clean a few bananas. Peel them dry with paper towels and also chop. Mix the salt with the powder from the skins of plantains, add the olive oil. The dough should turn out as mush. It lubricate the affected places. Have to endure the pain. The procedure was performed in the morning and evening. Very quickly the gums will be healthy
Vodka cinnamon from gum inflammation
Take advantage of the popular recipe from inflammation of the gums. You will need vodka and cinnamon. They say that these two funds are perfectly treat the inflammation of the gums. In a glass of vodka, add 6-8 tablespoons of cinnamon. Allow to steep (preferably a week). Strain. A solution for rinsing the oral cavity and teeth ready. In any case do not swallow it!
The celandine will reduce inflammation of gums
One tablespoon of herbs to chop, add water and cook on a slow fire for half an hour. Then cover the container lid and place in a cool place. Keep forty minutes. The resulting infusion to drain. Rinsing them from your mouth. Carefully especially where there is inflammation. Believe me, after some time of their trouble you will not even remember
Hypericum perforatum healthier gums
To prevent gum disease use St. John's wort. Make a strong infusion. At night, always rinse their throats, teeth and gums. If no St. John's wort, can you buy pharmacy tincture of this herb and dilute it with water.
Aloe Vera for healthy gums
When inflammation of the gums of the aloe leaf make a paste. Insist in an enamel container, which is subsequently put on the stove, bring the resulting slurry to a boil. Then strain, allow to infuse. After regularly rinse their mouths. The proceeds from the aloe store in a cool and dark place.
BlackBerry strengthens the gums
A great tonic for the gums — leaves of BlackBerry. They need to chew daily.
To strengthen the gums and teeth will help coffee
The recipe is quite simple, although it requires time to prepare. Need natural coffee beans and powdered sugar. Coffee beans roast in a hot pan so that they are charred. Don't be afraid to overcook. The more fried, the better. Grain to be ground into powder using the grinder. Then mix 1 part ground coffee to 2 parts powdered sugar. This mixture should be massaged gums. The easiest way to do it with a soft toothbrush in order not to injure the already weak gums. This massage is carried out 2 — 3 times a day. After the massage, you need to rinse your mouth with a special solution. It also strengthens the gums and removes them bleeding. Solution will buy in the drugstore tincture of calendula 1 tablespoon of tincture diluted in 1/2 Cup of boiled warm water and this solution to rinse your mouth after each massage. So you can get rid of inflammation and bleeding gums in a few weeks
Strengthen your gums, so they are not inflamed
Often inflamed gums? They hurt and bleed?
There is a lovely traditional medicines, time-tested. For example, such.
• Strengthen gums will help treatment with honey and salt. To do this, take 1 tbsp of honey
stir in 1 tsp salt and RUB the mixture into the gums. In order to use this mixture, you must wait for salt..
Strengthen your gums, so they are not inflamed
Often inflamed gums? They hurt and bleed?
There is a lovely traditional medicines, time-tested. For example, such.
• Strengthen gums will help treatment with honey and salt. To do this, take 1 tbsp of honey
stir in 1 tsp salt and RUB the mixture into the gums. In order to use this mixture, you must wait for the salt to fully dissolve in the honey.
• Also very good for rose oil. From it is the looseness of the gums, they cease
to hurt and become inflamed. Mix it with any vegetable oil in the proportion: 4 drops rose oil 2 tbsp regular.
You can rinse your mouth with infusion of rose petals. Take them out 2 tablespoons, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and let stand, and rinse with warm infusion. Use only homemade roses, and not purchased with "chemistry". If you have your own roses, choose natural oil of roses.
And you can mix 2 parts of powder of oak bark and 1 part lime color. Pour 1 tsp. of the mixture 1 Cup boiling water, put on fire and heat for 3 minutes. Then let stand to cool, then strain. Rinse your mouth with warm broth several times a day.
These procedures relieve the pain and redness of the gums, strengthens them, reduces the bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. To achieve a stable result, do not terminate the treatment half way and engage in rubbing and rinsing 2-3 months in a row.
Source: samsebelekar.ru/index/narodnye_sredstva_pri_vospalenii_desen/0-961
The gums can become inflamed very often, the lack of vitamin C. Sometimes the cause of inflammation serve as medical drugs that cause bleeding and swelling of the gums. Therefore, before using drugs it is better to consult a doctor. However, in most cases, inflammation of the gums caused by bacteria.
The symptoms of gum inflammation:
Redness, swelling, and bleeding gums.
Possible itching of the gums and pain when eating.
The appearance of pain when exposed to temperature and chemical stimuli
In the morning drink carrot or cabbage juice. Be sure to include in your diet sauerkraut. It relieves inflammation of the gums. While the cabbage is better to chew. So, you create stress for the gums and teeth.
Salt when inflammation of the gums
C inflammation of the gums copes salt. You can take the sea or, in extreme cases, the cookery. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water. Postprandial dip in a solution of a toothbrush and brush her gums and teeth. You can at least once a day rubbed into the gums sea salt.
A miraculous mixture for the gums
A few tablespoons of sea salt grind in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Thoroughly rinse and clean a few bananas. Peel them dry with paper towels and also chop. Mix the salt with the powder from the skins of plantains, add the olive oil. The dough should turn out as mush. It lubricate the affected places. Have to endure the pain. The procedure was performed in the morning and evening. Very quickly the gums will be healthy
Vodka cinnamon from gum inflammation
Take advantage of the popular recipe from inflammation of the gums. You will need vodka and cinnamon. They say that these two funds are perfectly treat the inflammation of the gums. In a glass of vodka, add 6-8 tablespoons of cinnamon. Allow to steep (preferably a week). Strain. A solution for rinsing the oral cavity and teeth ready. In any case do not swallow it!
The celandine will reduce inflammation of gums
One tablespoon of herbs to chop, add water and cook on a slow fire for half an hour. Then cover the container lid and place in a cool place. Keep forty minutes. The resulting infusion to drain. Rinsing them from your mouth. Carefully especially where there is inflammation. Believe me, after some time of their trouble you will not even remember
Hypericum perforatum healthier gums
To prevent gum disease use St. John's wort. Make a strong infusion. At night, always rinse their throats, teeth and gums. If no St. John's wort, can you buy pharmacy tincture of this herb and dilute it with water.
Aloe Vera for healthy gums
When inflammation of the gums of the aloe leaf make a paste. Insist in an enamel container, which is subsequently put on the stove, bring the resulting slurry to a boil. Then strain, allow to infuse. After regularly rinse their mouths. The proceeds from the aloe store in a cool and dark place.
BlackBerry strengthens the gums
A great tonic for the gums — leaves of BlackBerry. They need to chew daily.
To strengthen the gums and teeth will help coffee
The recipe is quite simple, although it requires time to prepare. Need natural coffee beans and powdered sugar. Coffee beans roast in a hot pan so that they are charred. Don't be afraid to overcook. The more fried, the better. Grain to be ground into powder using the grinder. Then mix 1 part ground coffee to 2 parts powdered sugar. This mixture should be massaged gums. The easiest way to do it with a soft toothbrush in order not to injure the already weak gums. This massage is carried out 2 — 3 times a day. After the massage, you need to rinse your mouth with a special solution. It also strengthens the gums and removes them bleeding. Solution will buy in the drugstore tincture of calendula 1 tablespoon of tincture diluted in 1/2 Cup of boiled warm water and this solution to rinse your mouth after each massage. So you can get rid of inflammation and bleeding gums in a few weeks
Strengthen your gums, so they are not inflamed
Often inflamed gums? They hurt and bleed?
There is a lovely traditional medicines, time-tested. For example, such.
• Strengthen gums will help treatment with honey and salt. To do this, take 1 tbsp of honey
stir in 1 tsp salt and RUB the mixture into the gums. In order to use this mixture, you must wait for salt..
Strengthen your gums, so they are not inflamed
Often inflamed gums? They hurt and bleed?
There is a lovely traditional medicines, time-tested. For example, such.
• Strengthen gums will help treatment with honey and salt. To do this, take 1 tbsp of honey
stir in 1 tsp salt and RUB the mixture into the gums. In order to use this mixture, you must wait for the salt to fully dissolve in the honey.
• Also very good for rose oil. From it is the looseness of the gums, they cease
to hurt and become inflamed. Mix it with any vegetable oil in the proportion: 4 drops rose oil 2 tbsp regular.
You can rinse your mouth with infusion of rose petals. Take them out 2 tablespoons, pour 0.5 cups of boiling water and let stand, and rinse with warm infusion. Use only homemade roses, and not purchased with "chemistry". If you have your own roses, choose natural oil of roses.
And you can mix 2 parts of powder of oak bark and 1 part lime color. Pour 1 tsp. of the mixture 1 Cup boiling water, put on fire and heat for 3 minutes. Then let stand to cool, then strain. Rinse your mouth with warm broth several times a day.
These procedures relieve the pain and redness of the gums, strengthens them, reduces the bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms. To achieve a stable result, do not terminate the treatment half way and engage in rubbing and rinsing 2-3 months in a row.
Source: samsebelekar.ru/index/narodnye_sredstva_pri_vospalenii_desen/0-961